Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Jasmine And Her Bullies – Chapter 31

Third-person narrative

Jasmine had spent the night at Noah’s house, and even though they slept on the same bed, nothing s****l happened.

Noah was very understanding and took extra time to ensure she got all the attention that she wanted to keep her mind away from the embarrassment that her mates had caused her the day before.

It was a new day, and she had decided to remain in Noah’s house to pass the time because she knew that Mia’s brothers would try to come to look for her to ask for forgiveness if she decided to go back to her apartment.

Facing the boys and the students after what happened was something she wasn’t prepared for.

She was watching TV that morning when Noah walked in to join her.

“Would you like to come to my pack with me?” he suddenly asked, and Jasmine frowned as she looked up at him.

“Why?” she asked.

“I just think maybe if you really want to stay away from the brothers, then you should leave school for now, because it’s only a matter of time before they come searching for you here,” he explained to her.

Even though Jasmine had not gone into details on the reason she was angry with her mates, she had let Noah know that they did something to upset her.

Jasmine seemed to think about it for a while, but while she was still in her thoughts, Noah added

“Come on, we won’t stay for long, just a day or two, and that will give you the time and space you need to think things through,” he urged her.

On realizing that it might not be a bad idea to stay away from everyone’s faces for now, she finally agreed.

“I never thought of that. Okay, but you know I don’t have extra clothes to change; I brought nothing with me yesterday,” she said.

“Don’t worry about that; I could get you a few things on the way, and we won’t be staying for long,” Noah said.

“Thanks, so when are we leaving?”

“Right now, if that is okay with you,” Noah said.

“Cool,” Jasmine agreed.

They got into Noah’s car, and he drove them to his pack. The journey was long, but it didn’t seem so because Noah kept them both occupied.

They played a lot of songs on the way and sang along. He could tell that Jasmine was having a good time.

They finally got to Noah’s pack, and Jasmine was surprised by what she saw. Noah’s rogue pack was unlike any rogue pack she had ever seen.

The air smelled bad to her, and all the people she saw looked like gangsters. She had never seen a pack like that one before.

All the people looked like they were dangerous criminals, and that sent the alarms in her head blaring, so she hesitated.

Noah noticed this and moved closer to her.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking down at her, but Jasmine wasn’t looking at him.

“I don’t feel comfortable here. I don’t want to move any further,” she said, finally looking at him.

Noah’s face had turned sad. He looked dejected, and that made Jasmine concerned.

“What’s the matter?” she asked him.

“Well, it isn’t my fault that I get to live here,” he began and then stopped to sigh. “My parents died in a very fatal accident when I was young. Their bodies were so burned that we could hardly recognize them.”

Jasmine gasped as he said this. Noah had never spoken about how his parents died, so it was the first time she had heard about them.

“I had to come live with my uncle after that. I had no choice. I either lived here or became a lone wolf, and I was a child, so I would most probably have been killed. It might not seem like it, but I’ve grown to love this place. The people here are nice to me too, so…”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sorry for being so insensitive to your situation,” she sympathized.

Noah pushed his hands into his pocket and sighed, smiling a little.

“It’s fine. It’s an almost forgotten story. I only told you about it so you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable,” he said, smiling even more.

“If you’re ready, then let’s get inside,” Noah encouraged, and Jasmine finally agreed, letting him lead her to his house.

Like the other houses, Noah’s house was shabby-looking. There was an old junk car in the yard that looked like it couldn’t move anymore. It almost looked like the house was falling apart.

If Jasmine was feeling the least uneasy after his story, Noah couldn’t tell because she did a great job of hiding it.

The insides weren’t any different from the outsides. Not only was it looking desolate and empty, but whoever had been living here didn’t even do a good job of keeping it clean.

Noah didn’t seem to mind it, so she didn’t say anything. She followed him up the stairs to what seemed like his room.

He opened the door for her and let her go in first. Compared to the rest of the house that she had seen, his room looked more cozy.

It was well-arranged and clean. His bed was to the side of the window that was across the door, and there was a desk and a chair right next to a bookshelf.

He didn’t have any posters up on his wall, like normal teenage boys do, and he had a shelf filled with books.

“You read novels?” She asked in delight as she rushed over to the bookshelf. “I didn’t know you read; you don’t seem like the type,” she said, unable to hide her happiness.

“Well, I don’t read a lot, but I do when I have free time. I thought taking them to my room in school would be a lot of stress, so I left them here.” He explained.

Noah moved back and sat in a chair, watching her search through the bookshelf, looking at different books which were mostly thrillers or crime-related stories.

The genre she was seeing was not her type of thing but she however kept searching the books, hoping to find something that would interest her.

“Would you like to eat something?” he suddenly asked her.

“Well, now that you’ve asked, I’m very famished,” she smiled, rubbing her stomach.

“Okay then, I’ll get you something to eat,” he said, standing up from the chair. “You can stay here alone, right?” he asked her, and she nodded her head.

“Okay then, I’ll be back in a few minutes; don’t miss me too much,” he said, and they both laughed as Noah opened the door and finally left her alone.

