“What do you mean?” she asked. “I love him, Audrey. I just can’t imagine a future which does not include Jeremy. I love him”

“Sure it isn’t just physical attraction?” Audrey queried.

“Of course not. It isn’t the sleeping with Jeremy that matters. It is…. Oh, lots of little things, having him come home to me in the evening, waking up to find him there beside me, seeing his clothes, his toothbrush, his shaving kit in my bathroom, seeing the way his hair curls after a night’s sleep, how he looks at me with a funny little half smile, the smell of that stuff he puts on his hair. Oh so many silly things. I want to be Jeremy’s wife and share his intimate life for ever. ”

“We often want things that aren’t good for us” Audrey said.

“You do remind me of my aunt Ann” Penny said, suddenly smiling. Then her eyes narrowed. “You don’t like Jeremy, do you Audrey?”

Audrey chose her answer carefully. “I don’t know him very well Penny. He is exceedingly charming and good looking, most attractive. I quite see girl could fall in love with him”

“But you, yourself, couldn’t?”

“I don’t think I could fall in love with Jeremy. He’s not my type” Audrey replied. She pulled herself up quickly. “Anyway Penny, you and I are so different we are bound to love complete opposites. Perhaps that is the reason why we are such good friends. We are never rivals”

Penny jumped off the bed and hugged Audrey with a childish impulsive gesture.

“You are the most marvelous friend in the world” she said. “And I’m really glad that you let me come stay with you again.”

Audrey smiled at her. “thanks but I won’t take credit for all of it. Joey really wanted you here, and when I told him about your text to return, he was very happy about it”

“Oh that’s so nice” Penny said, she hesitated and said. “Audrey, does Joey know about… All these?”

“Yes I told him. He would have found out for himself anyways. I think even if didn’t tell him, he would have guessed the last time you were down here when you were being so sick”

“Was he very…. I don’t know… Shocked?”

“Joey is a doctor, Penny. Those sort of things don’t shock him… or anyone for that matter. You are a grown woman. It’s just that… He was upset… Because, well you see, Penny, Joey loves you”

“Loves me?” Penny repeated, her voice showed genuine surprise, anxiety. “But Audrey, he can’t. He shouldn’t. It can’t be true. He knew all along that I was in love with Jeremy. I’m sure I never led him to suppose…”

“No it wasn’t your fault” Audrey broke in. “He just fell in love with you. That’s all. It is possible, you know”

Penny said slowly, “I’m terribly sorry, Audrey. Is he so…. serious about it?”Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“Joey is the kind that is serious about these kind of things”

“Oh Audrey, this is dreadful. And yet you let me come back here… In my condition”

“Oh come on. Your condition doesn’t alter things one way or another. As to you coming here, even if I didn’t want you to. Joey wanted you here. He read your text to me and he wanted you to come. And I wanted you here too”

Penny was so deeply moved that for a moment she could not speak. Seeing her emotion, Audrey said lightly, “Well here you are and here you are going to stay”

Penny nodded her head, smiling through the unshed tears. “Fine. Then I suggest we go downstairs and see what Joey is doing”

Joey was in the garden throwing a ball for the spaniel to retrieve. He turned quickly and came forward to meet them.

“How are you Penny?” he asked, studying her face with a quick, embarrassed glance. “I expect you are tired after traveling all night. Benny has grown”

Knowing Joey’s feelings for her, Penny felt a shyness which she hid quickly in a rush of conversation.

“Yes hasn’t he? I think he’s going to be big for a spaniel. But I’m glad to say he’s still a puppy at heart. I should hate him to grow fat and staid and serious.

” Benny has far too much sense for that ” Joey replied, bending down to stroke the spaniels long silky ears.

There was a moments awkward silence then Audrey said, “Well, I have work to do. Why don’t you sit out here for a bit, Penny? The sun is really warm”

‘No, don’t leave me alone with Joey. I won’t know what to say to him…’ Penny thought.

But Audrey walked back towards the house.

Penny sat down on the garden seat. She wondered if Joey noticed how big she was growing. Already she could hardly fasten her skirt and she knew that soon she would have to start buying maternity clothes. She knew she would not be able to conceal the fact that she was pregnant much longer. That was one of the reasons why she left aunt Ann’s place so fast. It was also a relief to know that the male nurse was taking good care of her uncle Charles.

“Well, Penny, how’s everything going?” Joey asked her.

She saw Joey reach in his pocket of his jacket and take out his phone. He seemed nervous… Or maybe it was because she herself was nervous. But he really did have nice hands, she thought. She stopped herself. She shouldn’t be noticing things like that about him.

“Not bad” Penny replied. “How’s work going?”

“Oh. Fine. Very busy on the whole. Thought I’d take a day off”

“Joey, did you take the day off so you would be here to welcome me?” Penny asked

The silence was constrained… Awkward. Their old companionship had gone and Penny wondered desperately whether they would ever be at each with each other again. Joey must have sensed her embarrassment, know that if they were to retrieve the understanding and friendship that had grown between them during their last visit, they must be honest with one another.

“Penny, there’s something I want to say to you” he said, speaking quickly. “No, don’t say anything. I know you love Jeremy. I know you are going to have his child. It doesn’t alter anything where I’m concerned. Perhaps Audrey has told you that I have fallen for you. That does not matter. What does matter is that we should go on being friends. We can’t unless we are truthful with each other other”

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