Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 23

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 23

Chapter23 I Will Be A God

She stepped back smiling as she cupped Scarlett’s face. “You look nothing like him… just the eye colour… I would never have made the link.”

“Umm thanks?” Scarlett said stepping away from her. Candice’s smile now faded.

“You shouldn’t be here… it isn’t safe.” She said, now frowning as she looked around.

“I know… but I can’t turn a blind eye on everything that’s happening here.”

“What made you return here…?” Candice asked now pacing restlessly.

“Zidane sent men after me… and they found me, so I came before he decided to attack.” Scarlett said. Candice looked at her worried.

“I have no idea why he wants you now but you best leave.” She whispered. Elijah stepped forward gripping Scarlett’s hips he pulled her against him, her ass pressing against him.

“We will… but I want to know, if… we were to plan something how many of this pack would side with me?” Scarlett asked softly. Candice’s eyes widened in shock, frowning as she clenched her fists.

“I’m not sure… I know many live in fear and they would happily look to another leader but they are too scared…” Candice said. Pulling up her sleeves she showed them her wrists, marred with scars made from being chained with silver. “I am one of the rare ones to still hold my own… but not everyone is as lucky…”

She didn’t explain what she meant but instead shook her head.

“The warriors are mostly under his control. I don’t think many would side with you.” She said most were brutal, ruthless and pure evil men who abused the weaker members of the pack. “Any whom tried to speak up have been killed in the most brutal of ways… and others try not to come under the alphas line of sight.”

“Then we’ll do this the hard way.” Elijah said frowning.

Scarlett nodded and Candice could see neither would listen. Sighing she looked at them.

“I can find out for you, is there a way I contact you?” She asked.

“My phone.” Scarlett whispered pulling it out of her pants. “Keep it hidden and only turn it on if you have something to tell us, the passcode is 1234.”

“Seriously?” Elijah said. Scarlett gave him a look.

“I don’t have anything to hide..” She retorted, looking at him suspiciously. “Do you?”

He smirked.

“Not really… although I think your next phone should have a better passcode. I think there’ll be a lot to hide from here on out.” He said kissing her neck sensually.

Candice took the phone turning it off and slipping it into the pocket of her battered skirt.

“You should leave.” She said furtively, thinking they had stayed for long and she did not want the Alpha to come later to question why… she needed to hide the phone too.

“Yeah, guess we should.” Elijah said.

Scarlett gave a wave to the women in the kitchen, feeling a bit guilty for growling at them before they left the house. She sighed heavily.

“This isn’t going to be easy.” She said, Elijah pulled her close.

“We’ll handle it.” He said placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She looked up into his eyes.

“What are we Elijah?” She whispered. He was even more loving and where she feared he might be satisfied after having her, he had become clingier instead. She smiled slightly at the thought, who would have thought Elijah could be so cute?

“Do we need to put a name to it right now?” He asked softly.

“We will be going home soon Elijah… things won’t be the way they are here.” She said quietly.

“Let’s face that when the time comes.” He said, running his fingers through her hair. “Now, what do you want to do? Look around some more?”

She nodded, he took her hand and they both made their way through the pack grounds. It was rather deserted, no young wolves were playing or just walking around. It felt more like a boot camp than a pack.

Scarlett stopped when her eyes fell on a woman she recognised, the Latina who had been unzipping Elijah’s pants…

“Fuck…” Elijah muttered knowing this was not going to go down well.

The woman smirked slightly. She was pretty, Scarlett had to admit. With her large brown eyes, those plump lips, gorgeous tan skin and thick glossy locks. Dressed in a lace bodysuit and leather pants, she looked like the definition of sexy. Something that only made Scarlett’s frown deepen.

“Alpha… it’s good to see you again…” The woman murmured, completely ignoring Scarlett who was glaring daggers at her.

“Stay the fuck away from him.” She said icily. The woman smiled, flashing her pearly teeth.

“The question is, will he stay away from me?” She asked stepping closer. She took Scarlett’s chin in her hand. “You really are a beauty… we could have fun together…” Her thumb brushed over Scarlett’s plump lips, taking her by surprise. It was Elijah’s turn to get pissed, pulling Scarlett out of her hold.

“Don’t touch her.” He growled.