Jasmine occupied herself by looking through his books, and when she got tired, she walked to his desk and sat in the chair. That was when she saw that Noah had left his phone in the room.

He would need that to pay for the food, or something she thought. Moreover, what better way to explore the pack than to follow him to the restaurant?

So without much thought, Jasmine picked up Noah’s phone and ran out of his room, quickly shutting the front door behind her and running into the road.

She looked around, wondering which way he could have taken, but then she remembered that on their way to the house, they had passed a couple of restaurants, so she made her way down the road they had come down.

She only realized after she had walked for some time that the fact they had driven in made the restaurants look close by.

She suddenly felt using her super speed ability would enable her to catch up with Noah. So she started running, looking for ways to get there quickly. But after running and checking a few places she felt Noah would be, she was already getting tired, so she stopped for a while.

She placed her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath, when she noticed a presence behind her. Not wanting to know who it was, she stood up straight and started walking fast.

The person behind her had started walking fast too, so when she rounded a corner, she decided to make a run for it. Her heart was beating so fast, both from running and the fact that she was scared.

She was a good runner, but since she was hungry at that moment and the person seemed to be a lot faster than she was, the person soon caught up to her in no time. She felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling and slamming her against a wall.

Jasmine closed her eyes as she hit the edge of the wall but quickly opened them to see the person who had pushed her to the wall.

It was a pudgy-looking man, with unkempt beards all over his chin and cheeks. He looked every shade of danger and had a disgusting smirk on his face as his eyes roamed her body.

Jasmine tried all she could to push him away, but he was too strong for her.

“Hey, pretty,” he started, the odor coming from his mouth making it hard for Jasmine to breathe. “I saw you coming into the pack with that young boy. Your body is really attractive; would you mind if I had a taste?”

Jasmine felt her stomach recoil at his words. The urge to throw up was really strong.

The man took hold of her arms as she struggled against him and held them above her, holding them in place with one hand.

He used his other hand to pull down the top of her blouse and bury his face in her breasts. He licked and kissed them, and Jasmine screamed, hoping someone would come to her rescue.

She tried to knee him in the groin, but he caught her legs between his knees.

“I wouldn’t try that if I were you. I’m used to this, so I know all your possible moves.” he g*****d into her ears as he disgustingly licked her ears with his tongue.

Jasmine didn’t even want to imagine what that sentence implied as she did her best to fight him off.

But, damn, he was so f*****g heavy.

The man suddenly threw her to the floor and held onto her legs. He pulled her toward him and held her legs open. He made sure to slap her hard across the face to disorient her so he could do what he wanted.

Jasmine’s face turned to the side as the slap resonated in her brain. He unbuttoned her jeans and tried to pull down the zipper, but it seemed, in desperation, that Jasmine had recovered quickly.

She struggled against his hands and, at that moment, wished she hadn’t run away and left her mates. She wished she had stayed and let them explain to her whatever it was that had happened.

She knew she was only thinking that because she was in trouble, but she missed them at that moment.

They would have done the perfect job of teaching this rascal a lesson he would never forget.

Tears began to roll down the side of her face as the realization of what was about to happen dawned on her. She still struggled, nonetheless.

She prayed to the moon goddess that someone, anyone, would come and save her, and just then, it seemed like the man was kicked off of her.

She looked up to see Noah standing above her, his face contorted in worry and anger.

He looked her over once before going back to the man. He straddled the man, who was still struggling from the aftereffects of Noah’s kick.

As Jasmine watched the scene play before her, her stomach churned, and its contents came rushing out of her mouth, which was just colored water and little chunks of food since she hadn’t eaten anything since the night before.

After throwing up, she struggled to pull herself away from it and stand to her feet. It was hard because her body was weak from throwing up, but she did it.

When Noah had beaten the guy to his satisfaction, he went back to Jasmine.

“Are you okay?” he asked her, worry in his eyes and voice.

Jasmine nodded, no words leaving her lips. Noah could tell that she was really shaken, so he didn’t ask her any further questions and just led her out to his car.

They drove home in silence as Noah felt horrible, blaming himself.

He helped her into the house and took her to the bathroom first to rinse her mouth before taking her to his room.

He sat her on his bed and bent down in front of her.

“I’m sorry, Jasmine. Words can’t explain how sorry I am. If only I hadn’t brought you here, this would never have happened,” he said to Jasmine, who seemed to be out of it, his voice shaking.

This caused Jasmine to look down at him.

“It’s fine, Noah. It’s not your fault. It’s mine for leaving the house and letting him do that to me.”

“Don’t do that, Jasmine. Don’t blame yourself. It isn’t your fault. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s that scumbag’s.”

Despite trying her best to hide it, Noah could tell that Jasmine was still very scared and shaken up.

“I’ll be right back.” He said that and left her to go downstairs to get her a glass of water.

He knew she wouldn’t be able to eat any food now because she would just end up throwing it all up, even if he forced her.

After filling the glass with water, he opened a drawer in the kitchen and brought out some sleeping pills that he knew were there.

He poured one of them into the water, waiting for it to dissolve, and then he took it up to her and made her drink it.

After she drank it, he made her lay back down on the bed, and within minutes, she was out like a blown-out light.

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