Contract husband

Chapter 10

” Omar please this is not the time for disagreements…. I need you to understand.” Ife pleaded.

Omar sighed heavily, trying to control the anxiety which was ravaging her.

” How do you know your step father is after our lives?” she asked curiously.

” inner sources informed me.”

” How well do you trust your inner sources?”

” Enough to know that we are in danger.”

Omar bit her upper lip anxiously.

” Fine…. You’ll drop me off at home so I can pack my stuff..”

” There won’t be time for that…. We are going from here.” He announced and started the car engine and drove off, ignoring Omar glares at him with her mouth agape.


She turned on the ignition of her car and trailed carefully the Highlander, which was parked in front of the shopping mall a while ago. She had been watching for a while the vehicle, right from the moment it left the office, to the point it picked up the strange woman at the T junction, until they arrived at the shopping mall.

And now, it was about leaving the luxurious mall.

She had done her due diligence in hacking into his device a week back,

to track his log of phone chats and conversation, and had arrived at an evidential proof beyond a shadow of doubt that her husband had been cheating on her.

Her instincts was right all along. She let out a fustrated sigh, her face contorted in a disappointed expression, compelling her to pant painfully.

Whoever this strange woman was, she was making him spend heavily and draining the company of funds.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

A company she had built from the scratch with her ungrateful husband.

She took charge of the wheel and manouvered it expertly into a street bend, where the Highlander led. Careful enough to avoid being seen by her targets.

The Highlander abruptly came to an halt and a skimpily dressed fair lady alighted from it and kissed Emeka, before leading him to her luxurious apartment

Binta’s eyes were already weary. She had been driving for long from her Estate into the Banana Island. Although she couldn’t enter the compound, but a glance at the building spoke volumes of it being a very expensive apartment.

” Is this what Emeka is spending the company’s money on?” Binta thought to herself, with a rage of anger brewing inside her as she tapped her feet impatiently on the floor of her Mazda.

She must cook up a plan and it must be very soon. Emeka must pay for his betrayal, and that lady! She will rot in hell!!

She picked up her phone and dialed Emeka’s number repeatedly, until he picked it up on the fourth ring.

” Hello darling.” Emeka voiced.

” Emeka, where are you?” Binta asked abruptly.

There was a pause from the other end for a few seconds.

” I’m at Stephen; my friends house…. We needed to meet up and discuss something urgent….. why are you asking?”

Binta swallowed painfully. Her husband was a good for nothing.

” I asked because today is our wedding anniversary, and I was thinking for once you’ll spend some time to take me out but you chose to stay out all day! …. Emeka what has happened to the vow we shared between us…. The vow that you made to me at the altar on our wedding day.” Binta asked shakily, wiping the tears which had long been threatening to fall.

Emeka paused from his end. He knew his wife was crying from the sound of her voice and that made him uncomfortable.

” Binta I’m sorry…. I actually forgot it was our anniversary…. But I promise to make it up to you…. Please….. I’ll be home soon with a gift… and I want you to wait up for me so we can celebrate it.” Emeka voiced pleadingly.

Binta wiped her tears with a white handkerchief from her bag, and sniffed.

” Fine…. I’ll wait for you.” She replied and ended the call.

She wined down the glass of her Mazda to inhale the freshness of the breeze through her skin. It was evening already and she needed to get home on time to prepare the kids for bedtime.

Turning the ignition once again, she reversed a little, then zoomed off.

Cuddled beside him was Judith whose head was lying on his bare chest in a lovey dovey mood.

Emeka took in a deep breath, pondering on the perfect excuse he could muster, so he could go home and fix the pending issues.

His wife had just called him a while ago, and in all honesty; he completely forgot it was their wedding anniversary because this days, the thought of Judith mostly flooded his head.

Scratching his head subconsciously, his thoughts began to drift to his family.

” Emeka what’s wrong…. You’ve been all moody since you received the call from your wife.” Judith spoke softly, stroking the hair on his chest in a romantic manner.

Emeka gave a quick smile and shifted uncomfortably.

” Hum….. Judy…. It’s nothing….. something just came up and I need to go home.” Emeka gently replied.

Judith laughed softly.

” Emeka…. Hmmm…. Emeka…. So you want to leave me here and go to your wife abi?” Judith asked, wearing a frown on her face.

” Judy honey…. Please let me go tonight…. I’ll make it up to you.” Emeka pleaded.

” That wasn’t our agreement Emeka…. we agreed to spend the night together and that is exactly what we will do.” Judith affirmed.

” Judy… today is my wedding anniversary and Binta will be hurt if I do not show up.” Emeka explained.

She removed her gaze from his chest she had been stroking, and stared straight into his eyes.

” Emeka…. Before we entered into this relationship, you promised to take good care of me…. You said your wife didn’t really matter because she was boring in bed….. so why the sudden concern for her?” Judith asked, flashing him a questioning look.

Emeka breathed heavily and shifted his gaze to the bedspread.

” Judy…. You know I love you, and I will do anything for your sake….. I’ve always made sure to stick to my promises to you my queen and even spend more time with you than I do at home…. I just need to go this one time…. Please.” He said, pleading with his eyes.

” Fine you can go dear…. But bear in mind that the moment you step out of that door, this relationship is over!!” Judith threatened with her eyes as cold as ice, and turned to the other side of the king sized bed.

” Oh my Judy…. I do not mean to make you angry at all…. If you like, I can even stay for two more days…. I’ll do anything for you dear…. I promise.” Emeka said shakily, holding her in a loving manner.

Judy turned back to face him and smiled.

” Good.”

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