Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 29

Lacey PO.

1 been few hours since our plane took off for New York and Ive been an ansious mess ever ince butt not for th reasons youre probably thinking.

Ever since tld Logan he should wit few more hours until we'e alone so that we can have = again. Ive been feeling very on edge and my nerves have spiked. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

shouldn't have told im this because 1 dort think Im ready or that just yet Even though the horny and lust filed part of my mind, body and soul was screaming at me to rp his clothes off straddle his boc and vide im ike a merry-go-round, the mor rational and anvious part of me prevented me from doing that “are you ok, love? youre unusually quiet” Im fine” say whilt flashing my husband a smile My husband God. 1 dont think Tl ever gt used to that “are you sure?” “When mummy's quiet. it means she's thinking” Teddy says whilt keeping hr gaze on her iPad Thanks for that Teddy.

“Wht are you thinking about. love?” “Noting” “Youre not worrying about seeing your family again. are you? because Ive already told you youve got na need to worry about that”

“Yes, Iknow I don't and no I'm not worried about my family” said with a smile hoping 1 reassure Logan that Im ok andl o get him off my back but t seemed he's more concerned about me now than he was before, so 1 made up a litle white le “Tm just tried of fying, thats al 1 dont lke it “Why didi you say something about this earlier?” He asks sounding a ite annoyed “Because 1 didnt want you to think Im a baby” said and Logan sighed in frustration a he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and Kissed my temple.

“Everyones ot their fears, my love, it doesn't make you a baby to have them” “know rested my head on his chest an closed my eyes, wouldve fallen asleep in this position if my phone had gone oft.

Lit up and: pull my phone out of my bag and some ele id my heart when 1 sau it was my best fiend Carmella calling me.

“Hello “Wht the hell i going on, Lacey Carpenter-Wrigh allegedly Blacks” Damn finch and pull my phone avy from my ear when hear my friend's very angry and frantic voice coming fom the other end.

“Jesus Carm, do you have to scream ike that” “1d her Tm lari 5* about my ry beste from €/apiy news misgacines and nt om the beh herselP

“What? what are you talking about?” Lask and she lets out a sgh before contining “Do you remember my fiend Richard who works for Vogue magazine?” “0h, you mean big dk, Rick” Lay nonchalantly Logan snaps his head towards me witha gare on is face and look a him confused, not understanding why hed look at me fk that “Yeah him, well he calle me about an hour ago and sad that ome guy i trying to ell photos of Logan Black's wedding to magazines but magazines are refusing to buy them because they think they e fake and don't wanna get on Logan's bad sce “And? whats tis got to do with me, Car” ask calmly hoping she coesrit know that Im the bride.

Hopefully if magazines ae refusing to buy these pictures fo fear of pising off Logan then that means theyre not even entertining him, 50 Richard writ know I'm the woman Logan married.

“Well, according to Richard, youre the woman inthe pictures, doll o is there anything you wanna share with your BEST FRIEND?" She says best rend Ike she's making a statement and not just saying ft and 1 could alzo sense that she fels offended that would get married without her by my side and 1 dort blame her Carmella st just my best fiend, shes my sister who has been there for me through thick an! thi, 01 get why shed be offended because ifthe roles were reversed then zo would L looked around at my lite family and saw the kick were focused on thei Pac while Logan was working on his laptop and 1 dic miss how tight his jw was clenched or how angry he was typing away on his computer either.

What the helis his problem.

Ithought to myself 31 got up from my seat and headed towards th plane's bathroom locking myself in there

“Camell.* “Did you or did you not marry Logan Black, Lacey? ts a simple ys or nc” She intermupts me and I close my eyes and sigh “es Lic There was sence on the other end ofthe phone for about tiry seconds before 1 heard a loud, high-pitched squeal twas 50 high-pitched tha I once again hadi to move my phone away from my ear because of how painful it was to my eardrums.

“I cant believe you married Logan, how id this happen, Lace? tell me everything” “Theres not really much to tll, Car, he found out abot the triplets, he came all the way to London to see us and he confessed that he loves me” “Yeah, yesh Logan loves you, everyone knows tht Lace, ge t the wedding part Wait, what “Wait, you knew Logan had feelings for me?” Lask and 1just knew she was rolling hr eyes at me.

