Dirty Affairs

CHAPTER 14 Who Brought Her to A Stripping House

CHAPTER 14 Who Brought Her to A Stripping House

"I'm nervous. I can't go in..." Sophia nervously said, Hesitating as she tried dragging down her short dress and making sure it was long enough before she spoke again.

"Please, I can't sister."

"Shhhhhh. Just follow my lead." Cynthia replied, holding Sophia's hand as they both walked in.

Cynthia brought Sophia to a club like she said earlier. Cynthia was a party girl so she was well acquainted with what went on inside these clubs. Even though Sophia resisted, Cynthia didn't let that make her change her mind.

They were in a dark, smoky bar, about to join the crowd of people who were there mostly looking to

have a good time and have so much fun with any girl available.

They walked through the corridor, their shoes sticking and making some sounds to the ground with every step. The remnants of alcohol spilled on the floor from the night before. As they waded their way through the sticky path, Cynthia couldn’t help but talk to her friend to know if she was okay and comfortable.

"Sis, are you okay?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes.” Sophia's answer was quick and Cynthia was a bit surprised because she didn't see any hint of worries on Sophia's face.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm here already so… I mean you succeeded in bringing me here." Said Sophia with a smile as Cynthia smiled back at her.

“Just make sure you stay beside me okay?” Cynthia warned.

“Okay." Sophia replied.

The corridor opened into a large storey area. The place was already quite crowded with about the same amount of women as they were men. Most of the people were leaning on the wall which was situated on the left side of the room trying to catch the bartender’s attention to talk to two or more persons.

Sophia's first impression of a club was that it was quite dirty but after a few drinks in them, people probably wouldn’t care too much about hygiene, she guessed. She looked around and saw that the place attracted all sorts of different people. They were some wild looking people with lot of piercings, and tattoo, but then, she looked up to the second storey and that seemed to be

filled with more matured guests in business suits.

"Come here, Sophia. It’s too crowded down there. I am afraid that you might get lost." Said Cynthia as she grabs Sophia's wrist.

Cynthia had looked around and determined that the ground floor was too crowded for her to protect her innocent friend Sophia. The second storey looked less chaotic. So she dragged Sophia through the crowded

dance floor and up the stairs.

Sophia could only follow her friend’s lead just as her friend had Instructed.

The upstairs area was filled with people mostly minding their business or looking down at the chaos on the ground floor with interest.

Sophia felt that this people who were watching the goings on the down floor were looking for theirTêxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

next prey and she couldn’t help the slight shiver of repulsion that came over her. Infact, she was so sure that they were looking for prey. After all, she wasn't surprised because she had actually heard such things happen so seeing strange things for the first time wasn't scary for her.

Suddenly, there was a certain man sitting on his own secluded corner who suddenly recognized Cynthia but unknown to the both girls. He took his cell phone and dialed a number.

The receiver picked the call on the first ring.

"What is it?” the receiver asked. He sounded as if he was being disturbed the moment the call came in.

"What is it?" He asked again.

"Cynthia is here but she isn't alone and she isn't looking as if she would be stripping tonight." Said the caller and because he knew and was sure the receiver understood what he meant, he swiftly hung up.

Meanwhile, beside the caller, the two girls sat as they discussed happily and not minding anything at all.

"I know you don't like it here but I'm sure, you will with time. Just observe and never leave my side." Said Cynthia.

As they discussed, Cynthia got a call which she thought was important so she needed to pick the call. She thought of walking out for sometime because of the noise inside the club and coming back after the call but on a second thought, she thought of her friend Sophia. She was scared and never wanted to leave her side, not even for one second.

"You can go out to pick your call. Don't worry, I will be fine. I promise not to leave here okay? Don't get so scared. I'm not that clueless about things that happen in such a place." Said Sophia as she

tried to convince Cynthia.

"Are you sure about this?" Cynthia asked and Sophia nodded. In an innocent tone.

"Yes, sister. I'm sure. Don't worry so much about me, okay?" Sophia replied as Cynthia nodded.

"Fine then." Said Cynthia as she waited for her phone to ring again for the second time and the moment it did, she ventured into the crowd as she walked out of the club. Walking towards a quiet place to pick up the call.

