CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

A Cancer patient

Chapter 6 A cancer patient


Leo had a plastered grin on his face as he made his way to the gym. He didn’t think having sex with someone so random will make his heart flutter. Since he spent the night with Darby, he found himself feeling the need to talk to her again. She had left the moment he slept off which prevented him from getting her contact. There is a different aura that she emitted when they were together and it was starting to feel like he has a known her since forever. He would love to meet with her again and probably get to spend some quality time with her and get to know her. It feels like he already met his future partner. This thought made him break into a loud chortle. Aaron met him halfway.

“Is everything alright with you, man? What’s with the sudden laugh?” His friend asked.

Leo shook his head as he entered the gym. Everyone appeared busy getting their body in check. He walked towards the locker to change after greeting the guys. Dillon nodded at his friends while they lifted some dumbbells.

Dillion raised his voice to speak first. “So I heard Darby was able to shag Leo during the party.” He cackled looking towards Leo to be sure he heard.

“That girl is such a slut. I won’t be surprised if she ends up sleeping with the entire team at this point.” Another added laughing.

“I remember the day we spent time together, I really enjoyed her coochie. She moans quite well.” Another laughed

“I didn’t know you have gone down with her. Well that means she has slept with the five of us and other guys in her class. Now that Leo has joined the queue, I guess that makes him number fifteen or twenty on the list.” Dillon bellowed. “She did run her charm on him.”

Slamming the locker door shut angrily, Leo dragged his bag and stormed out of the gym. He was confused as to what was going on. Aaron ran after him immediately.

“Leo! Wait up!” He called out, catching up with him. “What the hell is the matter, man? Why would you concern yourself with dickhead Dillon and his friends? So they have slept with the girl you also slept with…so what? It shouldn’t be a news to you anymore that there are no virgins in this school. Every girl has a thing or two with guys around here.”

Leo heaved clenching his fist. “I just need to get home. Tell coach I will practice tomorrow!” He replied running off.

Getting into his car, he drove into the road like a maniac. He finds it really annoying that he is angry at the news. None of the girls he has shagged were virgin or decent but he had just thought this one was different. For a moment, he wanted to ignore his playboy instincts and spend some time with her. But just like everyone else, she is nothing but trash.

His anger knew no bounds and he could almost feel tears sting at his eyes. There is no way he would cry over a random girl. It was just a one night stand like every regular one. It shouldn’t hurt this much. Leo couldn’t believe himself for falling for a girl he has barely known for days.

Throwing himself into the bed, he screamed into the sheets and didn’t realize his phone was ringing. He let himself stay still for a long minute as he breathed slowly. Someone knocked on his door but he didn’t respond. The door opened letting in his stepsister, Scarlett.

“Hey, big bro.” She called out while pulling at his leg.

Taking a deep breath he turned to look at her. “What do you want, Scar? I am really not in the mood to talk to you.”

Scarlett let out an awkward chuckle. “Yeah, I get it. But dad has been trying to reach you and was worried that something might be wrong. So I told him you are home.”

“What does he want?” Leo inquired looking disinterested.

“I don’t know. You should pick your call.” She mused walking out of the room.

Sitting up, Leo searched his bag for his phone. He had about five missed calls from his mom and dad. It made him feel torn on who to call first. He decided calling his father would be best, he hardly calls anyone when he is at work. Whatever he has to say must be important.

Ethan picked the call on the first ring. ‘What happened to you, boy?’ He bellowed into the receiver.

Leo pulled the phone away from his ear at the noise. ‘I didn’t realize the phone was ringing. What’s wrong?’

‘Your mom. She has been calling you for a long while and called me when she couldn’t reach you. You know how easily worried she gets, endeavor to keep your phone close to you please.’ His father sounded frustrated. Knowing how his mom can be. Leo could imagine how much stress she must have put his father through.

‘I am sorry about that, dad. I will call her now.’ He replied.

There was a brief pause on the other line. ‘Are you okay, son?’

‘I am perfectly fine. You should get back to work.’ Leo urged hanging up.

He hates being asked personal questions like that. Inhaling, he leaned further into the bed trying to conserve his energy to speak to his mother. Dialing her contact, he counted his breath.

‘Hello mom.’ He mumbled the moment the line went through.

‘Hey baby.’ Her voice sounded really off.

Leo sat up abruptly. ‘What happened to you, mom?’

‘I am not feeling too well, baby. Please don’t panic. I have breast cancer.’

He jolted from the bed. ‘How? When did you find out? Why am I just hearing about this?’ He questioned frantically.

‘Relax, honey. This is why I told you not to panic.’ Grace mumbled. ‘It’s not at a critical stage. I will get surgery and be fine. But I will need you to be here for me baby.’

‘Definitely, mom. I will right there when you need me. I can get on a flight to where you are right this minute.’

‘Take your time, baby. I know your finals will be done in few weeks time, my surgery has also been scheduled to take place in about a month time. You can come then. I promise I will hold on till then.’

‘Come on, mom. I can always take the exams later on.’ Leo insisted.

‘No, baby. I don’t want you stopping anything for me. Get done with your finals and you can come, please.’

He hummed reluctantly. ‘But please stay strong for me, mom. I will come to you as soon as I am done.’

‘Sure, honey. I love you, baby.’

‘I love you too, mom. Please take care of yourself. I will ask dad to find a way to discuss with the school authority if I can get my exams done online, so I can be with you on time.’

‘It’s fine, baby. This is the time you need to enjoy your last days in high school. I’m sorry I had to ruin this for you. If only I was next to you.’ Grace drawled.

‘Don’t be like that, mom. I don’t care about anything else but you. Just hold on for me. Alright?’All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Sure, my love. Bye, baby.’

‘Bye, mom.’ Leo ended the call with a heavy heart.

He had heard a car drive into the premises and he could tell it was his father. Stepping out of the room, he got down the stairs to find the rest of the family seated with a gloomy expression. He rolled his eyes. “Can you all quit with the faces? She isn’t going to die.”

Ethan stood up to meet with him. “I’m really sorry, son. She wanted to break the news to you herself. I just had to let you hear from her. When would you like to leave? I could talk to your principal to let you have an online exam.”

“It’s just two weeks. Mom said her surgery isn’t due until after three weeks from now. I don’t want to exhaust my privilege. Also there is a need for me round up a lot of things in school. As soon as it’s all cleared, I would leave.” Leo said.

“Are you okay?” Evelyn asked in her usual concerned voice.

He nodded with a stiff smile. “Sure, how about we eat out tonight. Bills on dad.” Leo joked.

Ethan rolled his eyes as they all laughed. “With all pleasure.”

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