Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 85

Friday 25th September, 2020


I was happy that Dad wasn’t making it easy for the Quads but I was sad for my twin sister. She needed someone to give her a break. Dad returned to our table without Star. I could tell through our link as twins that Star was really upset. I would bet almost anything that Star was marked and had covered it with makeup or something. Dad had probably realised and flipped out, knowing that Star had sneaked out last night. Dad probably didn’t know that Toby was involved because he seemed to like Toby.

“Sir, I know you have your reservations about us but we won’t get much of a chance to prove ourselves to you and Star if we can’t be around you both,” said Eli, his eyes wide.

Dad made an annoyed sound as he ate his pancakes.

“I think the Quads should come back to Ice Moon with us,” I said.

Everyone’s jaw dropped including the Quads.

“And why is that?” Asked Dad sharply.

“It’s inevitable that Star and the Quads will be together. It might as well be in front of your face rather than behind your back,” I said boldly.

Dad took a deep breath.

“Star earned her happily ever after fair and square even if the Quads haven’t impressed you yet, Dad,” I pointed out.

“Sir, we know we messed up on many occasions but we have forever to make it up to Star and to earn your blessing,” said Jonah in earnest.

“Do you think your behaviour towards Star was warranted?” Snapped Dad.

“You mean…” began Noah.

“I mean the name-calling, the back and forth, Angelique, fighting with Harper, all of it,” hissed Dad.

“No, it wasn’t,” said Noah. “I for one totally mishandled the situation. Jonah wanted me to stay away from Star until the coast was clear and I just couldn’t do that and I’m truly sorry! I made it harder than it needed to be. I won’t insult you by denying that.”

Dad was quiet.

“I know you’re upset about Angie and I did go completely overboard but I was trying to make the witch think Angie was my mate so Star wouldn’t be the target. That was part of our plan,” explained Jonah. “I am really sorry for not realising sooner how deranged Angie was and for endangering Star like that.”

“I thought Harper was her boyfriend not her twin,” said Zaya.

“What?” Yelped Dad.

“That’s a long story,” I said quickly.

“I hired Harper to help Star make the Quads jealous. I didn’t even know about the curse aspect and fooling the witch. I only found out about that stuff from the Quads like the other day,” admitted Toby.

Dad looked pale and very worried. He looked at me.

Did anything happen between you and your sister that I should know about…before you knew you were twins? He asked in my mind.

No! I said immediately, forever grateful that Star turned down the k**s I offered her before we knew we were long-lost siblings.

Dad sighed in relief.

“Is there anything we could do to reassure you how much we love Star?” Asked Eli desperately.

Dad smiled faintly. He seemed like he had been waiting for such a question.


“You should have told her right away!” Said Jessie.

I sighed. “I know,” I said.

We were each holding one of our twins as we walked around the Ambrosia coven house gardens.

“Call her and tell her!” Demanded Jessie.

“I wanted her to have a moment of peace!” I said.

Jessie took a deep breath. He was gearing up to argue. I could tell.

“Ok,” I said, yielding.

I took out my phone and called Star. She picked up on the second ring.

“Hello.” She sounded dazed.

“Star! Are you all right?” I asked, concerned.

“I will be,” she said.

“I’m sorry to add to your stress when you already sound worried about something,” I began.

“No, no,” insisted Star. “You’ve been a lifesaver!”

I smiled.

“So…about your aunt…Angelique’s Mom?” I said.

“Yeah…” said Star slowly.

“I found her unconscious after you knocked her out and I tied her up magically so she couldn’t get away!” I admitted.

“I don’t understand! She did get away!” Said Star.

“That’s the worrying part! I didn’t point out what it meant because I wanted you all to focus on ending the curse once and for all!” I explained.

“What does it mean?” Asked Star.

“Angie’s mother escaping my magical binding means there was another accomplice, a fourth person besides Angie, Brink and Angie’s Mom,” I explained.

Star was silent on the other end.

“That fourth person whoever they are…they’re magically gifted,” I said.

“Are you sure?” Asked Star, her voice a little shaky.

“Yes unfortunately. It’s the only explanation. I also did a revealing spell in the spot where Angie’s Mom should have been tied up and someone released her with magic. Someone very powerful,” I said softly.

Star sighed.

“If whoever that is comes back to harm you, let me know right away! I’m always on your side Star!” I said.

“That makes one person,” said Star, laughing humourlessly.

“Aww, a lot of people love you Star! That’s not true!” I said, trying to cheer her up.

Star sniffled.

“I know,” she said. “I just feel a little attacked right now,” she confessed.

“How did the Glamour on Toby work out?” I asked eagerly, trying to talk about something less dreary for the while.

Star sighed even more deeply. Oh no.

“It worked…but…my Dad found out I was marked which is not your fault at all. Your Glamour was flawless. He still doesn’t know about Toby. I guess something I did gave me away,” said Star.

“And he’s not pleased?” I asked.

“That’s an understatement,” said Star.

“He would be a really weird Dad if he were happy to hand you over to your mates unconditionally,” I said.

“True,” she said.

“Just be careful ok! And call me if you need anything!” I said.

“I will,” said Star.


I felt so embarrassed walking back to the table as if everyone had heard my argument with my Dad even though I knew they had not. I slipped back into my seat. The atmosphere around the table was tense as though there had been another argument in my absence.

“Your mates are coming with us back to Ice Moon,” said Dad dryly.

