Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 56

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 56

Chapter56 Friends & Confessions

Scarlett had returned to where the rest were training, and they spent a good hour doing seriously gruelling training. She had to admit Liam knew his stuff, pushing them all to their limits. Elijah was brutal too, commanding, firm and didn’t sympathise with anyone. Watching him made her chest swell with pride and her stomach flutter in admiration. He truly was an excellent Alpha already.

He didn’t ask her what she had talked to Fiona about and she wondered if he would later. They had just finished when Angela came over to Scarlett who was lying on her back on one of the mats, both women now soaked in sweat.

“Soo, we need to go shopping.” Angela said bending over her hands on her knees.

“Why?” Scarlett groaned as she sat up.

“For the Blood Moon Ceremony?” Angela replied, as if this was the most obvious thing. Scarlett sighed; she wasn’t sure it was something she was looking forward to. Elijah’s adamance they could be mates was making her hopeful and she knew even if he chose her, knowing that she wasn’t meant for him would still hurt.

“I’ll order something online, ASOS had some nice dresses.”

“No! We are going shopping. End of story. Want me to get Elijah?” Angela said crossing her arms.

“Get me for what?” Elijah said from behind, his vest top damp with sweat, making Scarlett’s eyes run over him taking in every dip and curve of his sexy body. She knew he kept his shirt on thanks to the scratch marks that she had covered his back with but she was glad, she didn’t need all the she-wolves to check out her man. He smirked seeing her gaze trail over him, wanting to pull her close and kiss her right there.

“Scarlett isn’t interested in dressing up for the mating ceremony.” Angela stated, giving her friend a dirty look.

“I didn’t say that, I said I can shop online.”

“Only losers shop online, like I’m getting a designer gown.” Keira’s nasally voice came, making Elijah wince, stepping aside as she pushed forward in her tiny bra and shorts.

“Then get your designer gown, I’m not interested.” Scarlett said.

“Why are you even going, like aren’t you marked already?” Keira said. Elijah’s eyes flashed but Scarlett placed a hand on his chest, trying to ignore the way he felt under her touch.

“It’s none of your business, now get the hell out of my face.” Scarlett said coldly.

“Yeah, like whatever… Alpha, will you be going to the ball?” Keira asked hopefully, although she knew she wasn’t his mate she still wouldn’t mind using any excuse to be around him.

“Of course, he’s going, we need our Luna.” Aaron said as he and Monica came over, Elijah looked at him. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’ve already chosen my Luna but yes I will be going to this party.” He said coldly. Aaron’s eyebrow shot up in curiosity.

“Right, I think me and my boy need a chat. You girls should go shopping together?” He suggested.

“I’m not going to the ball remember?” Monica said pouting, Aaron smirked.

“Take my card baby, buy whatever you want, have fun.”

Angela and Scarlett exchanged looks as they stared at Keira, neither wanting to go shopping with her.

“Wait, I don’t think this is a good idea-” Scarlett began when Elijah smirked at her.

“I think it’s a good idea, don’t girls like shopping together?” He said.

“No!” Angela said. Monica let out a nervous giggle.

“Keira aren’t your friends going shopping?” She said sensing the growing annoyance. Keira glared at her.

“Well yeah and it’s clear we have more taste then you lot, so let’s see what you bitches come up with!” She said unhappy that she wasn’t wanted.

“Aaron seriously!” Scarlett snapped once Kiera was gone.

“Hey, I was only trying to help…” Aaron said then mind linked Elijah. ‘Come on, I want to know the special lady.’

‘You’ve met her.’ Elijah replied back through the mind link before turning to Scarlett. “Ok, how about this? Go shopping, meet me and the boys at the Flaming Grill House at 7?”

“Yes!” Angela said before Scarlett could even reply.

“7? Are we shopping until 7?!” Scarlett said, her eyes widening. She didn’t mind shopping, in fact she loved shopping, but online.

“We all know girls take forever.” Aaron said, earning a frown from Monica.

“Ok what boys though?” Angela asked curiously.

“Just Liam, me and Aaron.” Elijah said walking over to where he had dropped his phone before training. He picked it up and slid his card out and held it out to Scarlett whose eyes widened.

