Guardian Wolf

Chapter 20

Greetings Jax POV: Throughout breakfast I can’t help but glance at Nova as she chats animatedly with Flo and Theo. Hearing her soft giggle has me smiling into my food like a love struck puppy. “She has to be our mate” I hear Zeus tell me with conviction, “I hope so” I reply. Thinking back to how peaceful she looked when she fell asleep on me last night, her long lashes fanning her face as she breathed lightly on me I grin at the fact she was so happy to spend the night with me. It felt right having her snuggled into my arms. and I slept peacefully through the night. Plus this mornings actions made the thought of her being my mate more convincing. Never before has a woman made me feel such pleasure, each sound she made spurred me on more and I loved the feeling of her soft toned b*dy moving against mine. “You look happy” Laurence links me as he sits down beside me. “Nova stayed last night” I tell him. His eyes met mine in shock, “seriously?” “Yeah” “I shrug, “after she fell asleep on me I couldn’t stop myself from asking her.” “And?” He probes looking excited. “Best night in a long time” I chuckle through the link. Speaking aloud to the table I gather their attention, “the other packs will be arriving within the next hour, I need to head to the office and make sure some paperwork is finalised. Laurence, Nova and Theo can you come join me in 30 mins or so. Florence can you come up with me now as we run through what I’d like doing in my absence?” “Yes Alpha” they chorus as their business mode switches on. Standing I nod bye before sneaking a wink at Nova.

“I saw that” Florence sings to me as leave. “And?” I reply bluntly. C 1/7 Greetings “I like it” she replies giving me her approval. “Good” I smile knowing she thinks of Nova as her family. “Theo and I always hoped she would meet someone who loves her for her, she’s Incredibly special” she tells me with a slight warning in her tone. “That she is” I admire. After entering the office I run Florence through the training plans I’d like her to make whilst I’m out along with a few visits to new mums and pups I’d like her to make on my behalf. “Can you assure them I will be round tomorrow to offer my personal congratulations” I check. “Of course Alpha. I’ll make sure everything is done” she replies confidently. “Thanks Florence” I say just as a knock sounds on the door. “Come in” I call out and they all walk into the office. For the next 20 minutes I explain the cause of the meeting and say what I’d like to achieve from it. Hearing that Laurence and I had found no trace of a family with the Prince name ever residing in our pack made Novas eyebrows furrow as a thought passed through her head. “I assume they believe this lady resides In the White Mountain Pack due to them only showing aggression towards them, however I can assure you I checked the history information myself and found no trace of a Prince family either” Nova informs everyone. “Do you think the pack would have been able to keep any information hidden from you?” Laurence asks her making me realise that thought had never crossed my mind. “No I did think that but not that I’m aware of. I basically did all the paperwork during my time as Luna so

I had access to everything. I could check with Luca but I can’t think of a reason for them doing so” she answers him.

“Worth asking” he shrugs looking a bit lost. “Let’s head down, I’ve just been told Alpha Brent has arrived at the gates, he’ll be here shortly” I say standing up and gesturing for everyone to head downstairs. “Florence if there are any issues then link me, I’ll stay in range” I tell her. O 27 Greetings Walking down Nova falls in step beside me, “how are you feeling about seeing Axton again?” I ask quietly for her ears only. “To be honest I’m not putting much thought towards it, it hurt yes we were a chosen mate pairing where we grew to love each other. He was kind, supportive and good to me, but unfortunately his recent actions quickly erased all that. All I hope is that he continues putting his pack first” she says looking up, “plus I love it here. The pack members are so lovely and supportive, I feel like I belong here I can’t explain it. Plus there is you..” “Me?” I ask cheekily distracting her as I open the front door seeing the others has disappeared ahead. “Yes..” she drawls not elaborating. “I’d love to hear more” I wink as she dips under my arm and outside allowing me great view of her behind in her tight navy summer dress. Following her I see she has spun so is now stood facing me. “You’ve been understanding, patient and I’ve never met someone like you before, plus you’re pretty good at making me feel good” she says smiling at me widely hiding her meaning from any potential ears that are listening, making me dip my head and whisper in her ear, “you’re blushing.” Hearing her melodic giggle I lift my head proud that I’ve accomplished making her smile.

“Nova” I hear a voice shout from a car making us turn around. Seeing Luca leaning on the car waving enthusiastically at her I see her smile as she runs down the steps to give him a big hug. “Hey” she exclaims happily, “I’ve missed you.” “So have 1” he says putting her on the ground, “it’s not the same it you.” Looking to my right I see Laurence speaking to Alpha Brent so I follow Nova down the steps until I’m in front of them both, “good morning alpha Jax” he says reaching his hand out for me to shake. “Good morning Beta, how was your journey?” I ask politely. 3/7 Greetings “Let’s not go there he grimaces before the other door of the car open and Alpha Axtons large frame steps out followed by his new Luna Rose and a warrior. Peering at Nova out the corner of my eye I see no hint of hurt or upset cross her features, instead they stay nice and relaxed as she continues chatting to her brother. “Good morning Alpha Jax” Axton says as he shakes my hand gazing at me questioningly. “Good morning Alpha, how are you today?” I ask as his Luna walks around and slips in his arms looking at the pack house behind me in awe and with a hint of greed. “This is gorgeous” his Luna interrupts making Axtons mouth form a straight line of disapproval. Chuckling slightly as I’m aware of how much grander my territory is compared to the White Mountain Packs own, “thank you Luna Rose. I appreciate hearing that.” Just then Nova and Luca join us with Nova standing to my left. As Axtons gaze lands on her I’m surprised to see the longing still lingering in his eyes as he takes her in. “Good morning Nova” his deep voice says.

