Claimed By The Don

Chapter 24

Ava p. o. v

“So what’s the deal with you and Dante” I asked Kara, We are now in the mall, walking around in the wedding gown section looking for a Gown. I honestly have no interest in finding a Gown, so I just let both my Mom and to be Mom do the shopping since they are more excited than I am, like they were the ones getting married.

“That fucking bastard.” I gave her the stink eye which she didn’t notice because she was busy glaring at the gown in her hand, as if it is Dante. “Remember Valarie from yesterday?” She faced me, yeah I do remember her but what’s with her and them.

I gave her a curt nod.

“The thing is she had a crush on Dante since childhood, like when we were ten but that butt head of a brother didn’t acknowledge her feelings neither reciprocate her feelings.” She hissed irritated. “I know for a fact that he feels something for her but he just won’t admit it.”

I kind of guessed that, but why won’t Dante love her back, she seems to me like a nice girl.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“She has decided to give up on him, she wants to move on. Now she’s on a date with a guy who has been asking out since junior year.” she grumbles, as if idea alone is annoying.

So that explains why he was pissed, he loved her but maybe don’t know how to tell her. I know nothing about love, but I know it will take a lifetime to forget the person you love, expect it isn’t true love. She can’t and will not stop loving him.

Kara let out a long tired sigh, she turned to me, all trace of her previous emotion is gone, now replaced with an excited one.

“So do you have any specific design of wedding gown in mind?” She eagerly waits for my reply, was I supposed to have a particular type of gown in mind?

“No?” It’s came out more of a question than a statement. She gasped staring at me with wide eyes.

“Oh my God Ava, I would have search the internet for different styles of wedding Gown. You are unbelievable.” Kara exclaimed throwing her hands in the air dramatically, she can’t blame me right, this wedding is not my choice.

“I don’t have a phone…. before.” I blant out.

“Huh? What? Why?”

Why? Oh sweetie you don’t wanna know.

“Your dear brother broke it.” I said sarcastically.

“Why would he do that?” She held a sympathy look on her face.

“I kinda ignored his calls so he got angry” I said smiling sheepishly at her.

“As if” she sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Ava can you come here please.” Mrs Alfonso called, I sighed tiredly as Kara dragged me along to where they were sitting. A gorgeous lady stood in front of them, all their attention turn to us as we approach them.

“Are you the bride.” She asks and I have a single nod. “Wow Please don’t mind me saying, but girl you are damn beautiful the gown is gonna look so good on you. I’m Charlotte by the way but please do call me Lotte” She said to which we just smile at her, she clapped her hand together exhaling slowly.

“So there’s this Gown made specially for you per sir Vincenzo order.” She briefly glance at me before facing the two teenage moms. “Please do follow me.”

We followed her through a door to what seem to be a working area, there are several people working on different machines. She opened a polished wooden door for us and we step in, I was left breathless at the sight in front of me, I gape at the wedding dress wore by an advertising doll.

The dress seemed magical, I can’t even form words to describe how breathtakingly gorgeous it is.

(Picture of the wedding gown at the top)

The Gown left me speechless and I don’t know nor have words to say, it was just so beautiful and my dream wedding dress. It was just like how I dreamt for when I was a kid, and Vince has made it for me, my heart made a flip and muti butterflies erupt in my stomach.

“You said Vince asked you to make this?” It was so nice to be true, and for Vince of all people. How did he knew I wanted something like this or is it just some plain coincidence.

“Yes, He made us work all night with no stop.” Lotte said gesturing to the tired looking people, who had dark bugs under their eyes. And that’s the Vince I know, a complete control freak but my heart still warms at his sweet gestures. He’s slowly crawling his way to my heart even if he doesn’t know that and I don’t want to admit it, it’s true.

“Do you like it?” An overly excited Kara chirped from beside me, tugging at my hand softly.

“I love it.” I was grinning widely showing my teeths but I don’t mind, I’m so damn happy.

“Great, please go try it on ” Lotte said, She remove the dress from the doll and hands it to me then point to a door where I can change. I took the Gown and gingerly walk to the changing room, eager to see how it looks on me.

I walk fully clothed in the wedding dress with the help of a worker, I saw my Mom wiping tears from her eyes as she stare at me with such adoration and love, a sweet smile playing on her lips.

