Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

RAVEN Staying in was suffocating , so I did what I did best : I jumped out of the window and left . I was enjoying the fresh air ; it was slightly chilly , but nothing that would affect us werewolves . I wrapped my arms around myself while walking along , glad I wore my suede thigh high boots . I was just walking around the edge of the trees when I heard someone crying hysterically . A child at that . Concerned , I followed the sound only to find Liam wrestling a very upset Azura . Her face was a dark pink and she looked distraught . ” Need help ? ” I asked without thinking . He stiffened before turning to me sharply . Goddess , he was so annoyingly handsome … Even while wrestling an angry , red faced , little cute chibi . My stomach fluttered nervously , feeling undressed under his intense , sharp gaze that still threw me off . It was like he was a stranger I didn’t recognise . His eyes were burning into me , I saw them darken when they fell on my bare thighs . This stupid oversize top was ridiculously short , but I wasn’t expecting t o run into him … I resisted the urge to tug i t down and instead remained smooth . ” Eyes up here , Westwood , ” I remarked , I walked over , reaching up I took Azura from his arms . I hated this … the way my heart pounded when he was near . Oh , how I wished I could turn back time to when I had him as a friend without this bond … M y heart clenched painfully and I instead focused on Azura , who began to fight me , screaming . ” I want Mama ! ” ” Mom and Dad have gone out and won’t b e back for a while . ” Liam added , only making her cry louder . ” Awe , Zuzu . Look Mama will come back soon ! ” I said , wrapping my arms around her tightly , only for her to scream harder . I ignored the broody big boy behind me , turning and carrying her towards the playground . Tmy ground . ” MAMA ! ” She screamed . ” What did you do ? ” I asked Liam , not even bothering to turn , knowing his eyes were fixed on me . ” Nothing . She had some fizzy drink and then she wanted to come out , so I brought her …

Then she just got upset . ” He said in a broody tone . ” It was probably the caffeine . ” ” I doubt it . ” I said sitting down on the swing . I placed her on my lap , wrapping m y arms around her , her head on my shoulders as I began rocking her gently . She was probably overtired . I’m sure it must have been her bedtime . ” Yeah . ‘ The hinges of the swing next to me creaked when Liam sat down gingerly . I had never seen him sit on it before … When we were younger , he used to say he was Alpha and was too big for it . As I got older , I realised he used to just do it to let me and Kia take all the turns . Whilst Damon would push us … Memories that pained me . I stroked Azura’s back , rocking her gently , her crying decreasing despite the fact that she was still sniffling . The last time I had come here was that fateful night … His beating heart , his scent and his long legs were unmissable even when I tried to ignore him , ” Shall I take her ? ” He spoke after a moment . ” Let her settle down . ” I said kissing the top of her head . ” She’s falling asleep . ” He murmured , I looked up at him , our eyes meeting , and that same crushing feeling tightened inside . The distant whimper of wolf rang in my head . my This bond between us … I knew I needed to end it , but rejection would hurt both parties . If we were to do it , we needed to d o it discreetly and then make sure we had time to recover . There had been one promise I made to myself , that when I came home , I would reject them both . But with the scary murder and all the other stuff that had been going on , the timing just didn’t feel right . I sighed heavily , hearing Azura’s heartbeat become steady . ” You actually got her to sleep . ” ” All she needed was a little comfort . ” I said standing up , holding the child close t o me . ” Guess so … ” He reached over , trying to untangle her from me , when she sobbed i n her sleep and tightened her hold on me . ” I’ll put her in her bed . ” He didn’t argue , I had a feeling he was glad to have her off his hands . ” With what happened last night , you shouldn’t be out alone . ” ” I’m strong enough to handle myself . ” I replied . I did not need any of that . I was not a baby . ” Yeah , but with the killer still out there- ” ” I’m a big girl , Liam . ” I cut in . ” Yeah ? From what angle ? ” My eyes flashed and I turned , glaring up a t the giant . ” Just because we

