Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 22

Lacey's POV.

What was that all about? Why id Logan al of a sudden go from looking hurt an ad as he eavesdropped on our babies to plastering a fake smile on his face and rushing out of ere? know he sic he as ok but knew he wasn't and he ws just faking how h fet fo whatever reason Lwonder whats going on with him “Mum. oh my god, how long have you been standing there for™ Logan Junior ask looking every inch of is father “Not long. why? what ar you al doing?” ask while looking into the boy's room and seeing Dayton and Teddy looking at each other vith wide eyes 2 Logan looks up at me.


“Nothing mum, we were just talking, where's Logan gone?” “He's gone back to hi hotel to pack, what were you al talking about? “Oh nothing important” “Really Inamowed my eyes at all three of my kid.

Jt mustve been something pretty important it upset thei father and had him leaving here 0 hasty.

“Logan, can you hold my hand, please?” “Sure, mum Logan Junior places his hand in mine and lead us into the boy's ecoom.

then st down on Dayton's bed and! gently pull Logan Junior to st down next to me.

“Where you ll talking about your dad?” ask my Kids.

They al look at each other before nodding ther heads. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“And what were you talking about exact?” “We wanted to know what Los deals and why he doesnt ike our dad?” “1 never ssid 1 dont ike him Dayton, 1 sid dort trust him which is normal considering h's a stranger to us” Logan Junior said and felt a painful sta in my chest when he called is ow dad a stranger which 1 guess technical he is but it tl doesnt stop it from hurting

"But he's our dad, Logan” “And? a ie doesnt change anything just because we share the same DNA" “Lagan sweetheart. you do realise tha ts not your father fault why he hasn't been there for you guys, ight” ask and Logan Junior nods his head.

“Yes mummy, 1 do” “Well, then how do you expect your father to be here and be in your ves if he dict know about your existence? your father i a very smart man but he's not telepathic” say and my kids chuckle “Look. understand why you'd have a wall up, Logan baby but promise you, 1 promise ll of you that you dost need to feel this way with your dad because it wasn' hi aul its mine for keeping my pregnancy a secret from him, if you're gonna be mad at anyone then you zhould be mad at me because Im the one wha dic tell im about you guys" “Im not mad at you mummy” Logan Junior said 2 he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest “Were not mad at you either, mummy, daddy sad that you were going though a hard time when you were pregnant with us and you were thinking srsght whatever hat means” Did he now? mean, he's not wrong because was messed up mentally and emotionally back then and to be honest Im surprised 1 was able to make it to London in one piece, that's how messed up was but sl, he shouldn't be discussing things lke this with our babes.

Either way, your fther is completely blameless in this and he shouldn't be treated ie he doesnt matter” “But were being nice to him, mum” “Daytorss right 1 may not trust him, mum but t doesit mean Im being horble with him. you raised me better than that”

Logan Junior says and I smile down at him as 1 run a hand through his short blonde hair.

“Yeah but calling him Logan instead of dad i hurtful to him, on, lke 13a. 1 understand why you would fel this way but 1 promise all three of you that you can trust your father” “How do you know that mum?” “Because know your dad and 1 know fo a fact that if was strong encugh back then and had the guts to tel him about you guys five years aga then he wouldve been in your ves” Tears ile my eyes as gil fled my heart felt s0 guity that 1 had taken five years aay from Logan andl our babes, five years where they couldve been in each other ves and bile a close bond ith one another and now he being punished for a decision made, its not ar elt a tiny hand on my face wiping away my tears.

Hooked down at my litle i who was ming at me.

“Dont ery, mummy we stil love you© “I know you do, princess andi love you three more than anything, Im just eal, really sorry tha stole your father from you, 1 dict have that right to keep him from you" “Its ok. mum, dad's here now and that's ll that matters” Dayton says happily as he snuggles in close to me on my other side “The only question now i, is Logan gona start caling our daddy dad or i he gonna continue caling him Logan?” Teddy asks her bother who just remained quiet.

Logan Juor looked up at me andl my heart broke for my lite man who looked conficted and sad.

“Do 1 have to cal him dad, mummy?”

He asks me and I smile at him.

“Not nti you're ready to, baby but 1 know it would mean the world to your dad and t would make him really happy if you die “Can think about i” He asks and 1 smile at him as lean down and kiss his forehead “Of course you can so know it would mean the absolute world o Logan to hear all three of is kid call him dad but Im not gonna force Logan Junior to do zometing he doesnt wanna do 16 hes not ready to call Logan dad then he's not an we both need to respect that and wit fo him to be ready.

“Mumm, is dad coming back ater?” “He said he i” “Can we have Chinese for dinner when he comes back” “Ifyou want but you need to frish packing first tll my babies.

“Were done, mum Dayton says while pointing towards his and Logan Juniors backpacks.

Ive already packed their suitcases because I don' trust my kids when it comes to them packing their clothes.

IF Tleft my triplets to their own devices and let them pack what they want then they d either pack clothes tha dort match, they d pack ther princess or Marvel costumes or they would just pack thir pyjamas or swim shorts, not that thy ll be doing much swimming in New York at this time of the year “Wht about you. Teddy? are you packed?”

“Ok, well. mummy has still got quite a bit of packing to do, so can you all do me a favour and please be good” 1 pleaded with my kids, not that 1 needed to because they're incredibly good kids.

SERRE “Of course, mum” “Sure, mum” “Good” 15ay with a smile as 1 kiss all thee of my babies on their cheeks, 1 then stand up and go to leave but was stopped by Logan Junior.

Si “Ves, honey” Logan Junior looked hesitant to respond but he did anyway: “Do you wanna go back to New York, mum? or are you just going because we want to and because Logan and our grandparents want you torr Wow 1wasnit expecting him to ask me a question like that and if Tm being honest, did't know how to answer him.

dict wanna lie to my son and say yes, I can't wai to go back to New York and see our family again because that would be a flat-out ie but also couldnt tell im the truth either because by doing that itl open up a can of worms that none of us are read for Inthe end, 1 decided a litle white lie would hurt anyone, so1 plastered a fake smile on my lips and hoped to god my smart as hell kids would buy my ie “Of course, wanna go home, it's time my three munchkins met their families and 1 can't wait to show you al off to them” “Do they all smell like grandma Bunny, mum?”

Huh “What do you mean? I dorit understand What Dayton trying to ask you mummy i, do the est of our family smell ike brewery?” Teddy asks and 1 burst out laughing My grandparents were anly here fo afew hours an already my grams has made quite the impression on my youngins.

“Nope, hats a smell only unique to your grams” “Good because that smell i trong, f she tied o give mouth to mouth to someone she'd probably get them drunk from her breath alone Dayton sid and L once again laughed.

“Youre not wrong there, sor” said before walking out of the boy's bedroom and heading towards my room to fini off my packing

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