Claiming His Tempting Mate

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Shyla's POV

Pain.... Everything is painful....

I wanted to groan but I couldn't open my mouth. My body feels sore and stiff. I tried to move my body

but couldn't, it felt like something my body had suddenly become too heavy to lift. I can't even open my

eyes but I can still hear some voices in the background which are certainly unfamiliar to me.

"Has she woken up?"

"No, I am watching her already"

"Mom is anxious. She is praying so hard for it"

"I am quite excited too. I never thought this day will come"

"Nor did I but I am happy too"

Who are these people? And what are they saying? I clearly remembered that I left the pack house at

night. Did they find me and bring me back again? Just thinking about that made my heart clench. I don't

want to see their faces in this life. All my miseries are because of them and I will never forget it even

after my death.

"Oh look she is opening her eyes" I heard the voice again.

I fought hard to open my eyelids. I can't stay here for long and I have to see who are these people who

brought me here. When I was finally able to open my eyes fully the first that greeted me was a white

ceiling with golden pattern style. The colour itself looks luxurious let alone the golden pattern designed

on the ceiling. Even the Alpha's room of my ex pack was not this unique. I turned my head to the side

and saw a beautiful face of a woman. She was all smiling. Her natural beauty is enough to amaze


"Are you fine? Do you feel pain anywhere?" She asked with her sweet melodious voice.

"I... " I tried to reply but my voice stuck inside my throat. I rubbed it slowly trying to soothe it.

"Oh, your throat must be dry. Let me get you some water, it will help you relax" she said before getting

up. After a few seconds she returned back and handed me a glass of water.

"Here, have this first and relax yourself. We can talk slowly"

I grabbed the glass and drank the water.. After the water drenched my sore throat I suddenly felt good.

God, I don't know how long it has been dry that I could not even speak a word properly.

"Do you want more?"

I shook my head. She took the glass from my hand and placed it on the side table.

"You have been sleeping for a good time so your body must be stiff and sore. Since you woke up, you

need to eat and nourish it to get healthy"

I looked at her "how...long ..I -"

"Oh, you have been sleeping for a month now"

My eyes almost popped out. One month? I was unconscious for a whole month? How come I ended up

like this? Was I too hurt that I was unconscious for a month?

"How did you...found me?" I asked.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The woman smiled "our two pack guards saw you lying on the ground in the forest. They were

patrolling the area so we can just put it in a way that it was a lucky coincidence from each side"

So the voice I heard last time was from those guards. She is right. I was quite lucky that the ex member

didn't find me. Or I don't know what I would have done after waking up.

"Thank you for saving me"

She smiled "you don't have to. It was lucky that you were found and we are lucky that we have found

you. After All the searching of all these years has been finally worthy"

I frowned at her words. What is she saying? Years of searching? Searching what actually?

Before I could ask her and get any answers the door opened and few people rushed in. Among them

was a elderly female at the same age as my ex adoptive mother. But she is more elegant and beautiful.

If you don't look at her closely it's impossible to predict if she is really old. She had tears in her eyes as

she looked at me. Behind her was two men standing and looking at me. One of them was an elderly

man and the other one was young and promising but both men looked strong and immovable. But what

was more surprising was their eyes. It's the most beautiful and rare type of orbs that I have ever seen

in my life. How beautiful! They are purple. I have once heard that in the wolf tribes there are some who

have purple eyes but none of them actually saw one so the rumours just stayed in the story. But now

seeing it with my own eyes I really wanted to scream that I have actually witnessed it with my naked


"How are you darling?" The sweet voice of the elderly woman broke my trance.

"I ..I am fine" I replied. Her voice filled my heart with warmth and her gaze was so gentle like a mother

staring at her daughter. I have seen such a gaze when my ex mother used to look at Reese, but she

never looked at me that way. I always used to wonder until that night when everything was disclosed

before me.

"I am so grateful that you are fine" she suddenly sobbed. The elderly man walk forward and placed his

arm on her shoulder.

"Why are you crying now? She is here already but you're still crying?"

The woman nodded her head and wiped her tears before gazing at me again. She smiled before slowly

moving and sitting on the bed beside me. A feeling of warm breeze waved towards me suddenly. She

held my hand gently.

"I am so sorry for everything my dear. Because of our lack of attention you suffered a lot. I still curse

myself for that"

I frowned at her words "what are you saying aunt?"

Her smile froze on her face for a few seconds then she shook her head "no my dear, it's not aunt. Our

relation is much more stronger and closer than that"

I couldn't understand what she meant. I tried to calculate every possible way but still couldn't find any

answers. These people, what are they saying?

