Dance With Me (Silent Whisper’s)


‘It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. You’re going to be happy, said life. But first, I will make you strong.”

“You think I won’t triumph in this love trial of mine?” Nora asked.

“I can’t really say but it won’t be easy.”

Nora had wanted to say something else when Paul and another young doctor entered her ward.

The doctor bend down and touch a bandage dented with little blood on her forehead.

“Did that pain you?” The doctor asked.

Nora realized at that moment that there was actually a bandage on her forehead.

“A little bit.” Nora answered as her gaze flew next to Mr handsome briefly who was looking at the doctor in seriousness. She was hurt a little bit that he wasn’t staring at her. The doctor checked her eyes and pen down some things on his notebook.

“Do you remember who hurt you? I mean who did this to you?” The doctor asked again drawing her attention to her.

“No, I can’t really remember, I was pushed from behind.” Nora lied.

“Oh, I see, you’re lucky that you didn’t sustained much injuries. You should thank Mr Paul who had saved you and rushed you down to be treated in time.” The doctor said and began describing the drugs she will use to lessen her pains.

Nora looked up at Paul again. Really looked up at him as if just noticing him for the first time. She noticed the way his eyebrows raised a centimetre or two, lined with something between worry and concern as he listened to doctor. His eyes were like melted chocolate. Warm and oh so addictive. She could stare at them all day and never grow tired. She diverted her eyes and was staring at Daisy who kept smiling at her with a knowing smile.

“… that will be all. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get the papers for you to sign so that she will be discharged today.” The doctor said and left the ward with Paul following behind.

Before he closed the door behind him Paul sent a charming smile towards Nora and wink at her. “I love it when you look at me Ora.”

Nora eyes grew wide when she heard those words and the laughter of Paul closing the door when he saw how shocked she looked surprises her.

“He likes you, I can see that in his eyes.” Daisy told her as she settled herself on Nora’s shoulder blades.

“Daisy, to be sincere to you, I am drawn to him. It looks as if I have known him all my life. His voice reminds me of someone, I can’t really place where I know that voice from.” Nora said in thought.

“Are you drawn to him because he saved you.” Daisy teased her.

“Daisy no. I don’t know why I am drawn to him, but you know no one can ever replace my Philip.”

“Nora, why can’t you forget about the past and move on with your life, especially on love.”

Nora smiled. “I believe that Philip will come back to me, do you know why? You were gone but came back, so I believe where ever Philip is, he is not dead, he will come.”

“Nora, we’re all leaves passing in the wind; here and then gone. But while we’re here, We Live To the Fullest, sometimes life play huge tricks on us and surprises us at last.”

“Not in this life of mine, life doesn’t favour me at all. I have been experiencing bad things all through my life, my twin sister hates me, I don’t know what I did to her and she wanted to kill me twice. The one person that I truly love was taken away from me and you, I thought I had lost you forever but was surprised when I saw you today. Why didn’t you save me from the fall when Lora pushed me, you told me you have been with me ever since, so why didn’t you save me?”

“In my world, we only help those who seek for our help. You have to ask for it and we grant it if it is within our powers. Throughout those years, you kept thinking of me but you never asked for any help with my name directly. Don’t worry I will explain everything.”

Before Nora could reply Paul walked in.

“I have signed the papers so you will be leaving today.”

“Thank you for everything Paul. I don’t know you but you helped me, you saved my life. Thank you.”

Paul smiled. “You’re welcome Ora. Where do you live so that I can take you there once its time to leave the hospital?”

“Uhm, I don’t really know but I will find my way. I am not really living in Casala, I was invited so I didn’t know where I stayed.” Nora answered. Since Craig was always with her she saw no need of knowing the numbers of his and her grandmother of head.

“Okay, so where exactly do you come from?” Paul asked. Since he had brought her to the hospital he was expecting to see Ora’s disappearance on the news which was not carried out. He also expected to see Mark looking for Ora but was surprise he felt reluctant about her. So he decided to keep mute and find out from the Ora once she regains consciousness.

“I live in Floda with my grandmother.”

“Oh, can you tell me the full name of your grandmother?”

“Kate Dante.” Nora responded.

Paul sent the full name to someone else through his phone. “Rest now Ora, I will go and get you something to eat.”

Paul made as if to go when Ora’s voice stopped him.

“Where am I?”

“Valtan, I flew you from Casala to Valtan yesterday but be rest assured I will take you to Floda tomorrow.” Paul said with a smile.


Paul drove his jeep into one of his hideout, a penthouse. This particular one he had brought without the knowledge of his father. His men who secured the place greeted him and Nora, these men were also employed by him without his father knowledge. This penthouse was highly and tightly secured. He couldn’t tell why he kept doing some hidden things behind his father.

He gestured to one of his men to come and when he came, he whispered to him. The guy left to carry out whatever he was told.

Paul was in Valtan right now helping the lady who has been giving him sleepless night, but his father still thinks he is still in Casala with the Hawks. If his father gets to know he helped someone live, Ora will be in danger.

Everything looks new to Nora as they drove pass the various houses, streets etc. In as much as she tried to hide her excitement away from Paul who doesn’t really know she was blind before, it didn’t escaped Paul’s eagle eyes but he kept quiet.

“Your house is so beautiful.” Nora said as she got down from the jeep and was walking together with Paul.

“Thank you Ora.” Paul replied as he opened the door for Nora to enter first.

She was fast trusting this handsome strabwetr but didn’t care. He had saved her and even though he want to try anything stupid, Daisy is with her.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Paul took her to a room. “This is where you will sleep tonight, the bathroom is the second door beside the wardrobe.” Paul said and a knock was heard. Paul excused himself and went to open the door, he spoke to whoever it was and closed the door.

He went to meet Nora who still stood beside the room, he was with a little bag which he gave to Nora. “I don’t really know the size of your clothes but these will fit. Take your bath and get dressed, and come to the sitting room, by then I will be through with my cooking.”

“Thank you so much Paul.” Nora said grateful and Paul smiled widely at that.


The jeans and T-shirt fitted just right, she left her room and went towards the sitting room.

True to his words, he was carrying two plates of fried rice towards her.

“Follow me Ora.” He said and went into another section of the house where beautiful expensive decorative glass table and chairs were set.

He gently placed the plates on the glass table and pull out a chair for Nora to sit and sat down beside her.

He pushed one plates to Nora and tested it to assure her that he didn’t sprinkle anything in it.

The first spoon she took came as a big shock to her and she quickly took another spoon as if to confirm something. She looked up at Paul with wide eyes as she saw him looking at her with his concern eyes.

“What is it? Is the taste of food not good?” Paul asked worriedly. Her eyes tells him she was shocked about something. Did he not prepare the food well?

“Who did you say you are?”

Surprised by the question being thrown at him but he answered. “I have told you at the hospital that my name is Paul Mirror.”

“This food….. the taste…….. who taught you how to cook it? Did someone named Philip taught you this?” Nora asked with hopes high. The food tasted exactly like that of Philip’s. In fact if she wasn’t seeing right now, she would have thought Paul was Philip.

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