Chapter 70 


It is not the early morning sun peeking through the blinds and into my eyes that wakes me from the most enjoyable sleep which I’m having with my wife wrapped around me. It is the vibration of my phone. 

Inhaling a deep breath. I let go of my wife’s body and turn to the side, sorting to reach for the device. 

Messages from Amir. 

Amir is a friend of mine who does certain kinds of favors for me. Deadly favors. He has no direct affiliation to the Mafia, but he makes certain to be here whenever I need him 

Even Mirabella knows nothing of his existence and I intend to keep it that way. 

Marcelo was last seen boarding a private flight to Tesoro Azul. It is believed that he made a stop between Escalera and Chuparosa. He wasn’t traveling alone, but I’m yet to discover the identities of his companions. More information will be- 

The bed shifts, Mirabella’s small moan while she stretches herself awake flooding into my ears. “Matteo,” she murmurs wordlessly, her voice and tired. “Why are you up so early! 


My eyes shoot from the phone screen to my wife, my lips thinning into a smile. My attempt at hiding my discomfort after receiving that text. What is Marcelo up to? 

Is it wise to attack now while he has no defense? 

Does he have an army already but pretends not to just to lure me into his trap once again! 

Thoughts flood my mind. And when I look back at my wife, I find her eyes narrowed suspiciously at me. 

1 set down my phone and clamber onto the bed, reaching forward to plant a kiss on my wife’s forehead. Her body seems tense, as though she can see through me, as though she has an inclination of what might be bothering me. 

But I do not want her to ask: I don’t want to have to lie to her about this, 

Why am I so paranoid? Why does this finding weigh on my heart so heavily! Of course I should be bothered, considering that this is the same man who toured my wife, kidnapped my daughter, and almost ended my life. 

Marcelo truly is something. And it’s my family’s fault what he has become 

If they hadn’t allowed him to gain such vast knowledge about this world of crime, then perhaps he wouldn’t be so far gone. 


Marcelo This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.


My new obsession. 

Am I going crazy? 

Of course not. I am only trying to protect my family. 

“What’s wrong?” She asks, moving to sit up. “What’s with the frown? Did something happen!” 

“I am not frowning” I say, moving to sit in the same position as her, my body tense with worry

A moment of silence passes between us, my wife’s eyes intent on me while she assesses my strained features. 

Why’s it so difficult to pretend when she’s near? 

“You’re will frowning, and tense. What’s wrong?” She smiles, her lips stretching into a grin. I let myself enjoy the relief that comes from seeing her smile. “You’re worried about something” She observes, her hand on my own, reminding me that I can tell her anything. 

Her touch is so soft and gentle, so soothing. I grasp at her hand, lifting it to my lips and placing a kiss on her knuckles. 

I am a finished man 

Chapter 70 

“It’s nothing I cannot handle, baby” 

She sighs exasperatedly. “We talked about making this work, Matteo, and we cannot do that if we don’t share our bothers with one another. No secrets, remember!” 

I inhale a breath. “Mirabella” 

“Matteo.” She whispers. Talk to me.” 

“It’s your father,” I murmur, shutting my eyes. “He’s in Mexico.” 

Silence envelopes us for the longest minutes of my life. I hold onto her trembling hand firm, my thumb stroking the back of her palm as a reminder that I am here if she needs a shoulder to cry on. 

“Mexico,” she repeats. “How do you know?” 

“I have a guy.” I answer in a clipped tone, a way to tell her not to ask about this guy 

uy of mi 

She nods in understanding and asks. “What are your intentions?” 

“I will wait a few days until he’s pinned in a particular location. Once that is done, I will strike.” 

Again, she nods. “Okay. I’ll get my people ready.” 

My brows pull into a furrow, a frown coating my face. “Your people? Why do you want to get your people ready! Have I asked for your assistance?” 

“Do you intend to do this alone?” 

“Yes” I assert. “I would like to be extremely quiet about this. Go in with a few men, get him, and get out. And I’d appreciate it if you stayed home with the kids and be their mother while I’m gone.” 

She snatches her hand away from me, her eyes narrowing. “Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?” 

“It means that I want to protect you.” I grit through clenched teeth. “The last time you went in search of him alone, you came back with a stab wound” 

“And you came back, strapped to a stretcher with multiple gunshot wounds. Which is worse?” 

A scoff escapes my mouth, a brow raising in challenge. “I am done with this conversation, Mirabella. I have made my decision and there’s no changing it. You will stay at home and care for our children while I go out there and find the man whose only intention is to wreak havoc in our lives. 

“You think I’m upset because you want to do this alone?” She chuckles, incredulous. “No. 1 am upset because while you were unconscious for months, I single–handedly ran this family. I took care of the business, the children, and still made out time to take care of you. And now, you limit my abilities to only household duties. It’s insulting.” 

“When did I limit your abilities, Mirabella?” I ask, my breathing becoming erratic. I stare at her and she stares at me in silence while we sort to catch our breaths 

After minutes have passed, and we both have found ourselves in a place of calm, I pull her onto me, lifting her so that she’s straddling me. My fingers stroke through her mass of black hair, tucking wild strands behind her ears. 

“I apologize for not making my point clear enough, baby,” I say on a whisper, reaching forward to smack a kiss on her lips, “I am afraid, afraid of letting that man near you again, afraid of the lengths he’d go this time around. If any of us should be harmed, Mirabella, then it should be me. don’t need any more of this. You’ve had enough. I just want you to be okay and safe for me and for the children you love so much.” 

Alone tear ropes down her cheek as she leans forward until her forehead is rested on mine. “Matteo… 

Please, Mirabella, I love you too much even the thought of putting you in harm’s way u me. Cook me a good meal and wait for my return, please.” 

“You prombe to return!” She aski 

I nod against her forehead, whispering, “yes” 

“Okay, I stay. But if you don’t return after three days, I’ll be coming to get you. 

I chuckle. Thral 

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