“You look beautiful my child.” She whispered in her hoarse voice.

I look to Mrs Alfonso to see her smiling widely at me, she engulf in a hug.

“My son is lucky to have such a gorgeous lady like your self.” She said holding my hand, we have parted from the hug but she held my hand staring at me dead in the eyes. As if passing a silent message to me, or maybe a reminder of what she had told me in the garden yesterday.

Kara blew a kiss at me and also commented on how I look in the dress.

“Congrats on your wedding by the way.” Lotte congratulate me while we make our way out of the mall, I’m the bride but I don’t know when my wedding is supposed to take place.

What kind of a bride am I, anyway I’m gonna ask Vince about it….. later.

“Thanks.” I replied.

My step faltered as I saw the man again, I’ve got a feeling that we were been followed since we left the Alfonso Mansion, but I didn’t put much thought to it. I’ve seen this man many times when we are in the Mall, but still didn’t think anything of it.

Our eyes have met a few times and then he would disappear when I blink, it seems to me that it was just my imagination but now I believe I’m not imaging this. He gave me a sadistic grin when he caught my stare again, my throat went dry when I got a glimpse of a long scar that went down the side of his face.

I increase my step catching up with My Mom, Mrs Alfonso and Kara, they gave me a questioning look when I kept glancing around but I shrug. I breath in the freshness of the car when we’ve sat in and exhaling slowly in relieved, shit. I was so scared back there, I relaxed and rest my head on the headrest.

“Fuck” the driver exclaimed, glaring at the rearview mirror, he step on the gas pedal and increase the speed. From where I’m sitting, I can see he’s tense and speaking furiously into what seemed to be a….. walkie talkie?.

I glanced behind us, I gasped when I saw four cars hot on my trail. I Trembles when a thought stroke me, this can’t be happening, I’m not even married to him yet but this is already happening, how I’m I suppose to live like this.

“Ava you need to calm down, I know it’s hard but please calm. The driver as inform Vincenzo, he will here soon” Mrs Alfonso trys to assure me, but how the hell am I supposed to stay calm.

I can’t stay calm, today might be my last day, what if a bullet hits me and paralyzes me.

I’m terrified but who wouldn’t, this are Vince enemies we are talking about here, they will be brutal no doubt. Mom held me tightly to herself as if wanting to shield me from them, I saw Kara bringing out a small gun, Mrs Alfonso did the same. They must have been trained for situations like this.

Suddenly my phone rings, blaring through the tense silence. I shakingly brought it out, I kinda felt relieved when Vince name appears on the screen, I received the call quickly.

“Cara.” He breath out.

“Vince I’m scared, I don’t want to die please. I’m too young for it, Vince please don’t let me die.” I cried desperately.

“Cara Mia.” His loud angry voice growled from the phone, which made my crying and rumbling stop. “Fuck Baby! You are not dying get that?” I nod even if he can’t see me, I guess he took my silence for an answer.

“All you have to do for me is bend down and don’t get up until I’m there.” He said, and I did as told. the driver took a quick turn to another road narrowly missed a bullet hit from our chasers. “If I so much as see a scratch on you, I will wipe out their linage” Vince growl.

I cried, I’m scared shitless.

“They made you cry, do not hang up.” His voice now sound more animalistic than man, Mrs Alfonso groan hearing it. I guess this is not going to be good now, our car suddenly came to a stop as six cars were packed on the road blocking any movement.

The people chasing us must have noticed that we lead them to a trap, they made to revise but bullets flys from the cars in front of us hitting their tyres. Seeing as they were trapped, they emerge from their cars, as well as those in front of us.

I closed my eyes tight, buried my face in my mom’s shoulder as bullets starts flying around. Groans and loud thuds were heard before everything went silent, but I don’t dare lift my head nor open my eyes in fear of what I would see.

The car door open and I was ripped from my mom’s embrace, I yelp ready to fight the person but relaxed when I saw it was Vince. I threw my arms around his neck, holding him tight to myself, He didn’t say a word as he carried me to his car and the car begin to move.

His lips crash on mine in a hungry and passionate kiss, a kiss I accepted whole heartedly. He broke the kiss and Peck my head, before he buried my face in his chest and like that I fell into darkness.

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