“Good morning Alpha Axton, Luna Rose” she says politely bowing her head, “I trust you had a safe journey?” “No need with the formalities Nova, I will always be Axton to you” he says quietly. Laughing lightly as she shakes her head, “oh I couldn’t, you’re a visiting Alpha it’s only polite.” Turning her attention to Rose she lovely today Luna” she compliments. s the cold glare directed at her, “you look “Thank you, the dress is the latest Ralph Lauren release, gorgeous isn’t it?” Her nasally voice replies. I look at her dress and have to hide a scoff behind a well timed cough, her dress couldn’t be any tighter showing off her assets but not in an attractive way. For an expensive dress she somehow managed to make it look cheap. “It certainly is” Nova replies as her eyes flash to Axtons, “I didn’t realise the pack was splurging on such luxury.” With that Roses face drains of colour as Axton shakes his head, “she shouldn’t have Greetings been” he growled. “Ah..” Nova replies simply having made her point. Turning to me her eyes light up as I catch her gaze, “well played” I link her. “Let me greet Alpha Brent then we can begin heading towards the meeting place, I would suggest changing to wolf form as running would be much quicker” I mention so they’re aware. “Of course” Axton replies. Holding my arm out for Nova I gesture my head towards Laurence and Brent, “come say hello, he wanted to speak to you previously but obviously past events stopped that from happening” I explain casually. Her soft hand reaches out to wrap round my arm as I bring her in close to my side, “thank you Alpha”

she says with a slight flirtatious ring in her voice gazing into my eyes. “You calling me Alpha does certain things to me that would be highly inappropriate right now” I growl playfully through the link making her let out a cute snort of laughter. “Shush” she exclaims out loud hitting my chest slightly as a warning. As we reach Alpha Brent I don’t move my arm, instead I hold out my other for a handshake as I greet him. “Good morning Alpha Brent, how are you?” I ask. “I’m grand mate, Laurence here has been filling me in on the meeting plans. I’ve got to say you’ve got it all covered” he admires. “Thank you” I acknowledge, “I brought Nova over as I’m aware you wanted to speak to her before” Seeing his eyes take in our closeness I swear I see a small smile grace his lips before he nods politely at her, “good morning Nova, I trust you’re being taken care of well?” “Very much so thank you Alpha” she replies a faint tinge of colour reaching her cheeks. ווו 5/7 Greetings “I just wanted to see how you are dear after our last meeting. I have to say your strength was admirable and you are a born leader” he says graciously. “You’re too kind Alpha” she waves off, “but I’m doing very well. The whole pack has been wonderful at accepting Alice and myself.” “Im glad to hear that young one” he says gently, “you look happy” he notes knowingly as they share a smile. “Hi Alpha, sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to check everyone was ready to go?” Theo asks as he heads over hugging Nova as he did.

“Theo?!” I hear a voice exclaim from behind us. Hearing his name Theo spins to spot Luca, “Luca, man how are you?” He asks a wide smile on his face. “Hmmph” Luca shrugs off the question, “you’re back with Nova. That’s brilliant” he exclaims. Theo wraps his arm around Nova bringing him into his side, “yes we’ve been reunited” he says softly looking down at her with love. “Moving on?” Luna Rose comments as she sneers at Nova, looking at her gazing at Theo I see her take in his muscular form as a hint of want appears in her eyes. With that Nova, Theo and Luca burst out in a fit of giggles, “you’ve misunderstood Luna, Nova here is my sister” Theo informs her proudly. “Brother?” Axton interjects as he shakes off Roses tightening grip. “The two young children I helped for a couple of years when I was 17, they became fine warriors and are now Alpha Jaxs Gam mas” Nova says looking up, “I had no idea they would be here, it was a lovely surprise. I’ve missed them terribly as you’re aware Alpha Axton.” Realisation dawns on his face as the information links to what he’s been told previously. “That’s great to here” he replies flatly. “Plus Theo here is Alice’s mate” Nova adds on grinning at Theo as she reaches up to ruffle his hair playfully. “You are the only one who gets away with that” Theo growls. 6/7 Greetings “I know” she laughs, “I’ll never stop.” He laughs shaking his head at her, “come on then everyone, let’s go run” he says letting me lead us towards the forest edge. Comments Check More (Ad) > Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

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