“Gil, everyone knew yout the only one who dit and is probably because you were wasting ll of your time on that horse’ ss Dylan” cant believe this “Everyone knew? even our families?” “Mime-henm, do you remember several years back it was probably about a year o two before you lef when Justin and Logan got ito a huge physica ight and they dt speak to each other for morth afterwards? “Yeah

“Well, that was because of you, 1 mean, ts not becatse of you but t i, if you know what I mean” “dort understand 15ay and she lets out a sigh.

“Just lke yourself doll, Justin was blind to Logan's feelings fo you or he knew and he chose to be in drial about it because he probably lic ike the idea of his best fiend and his one and only baby sister getting iggy with it na-na, na-na, nana.” “Carmella Lgroan in annoyance aru my forehead in frustration.

“Sry. anyway, Justin found out that Logan was i love with you, the pair got nto ft and they reused to speak to each othe again for some time afterwards. if Tm being perfectly honest with you Lace, 1 highly doubt the two idiots wouldve ever reconciled their friendship had you not got engaged to Dylan” “Why didnt know about this?” “Because we all thought you were in ove with Dylan” She sad in a duh tone.

“1 mean, had an inking tht you had a thing for Logan but you never said anything even afte you'd had the tiple, zo jus let tbe” Oh my god.

“But now you're is wifey and Tve got just one question for you Lace” Ohno “And whats that” “1s he just as good in bed today as he was back then?” “Camella

1gasped and she laughed.

“What? dont tell me you two haven't been boyz to menning ital ovr the place, Lace?” “Huh, what do you mean?” Task confused “Til make love you like you want me to and Il hid you tight baby, al through the igh, Tl make ove to you whe you want me to and © will not et go, tl you tell me to" She sings down the phane to me and I chuckle as1 bite down on my lower fp.

“Actually, Carm, we havent.” “Lacey Black ne Carpenter-Wright, please dort tell me you havent allowed Logan to pound the alarm on your kitten yet?” She interrupts me and I roll my eyes.

“Can you stop with the song references please, Car? its weird and no, we haven't dane that yet” 15ay and she gasps loudly “What? why?” “1 dort know. I'm nervous, 1 guess” “Oh Lace, theres nothing to be nervous about” “lent there? havent hc sx in sx whole years, Carmella and even then it was just one igh of drunken sx which I barely remember” 1 groan as look towards the door.

“Does Logan know how you feel?” “Of course he doesnt “Wel tell him goddammit She grovis starting me “Talk to Logan, Lace, trust me, youl fee lot better f you dor “Really “Yes.laok. nobody but the man himself knows ial of the stories bout Logan being a promiscuous playboy ar true or not but if they re not true and the last time he had sx with a woman was with you then maybe he can relate. maybe he’ nervous as well 1 guess” said whist biting th inside of my ip nervously “Go and talk to your husband, Lacey” “Ok fine” “Good gir and make sure you give me all of the juicy detail ate hes cleaned out your coset. ok" “Carmella, wear to god” growl and she chuckles.

Fist Wil Smith then Boyz To Mien and Nicki ing and now she’s referencing Eminem to describe my =x fe ith Logan.

“Teas the lst one, 1 promise” Yeah, Ibetitis.

161 know my best frend like 1 do then know shes gota whole ls of song references just waiting to be invited nto the conversation “Sa, whats Going on now? ar you guys gonna stay in London of ae you coming back to New Yorks” Carmella asks and et out a breath.

“Tm coming home, Carm, Tm coming back to New York” say and silence ance again befell us fo a few seconds, only this time there was no chamatic high-pitched squeal there was anly my best frends serous voice on the other end “You know Ive got your back, ight? no matter what, weve always got each other Lace” Carmella ssid and it made me tear up because she’s the ane who has hays been there an he's gonna continue to b there or me just tke Twili her unt the day we both die “Yeah, know. Im 50 lucky to have a frend lie you, Camm” “Ditto dol now go and tlk ta your man and just remember wht the queen sac “Wht did the queen say?” ask thinking the meant th lte queen of England but 1 as wrong, “Hop on top, 1 wanna ide. * 5 1 quickly ended the cll because there was io way 1 was gonna let her reference another sang, especially not tha one Dorit get me wrong, love me some Cardi but my god, that song is just insane.

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