Her Brother, Her Mate

Chapter 25

Casey is gripping Courtney against him, his knuckles turning white from straining on her back like he’s trying to physically mold her to him. Their instant, no-bars-held passion is amazing. Courtney seemed just as fervent as him.

Their mouths move against one another and they quite literally look like they’re sucking face.

Simone huffs then looks at me expectantly, “Now, where’s mine?”

“Your what?” I held back my laughter, knowing what she was going to say.

“My mate. It’s not fair you brought him one and not me.”

I laughed, “I brought you something better. Shoes!”

“Okay, well, that’s close enough I guess,” she giggles, then looks over at her brother and gags. Casey is groping Courtney’s a*s and she’s grinding against him.

Her dad told her yesterday she would be like this. I should take a picture and send it to him.

“Courtney,” Parker calls over to her. She looks over briefly and Parker tosses her his keys, which I’m surprised she actually catches. “My windows are tinted. Just don’t break an axle from rocking it too hard.”

“Thanks,” she smiles shyly at us while Casey is busy kissing down her neck.

“That’s Casey, by the way. Make sure you know each other’s names BEFORE you stick it in,” I called out to them as Courtney pulled him towards Parker’s truck.

“You’re going to have to decontaminate your truck later,” I laughed at Parker.

He just shrugs, then smiles widely, “I’m too happy to care.”

“Why are you happy?” Simone asks, smiling like she already knows.

“Because I don’t have to worry about him anymore,” his platinum smile is almost blinding, making me and Simone laugh.

I’m happy for my friend, but also a little scared. Is that what I’m going to be like next weekend? The mate bond really doesn’t give you much of a choice.

I look back, and Casey has Courtney pinned against Parker’s truck, her legs wrapped around him as he pushes into her. They had better hurry up and get in the truck before they get any further gone.

Courtney POV

This super sexy, super handsome, super my-panties-have-never-been-so-wet hunk of deliciousness is my mate. My mate! I’m definitely team Casey. Not for my cousin, but for me. He’s all mine.

“f**k, you’re so beautiful,” he g****s, taking a break from kissing me to stare at my face. “Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?”

“I’m Courtney,” I smiled slyly at him, “You’re Casey, one of Carli’s friends.”

“Hmm, Carli’s cousin?” he asks, hands gripping my butt as he pushes himself against me.

My eyes rolled in the back of my head, my need for him escaping in a soft m**n. “Yes,” I answered breathlessly.

“I’m definitely not taking back my transfer request,” he murmurs, then smashes his mouth against mine again. His warm mouth tastes so sweet, like agave. He smells bitter sweet like tequila, or a margarita and it’s driving me crazy.

His tongue tangles and presses against mine, making me m**n into his mouth. I can feel his girth pressing into my p***y, and I’m so wet it’s driving me wild. We should probably get in the truck, but my mouth is too busy to say anything.

Thankfully, Casey pulls the keys from my hand, then unlocks the truck and breaks away from me to help me into the backseat.

“Um, Casey,” I whispered as he pulled me into his lap to straddle him, “I, uh, haven’t done….that yet.”

“You’re a virgin?” he asks in amazement, making my cheeks redden and I look down nervously, slightly embarrassed.

“Yeah,” I murmured.

He g****s softly, “My goddess, you’re perfect.” He surprises me by his confirming statement. Carli seemed so experienced. I thought that’s what he would want. Not an inexperienced wilderness girl. He readjusts me so I’m not right on top of his hardened length, and then brings both hands to my face, “I’m not letting your first time be in the back of that prick’s truck. I just need to be close to you for right now,” he whispers to me, his eyes roaming over my face like he’s trying to commit every feature to memory.

I nodded, tilting my face into his touch and offering him a small smile.

“You’re Gamma Nathan’s daughter?” he asks, tracing my bottom l*p with his thumb.

I nodded again, looking up at him through my lashes, “I heard a lot about you from him and my uncle.”

“All good things, I hope?” he asks jokingly.

“Yeah,” I giggled, making his face light up, “but they both seemed to be under the impression you were Carli’s boyfriend.”

“Well,” he looks down nervously, “I’m not going to lie to you. I liked her. She never saw me that way, though. That small crush doesn’t compare to what I felt when I saw you. I was all yours the moment my eyes laid on you.”

“That’s good,” I laughed softly, “because I was all yours the moment you pulled me into your arms. Happy birthday, by the way.”

“Best birthday ever,” he grins, pulling my face in for another deep k**s.

Carli POV

I’m happy for my cousin and friend, but I’m also worried now about my birthday. I was there when Daryl turned 18 and he came out of nowhere when me and Simone were eating with Hillary, grabbed her and started possessively rubbing himself all over her. Hillary and Daryl weren’t close in the least. She hung out with me and the twins, and Daryl was in the football crowd. Daryl turned 18 at the start of the school year, and Hillary’s birthday wasn’t until 2 months later. She was so taken back by his behavior, Casey and he almost got in a serious fight over the incident. Casey threw Daryl off her and stood in front of her protectively, which pissed Daryl off, so the 2 were seconds from shifting in the middle of the cafeteria when I got up and commanded them both to back down. Having the b***d of the luna was pretty handy at that moment.

After Daryl told us Hillary was his mate and he wasn’t going anywhere, he started to follow us around more. His infatuation won her over before she felt the mate bond, and the day of her 18th they went to school together bearing each other’s marks on their necks. It was sweet to me at the time, but seeing the same thing happen again, knowing I have a week before it happens to me has me freaked out.

Courtney and Casey had no clue who each other were and just started sucking each other’s faces. Is that what Parker was fighting against when he found out I was his mate? Is that why he treated me so coldly, because I was still so young and he didn’t want to hurt me?

“What’s going on in that head of yours? You’ve been staring at my truck for the last 5 minutes. You’re not mad that you lost your chances with that shaggy looking guy, are you?” Parker asks me gruffly.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Was it like that for you?” I asked softly.

“What?” he scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

“The mate bond. When you turned 18 and saw me that day, was that what it was like for you?”

He grimaces slightly, “Kind of. It wasn’t s****l desire. I did crave being near you, though. I had a hard time holding back. Whenever you came close, I thought I was going to lose my control and start rubbing my scent all over you, or I’d make you feel scared of me. I didn’t want to hurt you, so I tried to stay away from you.”

“Jerk,” I whispered, but smiled at him.

“I know. You were old enough to understand. I should have talked with you instead of running away. I’m sorry, Carli. You have no idea how sorry I am for that,” he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

I squeezed his hand back and offered him an understanding smile. “I’m not okay with it, but I can see why you reacted like that. If I accept you, you’re going to have to spend the next 40 years making it up to me.”

“How about 100 years?” he asks, pulling me into his arms.

“Seems fair,” I shrugged, then laughed with him.

We walk to the beach, where most of the guests are at. A DJ is set up and professional chefs are BBQing off to the side. The serving tables are covered in sweets and snacks, and the 2 chefs are grilling burgers, chicken and sausages.

Mitch Meyers sees me, and tries to wave me over, but Parker growls in his direction and puts a possessive arm around my shoulders.

“You’re cute,” I laughed at him, mirroring his words he told me yesterday on the way to lunch.

“I know, so quit looking at guys like that. Just look at me.”

“Wow, look how humble you are,” I said sarcastically.

“That’s right. I’m humble and cute. All the other guys can’t compare to your humble and cute mate, so only look at me.”

I start laughing, but before I can respond, screaming comes from the thick foliage at the far end of the parking lot. Melody and a few other fairies come running out. The last one of them to break through the trees, almost making it to the paved road, suddenly gets attacked from behind.

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