are not all overgrown turnips doesn’t mean we aren’t strong enough to take care of ourselves . ” I said shaking my head with irritation . He cocked his brow but said nothing as we reached the large house in the woods . The lights were glowing welcomingly as we approached . He unlocked the door and I stepped inside , not even realising how cold it had been out there . I led the way up the stairs , I had no idea which one her room was … Seeming to understand my hesitation , Liam brushed past me , making my stomach flutter and opening the door opposite Aunty Red’s room . I entered and I had to admit her room was so cute , decorated in a unicorn theme with pinks , rose gold and white . The wallpaper had clouds on it , set against a glittering pink background . The bedding and curtains were covered in unicorns , and the pink fairy lights that made the room glow made me want to just jump onto the bed and sleep in this cutesy room . I carried her to the low bed ; it was small , yet big enough for my five – foot frame if I had wanted to fit . See , I could totally sleep here . Liam moved the covers back and I slowly lowered her to the bed . She began crying and I winced . Oh crap . ” Shh , I got you . ” I whispered , slowly lowering myself onto the bed and patting her back . ” Damn … hard . ” ” Liam muttered , ” Kids are so He reached over , taking Azura’s shoes off . Her leg was draped over my waist . His arm brushed my thigh , sending a shock of sparks through me , and I couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped me . His eyes snapped to mine , changing to a dark magnetic blue . My heart was thundering but I looked away quickly , trying to de tangle Azura from my neck . ” I’ll get her . ” Liam said , slowly taking her hands from around my neck . Only for her eyes to flutter open and the start of a new wave , tears threatened to spill . ” It’s ok I’ll hold her . ” I said , not looking a t him . ” It’s near ten anyway ; Aunty 11 should be back soon . ” ” You sure ? ” ” Yeah . ” I said , not missing how his gaze fell on my bare legs . Goddess , please tell me my ass is not peeking out cheekily . He looked away smoothly , and I was glad because otherwise I was going to give him an earful .

I reached down and unzipped my boot , pulling it off before reaching for the other . I was about to remove it , trying not to disturb Azura when Liam reached over , unzipping it and tugging it off for me , making my heart thump louder . His piercing eyes met mine as he dropped the boot on the floor and leaned closer . I clung to Azura tightly , despite trying my best to remain indifferent . However , I was not able to stop the fear from consuming me when I realised that I was still vulnerable to the bond . His closeness , his scent and those dangerously sexy eyes were a thirst trap I couldn’t deny . I turned my head away , closing my eyes . I can’t see you . Go away . I thought I heard a small chuckle but I wasn’t sure when I felt the blanket cover u s both , and then I felt him move away . I was not able to breathe until he left . ” I’ll be downstairs . ” He said quietly before he shut the door after him . My eyes flew open and I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding . I had always wished Liam was my mate , but the older I got , I had that connection with both Liam and Damon . Like there was just that chemistry there . I know someone would say choose one and reject the other , but it hurts to think of doing that to either of them . Just the thought made my wolf whimper and my chest tighten . It wasn’t even my own fear ; it was the fact that I would have to hurt one of them , and because of me , I might destroy their friendship completely . I didn’t want to be that woman , not now , not ever . That was why I never approached them , not wanting to be the reason for their bond to break . Deep down , in the beginning , I hoped they’d accept it and we could be happy no matter how unique our situation was . Yet as time passed , I stopped thinking about that and made it clear to my wolf and to myself that I didn’t need a mate . I eased out of Azura’s hold , quickly replacing a large plushie in my spot . She hugged it loosely , but she was in a deep sleep and I was sure she would stay that way now . Yay ! I picked up my boots slowly and padded to the door , exiting silently . I shut the door a s quietly as possible behind me , stepping back when I suddenly knocked into someone , I gasped as a hand clamped over my mouth . Before I could even register he shock of sparks that coursed through me , I had flipped him over my shoulder , slamming him to the ground , one hand going to his neck as I pinned him down with a kneeNôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

to his chest . For the first time since my return , a small smirk of amusement crossed his lips . ” Nice move , bitesize . ” Liam said , making my heart race at that old nickname , his eyes roaming down my body until they lingered on my bare legs . But it was his next words that made my eyes fly open . ” And an even nicer view . ” He whispered seductively , the back of his fingers ghosting down my left thigh …

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