Ex-Husband's Regret

Chapter 30

Chapter 30Còntens bel0ngs to Nô(v)elDr/a/ma.Org

"Are you sure about what you're doing, Ava?" Letty asks me in concern.

I was getting ready to go to Noah's school. Today was the parent/teacher meeting that was held annually and was supposed to meet Rowan there.

Letty had called to know if we could hang out since we haven't seen each other in a while. When I was attacked she had been in Japan with Travis for a business deal. She got back the day before yesterday.

"I'm sure, I think this is the best way to get over Rowan. I mean, how will I fall in love with someone else if I don't put myself out there and date?"

I had told her about the kiss that happened with Ethan. In the past few days there have been more of them though we haven't gone any further.

*Sure, but don't you think you're moving a little bit fast...how long have you known him?" she interrupts my thought.

*Just over three months....wait, why do you seem so against him now? A few weeks back you were encouraging me to go out with him, hell you were even eager to know if we had kissed after that first date, so what changed?" | was puzzled honestly not sure why she had a change of heart.

I put on my flats as I wait for her to answer. Since it was in the afternoon, I decide to go casual, so I went with jeans and a camisole.

"Yes, but that was before I realized that you're going about it the wrong way. If you're going to date, date him because you're ready, date him because you like him. Not because you're using him as a means to get over another man. I think you're on the rebound and rebound relationships don't end up well especially for woman like you

I stop what I'm doing. "What do you mean women like me?" I ask in annoyance and a bit offended.

"You have no experience at all when it comes to men and relationships. You've been with one man since you were eighteen and you relationship wasn't that great. I'm just afraid that you don't know what you're doing or what you're getting yourself into"

"I know what..." she cuts me off before I finish.

"Have you two even talked about what you both want? Do you have the same goals when it comes to the direction of your relationship?" she finishes in one breath.

"Whoa, who is rushing things now? Today will be our second date, Letty. It's too early to figure out all those things don't you think? We're still in the trial base"

I was going to have dinner with Ethan at his apartment. He had invited me over after we shared our first kiss, promising to cook me the best meal I've ever tasted.

She sighs as if she's dealing with a stubborn child. "I just want you to be sure you're dating him for the right reasons. Using one guy to get over another never works. It just makes shit complicated."

"I hear you" I tell her dismissively. "Now, I have to hang up since I'm about to leave"

*Fine. We're still on for Wednesday, right?"


After saying goodbye, I hang up. I check the time and it was one in the afternoon. I was still irritated with this meeting. I mean, who holds a parent/teacher meeting on Saturday. As if that wasn't bad enough, they schedule it for afternoon?

After taking what I need, I lock up and leave. I get into my car and drive off.

As I drove, I couldn't help but think about what Letty said. She was right, I had no experience with the dating

scene. I didn't know what Ethan wanted or expected. Did he want a relationship or just a fuck buddy?

What did I want? Was I using him or did I genuinely want him? I didn't want to confuse things or myself for that matter. I was determined to get over Rowan, but was I going about it in right way?

I didn't want to hurt Ethan, especially if he is genuinely interested in having a relationship with me, but parts of me fear that I've grown an unhealthy attachment to him.

He makes me forget about Rowan and my love for him. I'm afraid that's the main reason I'm drawn to him.

Even though it looks bad, I can't help thinking, is it really bad? We all want someone for one reason or another. Is it wrong to want Ethan because he makes me forget about my pain and heartbreak?

A horn blaring behind me makes me jump. I had been so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that I was already at Noah's school.

I drive to the parking lot, turn the ignition off and get out. I survey the expensive cars lining the lot. I begin walking and notice some of the parents sneering at me. Of course my car wasn't expensive and I wasn't dressed head to toe in Gucci.

This is one of the things I hated about this world. These people placed social status and the size of your bank account above everything else. They look down on people who they view as poor and they don't even bother hiding their disdain for them.

I've grown up around wealth but I swore from a young age never to be like them. Never to place money above the value of another person.

I take a seat that was available and wait. I watch as the other parents and their children walk in and out of the school.

I check my watch. It was already three and Rowan wasn't here yet.

Taking out my phone, I call him. It goes straight to voice mail. With each second that passes, I feel my anger rise. Two hours later, I've had enough so I call Gabe.

