
Chapter 3: Trouble

Chapter 3: Trouble

Dan and I were sitting at the same table in the same coffee place we went to the day I asked him to

accompany me. I liked to call it The Hideout. It was a place where I was able to hide from my troubles

and enjoy a coffee with Dan, who’d become one of my good friends now.

We began hanging out more and more when neither of us were busy. We also exchanged text

messages and calls every now and then. Once, he even invited me to have lunch with him at his

workplace since he had work to do but still wanted to hang out with me.

Maybe if he asks again I’ll go.

“Linda, do you hear me?” asked Dan, raising a brow.

“Who’s Linda?” I asked, forgetting that I never told him my actual name. “Oh, wait, nevermind. I forgot

that was my ‘name,’” I said, making air quotes as I said “name.”

“Pfft,” Dan snorted a bit. “You know, I’ve been wondering why you still haven’t told me your real name.

Like, I know you don’t like telling people but we’ve gotten closer, right?”

I shrugged, not knowing what to say.

“How about this…I try to guess your name. If I get it right, you have to come to my office in two weeks

time. If I don’t get it right, you tell me your name and that’s that.” He has a smirk on his face but I smirk

back because I’m certain he wouldn’t get it right.

My name was unique and long, so I’d be extremely impressed and surprised if he gets it right.

“Deal,” I said. “But don’t go home crying when you get it wrong.” I laugh.

“I get three tries,” he tells me.

I nodded my head. “Go ahead.”

“Dominique?” he guessed.

I shook my head no.

“Avyanna?” he guessed again.

Again, I shook my head no. Honestly though, the names he guessed were unique so he gets a point for


“How about…Eleonora?” he guessed for the last time.

I froze in my seat. How the hell did he manage to guess my name?

“I got it, didn’t I?” he asked, excited. “This is awesome!” he shouted, getting up from his seat. When he

realized the attention he was getting from the other customers, his face turned red and he muttered an

apology whilst sitting back down.

I giggled. “How did you guess my name though? I really didn’t expect anyone to get it,” I admitted.

Dan shrugged. “I said the first unique names that came to mind,” he said.

“Well, then…the office, huh? Why do you want me to go there so bad?” I asked.

Dan shrugged but also threw a wink in my direction. “I just want you to see my workplace and stuff, ya


“What should I wear?”

“Just something casual but not too casual. No one will really care how you dress as long as you’re

covering certain areas.”

I nodded my head acknowledgingly. “Alright…Anything new happen over the weekend?” I asked since

Dan seemed much more happy and carefree.

Dan nodded, grinning. “I got back together with my girlfriend, Vera. I sorta crashed her family dinner

night but we talked things out. I even made sure to contact some therapists, even though I hate

therapists. I just love her a lot and I’ll do anything so we can both be together. I…I feel like she’s the

one.” He was blushing yet his smile kept growing. Clearly this Vera girl had him wrapped around her


I was…shocked. I didn’t realize another person could have the effect that Vera had on Dan. It seemed

crazy, especially since love doesn’t really exist.

“Wow, you really love her, huh?” I said.

Dan looked at me weirdly for a second. “Of course I love her. Otherwise I wouldn’t have scheduled

appointments with therapists or told her to take me back,” he explained.

“I hope your relationship with her only gets stronger.” I smiled weakly at him. “You’re a really great guy.

First you literally just paid me to talk to you. You didn’t kiss me or want to sleep with me…And you

cared about my feelings. I think.

“I don’t really believe in love but that effect Vera has on you? That’s not normal. That’s all I know. So,

I’m happy she took you back. And I hope you guys last for a long, long time.”

Dan seemed bewildered but in a good way. He seemed surprised and a little confused but…happy? I


“Eleonora, thank you,” he said. “I know you might think that you did nothing but, truthfully, you were the

one who helped me deal with the issue I had with Vera. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know where I’d be

right now. I know you’re not in the best place with the best source of income or anything, but I hope you

know you have such great potential. Despite not believing in love, for whatever reasons you have, I

really do think you’ll fall in love. It might not be a happy love story, but it’ll be a love story nonetheless.

“I promise I’ll protect you myself,” he concluded.

My eyes stung with unshed tears and my chest felt hot. I felt good, in a way, so I didn’t know why I was

crying. Didn’t people cry when they weren’t feeling well?

I quickly wiped my tears away when they fell down my cheeks. I didn’t want Dan to see me cry but it

was already too late. He was making his way to me then engulfed me in a hug. He kissed my forehead

and began rubbing my back. He was like the brother I’ve always wanted. Or rather, needed.

“You’re like the little sister I’ve always wanted,” he confessed. For some reason, it made me cry even


I felt eyes on me, which was expected since we were out in public, afterall. Eventually, I wiped my face

and quickly got up and left the store so I could go home. I had work.

Dan ran right behind me. “Whoa, Eleonora! Wait up! Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

I shook my head violently before I ran to hug him once again. This time, I didn’t want to let go.

“Let’s go to my place,” he said softly. “I’m worried about you.”