I looked at the person before me. I have never seen her. She is not familiar to me but still she doesn't

feel like a stranger too.This is something I couldn't understand why?

"What does that mean?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Do you know who you are?" She asked instead.

"I... My name is Shyla and I used to live in Bright Shine Pack" I replied.

But she just smiled warmly and said "sweetheart Shyla is not your real name"

My eyes widened with shock. What does she mean by that? Is Shyla not my real name? But how does

she know that? My identity was a fake one that I have been living for so many years already? How

come after leaving the pack everything started to change? I looked at the woman again. Her eyes are

bright and it's clearly stating what she is saying is true. And that's when I started to understand that

everything will be changing in my life along with my identity.

"If....I am not Shyla then who am I?" I asked her. Since my fake parents already faked everything and

made me a joke in this world then I need to know who I actually am.

"You..." The woman smiled again "are my daughter and your name is Savannah"

My heart skipped a beat hearing the confession. Her daughter? How? How come I suddenly become

her daughter?

"How could that be possible? I used to live in Bright Shine Pack. But none of you have ever visited me

before. How could I believe in these words?" I asked her.

"What a joke!" The young man exclaimed "you were never related to them in the first place, nor you

could ever be one of them. What they told you is a lie, a biggest lie about your origin"

My heart started to ache. What's all these? In a second my name changed and now even my identity is

changed. I was an orphan but in reality I am not?

"We never visited you because we didn't know you were living in that small pack" the elderly man

replied "if we knew I would have taken you from there. You don't deserve to live in such small place

with so much barriers"

What's happening here? I really can't understand anything.

"I....I don't know. I can understand anything" I shook my head. After waking up, how much shock am I

going to get?

"Sweetheart don't stress" the elderly woman said with concern "years ago when you were six years old

there was a sudden fire in our pack. In that tragic night many of our pack members lost their life in that

fire and also that is the night when you went missing. Your father and me and your brother, we are busy

rescuing the people and though we kept you far from the fire under protection but when we returned

you are already gone. We tried to search for you everywhere but failed to locate you. I know we are at

fault but we never thought someone would take advantage of the situation and will steal you away from

us. After that we kept searching for you all these years but still couldn't find any traces for you until one

month ago when our patrolling guards found you in the forest"

"We didn't know that it was you. But we are glad our guards did bring you back. We are all happy and

nervous too. But we trusted our prediction but still we needed to wait until you woke up. And as

expected we were right" The elderly man said.

"But after all these years how can you be so sure that it was me?" I asked them. It's not like they could

take any girl as their daughter without any reason.

The woman smiled "our clan is different from others and we also have something that keep us being

different from others"

"How?" I asked again.

"The reason you were unconscious is because you broke through your average level and awakened

your wolf," she replied.

My heart jumped. My wolf? I also have my wolf? Back in the pack all of them already transformed

except me. That's why they never respected me because I was weak.

"Wolf? But I never transformed before when I reach my age"

"Other average wolves transform when they reach 16 but our clan is different. We don't transform until

we reach 18. It is our blood connection and transforming at 18 gives us more energy and makes us

stronger than normal wolves" the elderly man explained.

Transformed at 18 and awakened wolf? Is this the reason that I couldn't transform back in there?

"But there are also two things that are rare and only happen after our first transformation. Our Moon

pack has a mark that makes us special. First thing is after transformation we will get a mark pattern on

our back and the second thing is purple eyes. In the entire wolf tribe only our blood people has the

purple eyes"

Purple eyes? I noticed that both men have purple orbs. That is similar but when did I get one?

"Here" the young woman handed me a mirror. Hesitated, I grabbed the mirror. When I gazed in the

mirror I almost fainted seeing myself. When did it happen? My's purple?

Shock ran down like blood in my veins. My eyes are purple. Does that mean what they said is true? I

really found my real identity and my own family?

I looked up and gazed at them. They smiled at me warmly. A kind of feeling that I never felt. My

decision of leaving that pack is the best thing I could ever do and ever did in my life.

"I am your mother and my name is Astrea" the elderly woman referred herself "and he is your father

Micah and your elder brother Devak and she is your sister in law and your brother's mate Tanea"

I looked at them one by one. Though it has been a few minutes since I got to know about them, my

heart does not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead it was filled with a warmness that I never felt before. Is

this the feeling that people feel when they spend time with their family? I don't know what to call this but

I am glad and my heart is peaceful.

They all said unison "Welcome to Snow Moon Pack dear Savannah"

And this time I felt welcomed from the deepest part of my heart.

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