Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Jasmine And Her Bullies – Chapter 26


It was really difficult to focus in class without Noah’s presence. I kept tilting my head around every second, looking to see if he was there. I was so worried, wondering what could be wrong with him and why he was absent from school.

Noah wasn’t the type to skip school, so I was sure that if he ever missed class, it would be for something important. However, I couldn’t tell what that might be, which only made me more concerned.

Although he had been ignoring me, and we hadn’t been able to talk properly since the day he expressed his frustration about my involvement with the three brothers, I just couldn’t get him off my mind.

I had been worried about him ever since, and even more so now that he was absent from school, which was unusual for him. I couldn’t wait for the class to end so I could call him and check on how he was doing, or if he was fine at all.

I sighed, my mind still lost in various thoughts, with multiple questions flooding my mind. Was he ignoring me? Did he skip class to avoid seeing me? Could there be something wrong with him? Was he okay?

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear when the lecturer asked me a question until I heard a loud bang on the table, snapping me out of my daydream.

“You should have stayed back and not attended class if all you’re going to do is daydream!” The lecturer yelled.

I slowly stood up from my chair, hanging my head in disappointment as everyone’s attention in the class focused on me.

“Answer the question!”

I kept my head down, unsure of what to say or do. How could I answer a question when I didn’t even know what it was? I just waited, hanging my head, for his response or punishment.

“If you can’t answer the question I asked, then I will have to remove you from my class!” He grumbled.

I looked up at him, hoping he would at least repeat the question, but he didn’t. Thankfully, I heard someone whisper the question to me, and I gave the correct answer.

“I need your full concentration, is that clear?” he scolded.

I nodded gently and tried to pay attention to what he was saying after that, but my mind kept wandering, raising different questions.

Finally, to my relief, the class ended, and I rushed out, grabbing my phone from my bag as I headed for the cafeteria.

I got there, took a seat, and dialed Noah’s number. He didn’t pick up the first time, and the call dropped, increasing my worry. What should I do? Should I go to his apartment to check on him? Or should I wait?

I was confused and didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go check on him as soon as possible; I just needed to hear that he was fine, and everything would be okay.

I dialed his number again and breathed a sigh of relief when he answered, “N…Noah,” I murmured, waiting anxiously for his response.

“Jasmine,” was all he said.

I sighed again, just hearing his voice eased my nerves a little. “I called to check up on you, Noah. Is everything okay with you?” I asked, waiting and hoping for good news. I just wanted to hear that he was fine and that everything would be all right.

“I am just a little bit sick; it is nothing to worry about,” he responded and coughed, “I will be fine, Jasmine. We will see later,” he added and dropped the call.

What he said only intensified my worries, as I didn’t know if he was being taken care of by someone, or if he was all alone in his apartment.

I sighed, my anxiety consuming me. I wasn’t sure if I should go check up on him and be there for him, or if I should just stay back since he didn’t ask me to come.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I sat there, burying my head in my palm and sighing every second. I was still lost in thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up slowly to see Mia, who took her seat beside me, a soft and warm smile on her face.

“Have you been able to get through to him?” Mia inquired.

She had asked what was wrong during the first class when she saw that I wasn’t concentrating, and I informed her how worried I was about Noah’s absence. I had thought he would attend the second class, but he didn’t.

I nodded at her, “Yes, but I am still so worried. He said he is sick, and I don’t know if he is being taken care of, or if he is all alone.”

Mia sighed too, appearing concerned about me just as I was about Noah. “I think it will be best to go see him after school,” she stated, “I mean, you can’t just stay here and keep wondering if he is fine or not without taking a step to find that out.”

She was right; I just couldn’t sit still and keep wondering about Noah’s well-being without finding out.

I nodded at her and hugged her. I would have been so lost and bothered if she hadn’t suggested that.

“Thank you, Mia. I will do that immediately after class,” I murmured, and the bell rang almost immediately, signaling the end of the lunch break.

Mia and I stood up and headed for the class. I just had to wait a few more hours before the class was over, and I could go check up on Noah afterward.