“And stay the fuck away from us.” Scarlett said wiping her lips. The woman smirked before walking off, swaying her hips sensually. “That’s just fucked up, isn’t she like Zidane’s woman?” Scarlett grumbled.

“Mm this entire place is fucked.” Elijah said kissing her roughly, annoyed that the woman had touched her.

“Jealous?” Scarlett asked, batting her eyelashes. Earning a cold glare from him.

“What do you think? I said you’re mine and I meant it.” He said. Scarlett felt happy at his words but she didn’t want to get too excited, after all this wasn’t forever… or could it be?


They had explored the pack a little more, Elijah observing the layout and patrol, before both returned to the mansion. Deciding to ask Zidane what he wanted and state that they would be leaving the following day. Both knew he probably wouldn’t allow them to leave so easily.

Although now that Candice had agreed to help, Elijah was planning to leave tonight instead. With the Alpha friend of his agreeing to help, they were already close enough much to Elijah’s satisfaction. The more time they spent here, the un-easier he felt.

He had texted his father too, giving him a short update knowing he would be worried if he didn’t text.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Cade had given Elijah a shirt, neither having extra luggage so they had to make do. Scarlett was feeling a little sticky and dirty. She really wished she could bathe but instead both had to settle for just washing their hands and faces.


Dinner was as unpleasant as lunch, with neither Elijah nor Scarlett trusting anything served by Zidane. Although they were all served from the same platters, after the stunt he had pulled on Elijah earlier, neither was going to take a risk again. With Zidane one thing was clear, expect the unexpected…

Unlike lunch they were not alone, the woman from earlier was sat on Zidane’s right, right next to Cade who looked uncomfortable. The marks Scarlett’s claws had made were still there and clearly he had not tried to keep them hidden, much to Scarlett’s disappointment. It meant he was not on their side. As Zidane’s beta, if he had helped them, it would have helped many choose to side with her.

Rain fell outside the window, pattering soothingly against the glass but to Scarlett it offered no calm. The tension in the room was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

“How did you find the pack?” Zidane asked Scarlett.

“The truth?” She said simply, stirring her food around the plate.

“Of course.” He said, his eyes glinting as the woman poured him some more wine.

“Terrible… The way some are treated…. The ethics your wolves are given, the stuff they seem to get away with… Reminds me of my past here.” She said quietly, her sharp eyes meeting his. He smirked coldly.

“Well… I am the Alpha, my word is law.” He said, his eyes full of a darkness that would make even the blackest of nights shame in comparison. “Cade seems to be supporting some rather interesting

marks… and it’s clear your nails aren’t laced with wolfsbane… I had the scratches checked…”

“A secret I don’t want to share.” Scarlett said. Zidane’s eyes flashed, slamming his fist on the table.

“You are at my table, you will answer me!” he hissed standing up.

“We could leave If that’s what you want?” Elijah said his voice calm, yet a clear warning in it.

Zidane smirked coldly and instead grabbed the woman who was sat eating calmly by the neck, brutally dragging her off her seat and bringing her head down on the table with a sickening crack. Her eyes widened but not even a single sound escaped her. Scarlett jumped up horrified.

“What are you doing to her?!” She said.

“Let’s test a theory out, shall we?” Zidane said his claws extended, digging into the woman’s neck. Cade remained emotionless whilst Elijah was torn between letting the man carry on and keeping Scarlett safe or pissing him off. “Make one scratch on her and I’ll let her live or I’ll tear her to shreds right here.”

The woman’s eyes widened slightly but she did not speak.

Scarlett frowned, as much as she hated the woman, she was not going to be the reason for her death.

‘You have nothing to prove.’ Elijah said quietly in her mind.

‘I can’t let her die.’ She mind-linked back.

‘Coming from someone who was telling me to rip their throats out…’ He remarked. She shot him a glare and stepping forward, dragged her finger along the woman’s arm before moving back.

“Happy?” She growled. Zidane smiled coldly, his eyes fixed on the woman’s skin, watching as the marks he made in her neck began healing but the thin scratch Scarlett made did not heal. His eyes

grew more manic, his mind poisoned with all the possibilities of having such an ability at his disposal.

“It’s perfect.” He said, his now dark green eyes turned towards Scarlett as if she was a snack that he wanted to devour. “You can mortally wound wolves… and even their healing abilities would not be able to save them, with you by my side, under my command… I will be a god…”

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