"Hello?" he answers gruffly.

"Hi, Gabriel, it's me, Ava..." he cuts me off before I can finish.

"I know it's you, Ava, I have your number"

I'm quiet for a while. Surprised that he had my number given he used to blame me for ruining his brother's life and destroying his chance at happiness with Emma.

"Uh, okay" I mutter unintelligently before recovering. "Listen, I'm looking for Rowan. Is he with you? We were supposed to meet with Noah's teacher. He is not here yet and his phone is off. I've been here for three hours. Mrs. Smith is done with the other parents and she's ready to leave"

When she told me she was almost done, I begged her to give me a few more minutes to try and reach Rowan. "He's not with me. He took Emma somewhere" he tells me almost apologetically, but I don't need his sympathy. "Okay, thanks." I don't give him a chance to say anything before hanging up.

I was in trance. Wondering what had gotten into Rowan that he forgot something so important.

When Mrs. Smith calls me again, I go in. It seemed like Rowan wasn't going to show up anyway.

Since Noah wasn't physically here like the other kids, we settle on a video call with him. He's excited at first, but then his face falls when he realizes that Rowan wasn't present.

The entire time Mrs. Smith talks about Noah's excellent and stellar performance in school, my anger rises up. Noah was sad and his face showed. I hated seeing him like this.

By the time we're done, I was beyond furious.

I force a smile and thank Noah's teacher before leaving the classroom.

"Why didn't he come mommy? He promised me he would. I wanted him to hear what a good student I was. That I was top of my class" he says sadly, tears filling his eyes.

I wanted to reach out and hold him but he was thousands of miles away.

"I'm so sorry, baby... May be he got caught up with work"

"But he promised me!" he shouts through the screen. "He said he will never break his promises and he did" he was full crying now and it tore me down to pieces.

Mother and Joyce, Rowan's mom came to comfort him. I wanted to be there for him and it killed me that I couldn't.

"He'll make it up to you, my love...remember he loves you and he has never missed any of your functions" I try to soothe him.

He doesn't answer. Just continues staring into nothing with silent tears running down his face. He looks so lost. When he doesn't move or say anything, Joyce tells me that they'll look after him before ending the call.

I stomp out of the school and head towards the parking lot. Most cars were already gone.

I was just about to get into my own when I see Rowan's black Mercedes drives in. He parks, gets out and rushes to me.

"I'm so fucking sorry I'm late... is the meeting over?" he was dressed casually, something that is very rare for him. "Obviously, given it's almost six thirty... four fucking hours after you were supposed to be here I shout.

I was so pissed that I contemplated on murder

"I know you're angry, but...

"Angry doesn't begin to cover what I fucking feel right now Rowan"


"No! Do you know I had to call Gabe? Imagine my shock when I learned you were out with Emma. I don't even fucking care that you were with her.

You promised you will be here. I was waiting like a damn fool for you when you were out with her during a meeting our son was looking forward to!" I ran my hands through my hair.

A teacher walks past us. She gives us a small wave before climbing into her car. I tried mastering a smile but I just couldn't.

"You're right and I'm sorry" he says remorsefully.

"What happened Rowan? You never ever forgot something that concerned Noah. Now Emma is back and she takes priority? So much so you forget Noah? Is this how it's going to be now that she's back?" I ask him, calming down but not entirely.

"It's not going to happen again" he fists his hand in determination.

"But that's the thing it's already happened, what's stopping it from happening again?"

He doesn't answer. Just stares at me with a scowl on his face and fire burning behind his eyes.

"I won't let you hurt my son Rowan, whether internationally or unintentionally. Noah's comes first and if you can't put him first then give me full custody. I had to watch his heart break when he realized you weren't coming. Let this be the first and last time you hurt him, because if you do I will fight you.

Noah is my son, my world. Hurt him again and I will forget you're his father. Doesn't matter if you own this city, I will rain so much hell on you, you'll be left wishing you never met me. Don't fucking mess with me' I let my anger and determination seep into my voice.

He looks taken aback by my outburst and threat. He stares at me like he didnt know who I was. I ignore that look.

With that final warning I get in my car and leave. I drive to the only person I know can cure me of the pain and anger I was feeling right now.

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