I had difficulty waiting for the class to be over, and when it was finally done, I jumped up on my feet and rushed out, with Mia following behind me.

“I will go to him now, Mia,” I informed her.

Mia cleared her throat, “I’ll see you later then.” she said.

I nodded at her and walked away, my heart thumping with anxiety as I headed for Noah’s apartment, hoping and praying that he was fine and that I would find him in good health.

Minutes after walking, I finally reached Noah’s door, my heart pounding hard in my chest. I waited a few minutes to collect myself, practicing what I would say if he questioned my presence and how I would apologize again for what happened earlier.

I finally knocked on the door, but I was met with silence and no response. I knocked again, and it was still the same. I grew more worried.

I turned the doorknob slowly, and the door swung open. I was puzzled as to why Noah left his door unlocked. But before I could react, my ears were filled with m***s and low cries, and my entire body shook.

I dragged my feet slowly on the floor; the main room was empty, so I continued. My heart seemed to stop when I reached the bedroom door, and the sight in front of me sent shivers down my spine.

My b***d ran cold, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I wanted to speak, to ask what was going on, but my words caught in my throat, and I couldn’t say anything. I shook my head, trying to shake away this view, but it remained.

Noah and a strange woman were tangled on the bed, naked and lost in the frantic rhythm of their lovemaking. My heart shattered into a million pieces. It couldn’t be!

My eyes filled with tears immediately; my ears were filled with m***s, g****s, and low cries coming from their lovemaking.

The sight before me sent electric shocks through my body; my hands trembled. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, hoping this was a dream, a nightmare from which I could wake up, but nothing changed.

“F*** me harder!” The woman m****d, her hands wrapped around Noah’s naked body.

Hot gasps escaped my lips; my legs shook as I watched them. The air in my lungs seemed to disappear, replaced by a heavy weight in my chest. I could only gasp.

“Noah!” I screamed, “What… what is going on here?” My voice trembled, my eyes still unable to believe the scene in front of me.

I watched as they disentangled from each other, and that was when I realized that the lady was much older, and from her appearance, I could tell that she was a rogue.

I couldn’t contain my anger and pain. How could Noah do this to me? I had been so worried about him, unable to stop thinking about his well-being, and he had lied to me, claiming to be sick while he was having fun with another woman!

I rushed towards him and slapped him across the face. I had acted on impulse before I even realized it.

“How could you, Noah!” I screamed, the tears in my eyes threatening to spill, “Why did you do this to me, Noah, why did you?” I shouted.

He glared at me and pushed my hand away, throwing me off to the floor,

“How dare you!” He retorted, his eyes blazing with anger, “What gives you the right to question me? After what you did?” He yelled, “You cheated on me first, so you have no right to ask me questions!” he glared at me.

I picked myself up from the floor, “I apologized and told you it was a mistake, Noah, how could you do this to me!”

“This is a mistake too, Jasmine,” he smiled and pulled the woman closer to himself, “so, just leave, I need to get back to what I was doing before you came in,” he said coldly.

I staggered back; his words tore through my body, pain coursed through my b***d, I could feel my hot breath, and I felt like I was going to suffocate.

My heart shattered, I felt like a fool for believing him all along. I felt stupid for arguing and fighting with my friend when she showed me the truth about Noah. I should have seen the truth about him for myself, but I was so in love with him that I couldn’t see it.

“You have betrayed me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, and my pain and fury turned into tears, rolling down my face.

He laughed, “You never gave me what I wanted, you never allowed me to get intimate with you, but you got down with the three brothers; don’t act like you are a saint here. This is all your fault!” he barked at me.

I shook my head, finding it difficult to believe that Noah was saying all these things to me. I didn’t expect such betrayal from him. I never expected him to hurt me like this.

Just when I wanted to speak, the older woman walked towards me.

She smiled and turned to Noah, “Baby, you don’t have to argue about this,” she stated and turned back to me, “You should join us, you will enjoy it.”

My resentment grew, and I felt like attacking her, but I couldn’t. I glared at Noah, shaking my head, wondering why I had ever believed him in the first place.

“I hope to never see you again!” I shouted and stormed out of his apartment, tears streaming down my face.

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