“I’ll text you the pin.” He said making her look at him. Monica smiled thinking they got on well, whilst Aaron frowned curiously.

“Alright! Let’s go!” Angela said, hooking arms with both women before she dragged them away.

“We need to shower first!” Scarlett snapped, growling at her friend who pouted unhappily forgetting about their sweaty state.

“Fine babe I get it, meet back at the packhouse in 30 minutes!” She shouted, the other two nodded before each ran off in their own directions.

The boys watched them amused before Liam came over after having discussed a few techniques with some of the men.

“Why are those three so excited?” He asked curiously.

“Shopping.” Aaron said. “So how about we hit the showers and meet up too? Elijah here has some serious explaining to do.”

“Hmm..” Elijah said looking at Liam. He knew he had a crush on Scarlett, how deep it went he wasn’t sure but he needed to tell them because he was serious about her. “Meet back in 20, I need to talk to you anyway Liam.”

Liam nodded and the boys separated. Elijah hoped to catch Scarlett before she left, maybe he could get in the shower with her…

35 minutes later Scarlett and Elijah had met up with the rest. Scarlett looking pretty flushed but only Angela realised what had probably happened. The girls left in Angela’s car and the boys in Elijah’s. Both heading in different directions with the girls heading to Birmingham as the city centre was a lot larger than the one in Stratford-upon-Avon.

“So, any colour in mind?” Monica asked when they entered Selfridges.

“I am going for red!” Angela said, flicking her long hair. “I am going for hot and sexy!”

“I have no colour in mind but I’ll know when I like something.” Scarlett said, her eyes skimming the racks.

“Ok perfect, long, right?” Monica said rubbing her neck as she swallowed.

“You ok?” Scarlett asked concerned.

“I just feel sick.” Monica replied making both girls stare at her. “What? I just…” Her face paled when she realised what the girls were thinking.

“No chances you’re pregnant?” Angela asked in a hushed whisper, although no one was paying attention to the group.

“We don’t use protection. I don’t think I’m late. Damn, maybe?!” She said running her fingers through her hair nervously.

“I think we should pop to a chemist before shopping.” Scarlett said, Monica just stared at her as Angela nodded.

“Ok let’s go to Boots! They have pregnancy tests!” She said once again, dragging the girls out of the shop.

“It might not be anything…” Monica said, her heart thudding with nerves. Scarlett smiled at her.

“I’m sure your baby would be so flipping cute though.” She said, just imagining herself in Monica’s position made her feel nervous and excited. Monica smiled.

“You think so?” She said.

“I know so.” Scarlett said as they stepped through the entrance to Boots, with Angela leading the way to the correct aisle.

“Ok let me go grab a test! You’re using protection aren’t you, Scarlett? I mean I know wolves can’t get pregnant unless marked but your both Alphas maybe it’s different I mean it’s never heard of before so-” Angela froze as she looked at Scarlett before turning to Monica who was staring at Angela with curiosity. She looked at Scarlett then back at Angela. Slowly comprehending what she had just said. For seconds time seemed to slow before her eyes widened impossibly large. She gasped and covered her mouth.

“Oh. My. God.”

Scarlett simply turned to Angela, giving her friend a death glare. Now she had some serious explaining to do to a very stunned, possibly pregnant, Monica.


The boys had gone for a drive, driving with no destination in mind. They were only 10 minutes in when Aaron looked at Elijah, no longer able to stay quiet.

“So, spill, who’s the lucky lady?” He said curiously. Elijah fiddled with the radio stations until he was satisfied with one.

“Wait, what about your mate?” Liam asked confused.

“I’m choosing my Luna and I’m not planning on accepting my fated mate.” Elijah said with such conviction his friends didn’t even question him about being uncertain.

“So, who is she? Is she a part of this pack?” Aaron asked impatiently.

“Chill, let’s get out here and walk.” Elijah said pulling up on the side of an open road.

“He’s scaring me a little.” Liam said ruffling his hair as they got out, a sharp wind blowing around them.

“Well don’t let your shit hit the fan when I tell you.” Elijah said, looking at his two best friends from childhood.

“Ok…” Aaron said glancing at Liam before both turned back to Elijah, who leaned against his car crossing his arms.

“It’s Scarlett.”

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