I shook my head again. “I have work tonight.”

Dan grabbed my wrist. “No. You can’t go to work in this state, Eleonora. At least come to my place and

calm down a bit.”

I looked away from him. “I have work,” I said firmly.

Dan sighed. “Okay, fine. But as soon as you get home, call me so I can know you’re safe. If you don’t

call, I will go to your house and personally see if you’re okay.”

I giggled through my tears. “You don’t even know where I live.”

“Oh, but I will since I’m gonna be taking you home. No way I’m gonna let you walk home by yourself.”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Whatever.”

We pulled away from each other and walked to his fancy car. I think it was a Porsche. Sigh, rich people

these days.

As I was about to open the door to the car, Dan opened it for me and made sure I got seated in before

he closed it.

Whoever this Vera girl is—she’s one lucky girl. And she better acknowledgethat.

Once Dan also got seated, I decided to talk.

“Nice car…” I said, a bit awkwardly.

Dan smiled at me. “Thanks.”

I gave him my address and he began driving me to my place. While he drove, I listened to the music

that was playing from the radio. We eventually made it to my place and he walked me to the front door.

I felt self-conscious since I didn’t live in a nice and rich neighborhood. Dan, on the other hand, made

good money and probably lived on the good side of town.

“Hey,” Dan said firmly.


“I like your house. Stop acting weird,” he ordered. “It’s better than nothing. And, believe me, I’ve seen

much worse.”

The words kind of helped but not really. I knew my place wasn’t really welcoming or fancy.

“Want to come in?” I asked once I opened the front door.

“Thought you’d never ask,” Dan replied with a sly grin. I rolled my eyes.

We both walked into my house and I couldn’t help but notice how Dan’s eyes were filled with awe.

“Now, this is what you call home,” he said whilst looking around the place. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I didn’t know if it was a harmless comment or a compliment. “Um. Thank you…?”

“Yeah. Your house just looks so comfortable and welcoming. I wouldn’t mind living here with you,” he


I chuckled. “Thanks, Dan. But now that you’ve seen the inside of my house, you can get out. I need to

get ready for work,” I said.

Dan pouted. “Kicking me out already?”

I glared at him while he gave me this innocent look. “Okay, okay! I’ll get out,” he said, putting his hands

up in surrender. “If looks could kill,” he mumbled under his breath. I was almost not able to hear it.

“Wait!” I called out right as he was about to turn around.


“Y-you need a key,” I shyly told him. I didn’t even know if I should give him a key. I mean, I trust him. A

lot. And what if something bad happens? I want him to be able to come here without breaking in.

I grabbed my spare key from my purse and gave it to him. “Just in case,” I told him when I gave him the


“Don’t forget to call me, Elle,” he said. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Did he just nickname me Elle? No one had ever given me a nickname, much less, know my real name.

For the second time that day, I wanted to cry but I don’t know why.

“I won’t, Danny,” I replied. “Now leave so I can change.

He walked up to me and gave me another kiss on my forehead. “Stay safe,” he said as he walked out

the house.

Guess I really did make a friend, huh?

. . .

I finally finished pleasing my four clients, so I was making my way home more tired than ever.

Unfortunately, all my clients were extra rough on me today. I think it’s because they were mad at their

wives or something.

Or because just because they wanted to prove their dominance or something. I don’t know. All I know

is that they were slapping me around, choking me, and even bitting my lips. I was definitely bruised.

Suddenly, I felt naked walking in the dark streets. I felt like someone was watching me, but I couldn’t

see anyone. It was too dark for me to see. I tried to walk faster but I had no strength left in me.

I was only able to barely walk faster when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around so I could see

who it was but they grabbed me by my arm and threw me against a concrete wall. Pain was all I felt.

My back hurt and my arm stung from where the person grabbed me.

I tried to open my mouth to scream but I couldn’t. The person was hitting me by then and there was

nothing I could do. I didn’t even know who they were. All I knew was that it was a man, judging by his

grunts and his body build.

At first he was just slapping me and pushing me on the wall, but then he began punching my stomach

and pulling my hair. I was finally able to scream and try to fight back but it was useless.

Was this what it felt like to die?

The guy kept calling me a slut repeatedly. I tried to beg him to stop but he simply kept going.

Eventually, I gave up. I let him beat me up.

“Hey!” a deep voice yelled from nearby. I think they noticed the guy beating me and were coming to

save me. Maybe.

The person who came up pulled away the guy that was beating me. That guy took the chance to run

away when the other man was seeing if I was okay.

“Hey, hey,” the guy tried to say in a soft and gentle tone. His hand was cupping my cheeks and his

eyes were roaming around my body, probably seeing where else I got hurt.

“Did he stab you or anything?” the guy asked, still looking around. When he saw me dozing off, he

gently slapped my cheeks as if trying to wake me up. “Hey—stay with me, here! Don’t worry, I called an

ambulance already and the cops. You’ll be fine. Just—stay with me.”

Him yelling for the ambulance to hurry up was the last thing I heard before I fully lost conscious and fell

into a deep slumber.

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