Few minutes after Cynthia had walked out, a young good looking man with a black outfit walked in. He was breathtaking as usual but because of the kind of person he saw himself as, he never stopped to admire the different sizes of boobs and boots luring around him, trying to seduce him.

He walked in majestically as he took a seat next to the caller. His eyes started scanning the crowd, searching for Cynthia just to be sure she doesn't do something crazy this time.

'Where could she be?' He asked himself inwardly as he scanned around emotionlessly as a dangerous thought ran through his head.

Sophia on the other hand didn't notice anything or anyone yet. She just sat comfortably as she scrolled through her phone.

Unfortunately, Cynthia had taken so long before returning back inside the club to meet with her friend Sophia.

While she spoke on the phone, she countlessly took quick glances at Sophia just to be sure Sophia listened to her warnings. She didn't notice anything as well because of how she concentrated her attention on Sophia's well being and after sometime, she turned her attention back to the call as she continued to talk to the caller.

Sophia didn't get tired of waiting for Cynthia as she wondered what was making Cynthia stay this long the moment she looked but couldn't find any trace of Cynthia. She thought of going to look for her friend but when she tried, she remembered the promise she made to Cynthia not to leave her seated position.

"Ok, I promised her not to leave my seated position. Let me wait a bit." She said but shortly, she thought of calling Cynthia's number but then she decided not to.

"Let me wait a bit. I will call her later." Said Sophia. She thought of giving Cynthia more time and maybe Cynthia might arrive anytime soon.

While she waited for Cynthia, the young man in black outfit sat down next to the caller and what he saw next surprised him.

His eyes immediately picked Sophia out from the crowd. He saw that she was alone and was looking worried the moment he saw her gazing continuously at the door. It looked as if she was curious about something.

He thought of asking the caller if he knew anything about Sophia, maybe to at least tell him if Sophia had come with her boyfriend but it was unfortunate that the caller already left so fast.

He turned towards the position where the caller sat earlier but couldn't find him.

"Damn! This bastard left already." Said the man in black outfit.

He continue to stare at Sophia to monitor her movement but that wasn't the reason he came to that club.

He came because he was told that Cynthia was in that club but he was surprised to see that girl who actually gave him a slap that night.

In his mind, Sophia was like a lost sheep who had mistakenly walked into a dark and dangerous Dungeon she knew nothing about. She looked so innocent and vulnerable that he was sure she would attract those predators looking for a prey.

"What is this little girl doing here alone?" He asked himself inwardly as his eyes dangerously continued to search the crowd to see if he could see Cynthia breaking any of his rules as usual.

In the next seconds, his predictions were right. She indeed attracted those bastards looking for a prey.

A man in an expensive suit walked up to her table and started speaking to her. His charming eyes looked her up and down and the other man in black outfit could practically see the drool falling from the corner of the man’s lips.

The moment he saw the man extend his hand towards Sophia, The man in black aura freezes blazed. He was also sure that the man in suit wasn't Sophia's boyfriend because of how the man had approached her.

The man who approached Sophia looked confident and authoritative. His suit, his expensive looking watch and shiny looking well polished shoes all screamed that he was definitely a rich man compared to the men Sophia saw inside the club so far. Most of the men in the second level were also wearing suits, but there was something about this man that stood out from the crowd.

Sophia tried to see if she could recognize his face but she couldn't. It was night after all.

The perfect cut of his jacket or the expensive cufflinks by his wrist or his perfect hairstyle which looked like a whole tub of gel had been used to hold it in place. Or maybe it was the confident, arrogant air about him which seemed to be something that rich, entitled men naturally gave out.

"Hi." He said to Sophia as he introduced himself with a smile on his face. She smiled back at him as he sat and they made a polite discussion.

He spoke politely but for some reason, Sophia felt uncomfortable. The hair at the back of her neck stood up as if she sensed danger. She shivered, but not from the cold and when he tried to touch her hand, she couldn’t help but want to pull her hand away from him. There was something in the way when he looked at her. Like he had some hidden agenda that she felt wasn’t quite right, even though he tried to act pleasant and calm.

The man in black outfit never took his eyes off Sophia as he observed.

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