Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 17

“Funding comes out of my account. This is my old lady’s problem, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the club. I never buy anything anyway, so my money is just sitting there not being used. I. T. I’ll let you handle that.” Jax explained.

I. T. came up with dirt on the doctor. He’s a big gambler and doesn’t do very well. He’s also sleeping with one of his nurses. His wife doesn’t know and would leave him and take everything.

Especially since he married her for her money. The guys talk with the grandfather. To be 76 he’s still mentally stable and agreed to help them take down his grandson. He still had a few connections too. Club meeting a few weeks later.

“What we have is purely circumstantial. We need either solid proof or a confession.” Jax explained.

“I just don’t think he’s stupid enough for that brother.” Ice replied.

“I did manage to find the vehicle that ran her mom off the road. I checked the service station videos before and after the wreck. There was a black F150 there and before the wreck there was no damage. Afterwards it had damages to it. I ran the plates. Came back as a known gun for hire. One who’s been on junior’s payroll before.” I. T. explained.

“Fuck! This just got worse and worse. How much shit has this bastard done and got away with?” Jax roared.

“With what we know, we could try and bluff him. He doesn’t know we don’t have concrete evidence. Maybe with enough bits and pieces we could convince him we have enough to put him away for life. At the very least it could force his hand, make him make a mistake.” Ice explained.

“He does seem like a cocky arrogant bastard!” Jax retorted. ”

With the right trigger, I think we could force his hand. And you know what his main trigger is.” Blade replied.

“Raine.” Steele agreed.

“No!” Jax and Ice both yelled.

“Brothers, she herself said he never hit her. She’s his weakness along with the coke.” Hunter replied.

“I don’t give a damn! I swore to her I’d never let him touch her again!” Jax warned.

“If she knew about her mom, she would want to be a part of putting him away.” Blade warned.

“It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.” Jax argued.

“Shouldn’t we let her decide?” Steele asked.

“No! It’s my job to protect her, not send her into the lion’s den. And I know sending her back to him will open old wounds. It’ll mess with her head. She’ll be irrational, maybe even reckless, or careless. We need to find another way!” Jax ordered.

“I hate to say it, but I agree with Steele. She’s jumpy and on edge as it is. How much longer do you think she can handle this? How can she live looking over her shoulder waiting for him to make his move?” MD asked.

“I really don’t see any other options Prez.” Hunter replied.

“Fuuck!” Jax growled.

“Prez, you wanted her to be a part of this. You need to let her decide.” Blade replied.

“So now we’re letting our women fight our battles for us?” Jax asked.

“It’s not like that. We need to put it to a vote.” Hunter replied.

“Fuuck! Fine! Those in favor telling Raine for her to decide say AYE!” Jax commanded.

“AYE.” Replied Blade, Steele, Hunter, and MD.

“Those not if favor say NAY.” Jax ordered. “NAY.” Replied Ice and I. T.

“If anyone has any other ideas, now is the time to come up with them.” Jax looked around.

“Hunter, go tell Raine I need to see her. Everyone dismissed except for Ice and I. T.” Jax ordered.

A few minutes later Raine walked in. “You wanted to see me?

“Yeah baby. Come sit on my lap.” Jax replied.

Raine sat on his lap. “Ok?”

“I. T. found out some stuff and we need to let you know about it.” Jax explained.

I. T. cleared his throat then begins. “First of all, Marty put his grandfather in a mental care facility to keep him out of his way. Second, his father’s death was suspicious. His father ate well, exercised, was in good health, and took care of himself. He had a massive heart attack and there was no autopsy done at all. That is strict procedure. Any home death is investigated, and an autopsy is done. So, following the money trail, Marty paid some people off.”

“Marty was always afraid of his dad and grandfather. If they tried to stop him or cut him off, it wouldn’t surprise me that he’d do something dirty about it.” Raine explained.

“We found the vehicle that ran your mom off the road and caused her wreck. It was traced back to a gun for hire. One that was known to have been hired by Marty in the past.” I. T. explained.

“So, you think Marty had my mom killed? For what reason? What purpose?” Raine asked confused.

“The day before her accident, she was seen arguing with Marty. Did your mom mention it to you?” Jax asked.

“No. Nothing. God, I think I’m going to be sick!” Raine gasped.

She jumped up and started pacing back and forth. One hand over her mouth and the other wrapped around her stomach.

“That sick mf’er! Let me guess, no evidence that would hold up in court? Raine asked.

“No.” I. T. replied.

“You have a plan?” Raine asked.

“No.” Jax replied.

“Well, only thing we know, is we either need hard evidence or a confession.” I. T. explained.

“And you think he’d confess to me?” Raine asked.

“He seems cocky enough from what I’ve heard, but the real question is if you think he would?” I. T. asked.

“I honestly don’t know.” Raine replied.

“Do you have any idea if he would keep any evidence of his drugs or records of his payoffs?” I. T. asked.

“I have no clue. Except I know his dealer’s info is in his phone. But other than that, I have no idea. When he lived at home, I would visit. He never had anything in his room. But I know his dad’s office was always locked. I don’t know what or why or if any of it had to do with Marty.” Raine explained.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“I do know his dad and grandfather were politicians, but they never seemed like they were into bad things. They were always about bettering the city. They cleaned up a lot of the gangs and drugs. They even built a shelter for homeless people and did fundraisers for the group homes for kids. I could even list more. Where’s Marty living now?” Raine asked.

“His dad’s house.” I. T. replied.

“I want to ask you a question. Really think about the truth. Do you think Marty wants you to tie up loose ends, or because he wants you with him?” Ice asked.

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