My eyes widened in disbelief.

Harper smiled at me though his eyes were filled with concern.

My mates gave me strained smiles.

“Thank you, Dad,” was all I could say, keeping my eyes on my plate.

“They have agreed to my demands,” continued Dad as he sliced up his waffles.

“Your demands?” I asked, not liking the sound of that.

“Yes, my demands,” he said.

“Which are?” I asked though I was afraid to find out.

“Among the Fae nobility, brides have to be won by completing tasks set by the family,” said Dad. “Since there are four of them, I think completing tasks based on the four cardinal virtues should be appropriate,” said Dad with a wry smile.

“Will these tasks be dangerous?” I asked.

I had only just saved my mates.

“No,” said Dad to my relief. “But they will be difficult because you are…very precious,” said Dad.

I smiled very faintly.

I had umpteen more questions to ask but Harper gave me a little shake of his head.

I’ll explain the four cardinal virtues to you after and how we can help your knucklehead mates prove themselves by displaying each one! Said Harper.

How do you know what they are? I asked curiously.

I’m an artist, Star! Said Harper. I know a lot of random interesting things.

I snorted with laughter and Harper shot me an indignant look.

“I haven’t seen my adopted Grandmother in a really long time,” I said as the waitress cleared the table.

“If you would like her to come with us to Ice Moon, she can,” said Dad.

“I doubt she would want to,” I admitted.

Gran was a homebody.

“But I want her to be comfortable,” I said.

“She is,” said Harper. “She’s staying with my parents,” said Harper.

Dad frowned.

“My adopted parents,” clarified Harper.

“She’s at the Jogie house?” I asked, shocked.

“Yeah,” said Harper with a laugh. “And Mom says she’s baking up a storm and teaching them how to knit!”

I grinned.

“We’ll stop by the Jogie house before we head back,” said Dad, seemingly trying to call a truce.

I shrugged.

“Perhaps…we should hurry back, Lord Heath. There is so much to do to prepare Harper for the throne,” said Holly with a serene smile.

That was weird of her. She rarely had any opinion on anything. Perhaps, she was getting more comfortable with us. I smiled at her.

“No, there’s no rush,” said Dad offhandedly.

Holly frowned.

“Eager to be Queen, my love,” said Harper, running his fingers through Holly’s hair.

She blushed slightly.

“No, my Lord, I am merely excited on your behalf,” she said.

“Baby, you need to bond with my adopted parents,” said Harper with a sense of finality to his tone. He really did evoke an air of leadership without even trying.

“Star should see her adopted grandmother. It is a very necessary visit. We will travel back to Ice Moon right after we go to my house,” Harper said.

“As you wish it, my Lord,” said Holly who could scarcely hide her displeasure at his decision.

What’s she in a rush for? I asked.

She probably misses her home, said Harper.

She never even talks about anyone she has to go back to though. She was able to stick to you like glue from the moment you too met. Is no one missing her at home? I asked.

Someone probably is missing her back at her village. That’s probably why she’s in a hurry, said Harper.

I wasn’t so convinced. Holly seemed anxious.


“Holly! Tell us about yourself! We know so little about you,” said Lady Mia, the woman who had raised Harper.

I was seated in the parlour of the Jogie Manor. It was a very fine house. It had a nicer air to it than the large cold castle. Mia had insisted we have tea together. The low table before me was overladen with teacups and the steaming kettle and platters of sweet treats. I recognised most of the squares and cakes for what they were. Some were foreign to me. I picked up a tiny round sandwich that came in many colours and sniffed it surreptitiously.

It’s a macaron, said Harper helpfully in my mind.

I smiled at him gratefully. He was able to communicate with me telepathically somehow though I was not a wolf. He said it was through our bond. The Jogie family were waiting for me to tell them about myself.

“I…I’m nineteen,” I said.

“An older woman!” Exclaimed Mister Jogie. His wife, Mia, erupted into a fit of giggles and playfully swatted him.

“Dad,” muttered Harper, rolling his eyes.

“It’s a joke,” said Mia squeezing Harper’s knee. His nursemaid was so familiar with him. I marvelled at that.

“Holly, have you always been a cougar? Or is it just something about Harper in particular?” Said Mister Jogie.

Harper sighed deeply and put his head in his hands. Mia swatted his knee.

“A…um…no no, I do not have transformative capabilities such as the Prince. No wolf, no wild cat. I suppose being a cougar would be…exciting! Thrilling! A great adventure!” I pronounced.

Mia and Mister Jogie were in hysterics.

“She’s hilarious!” Said Mister Jogie. “She understands my Dad humour unlike someone,” he said pointedly looking at Harper who was still looking away.

“I am simply a Fae…half Fae,” I corrected. “Half human.”

Mia gasped, startling me. “I love humans!”

“Oh God,” said Harper. “We should go!”

“Do you want to see my thesis from college. It’s about female human beauty regimes! Truly amazing stuff, almost as good as magic and a lot of anti-aging too like us wolves have naturally…the ways human girls get around the lack of magic are astounding. There’s creams for wrinkles with collagen…” Mia went on a tangent so my eyes glazed over.

I had so much to do. I did not have time for this. Harper was ignoring all of us.

Harper…do I seem like a cougar? Do I seem fierce? I asked.

Had I behaved impolitely?

No, Baby, a cougar is a woman who dates younger men. I’m eighteen and you’re nineteen and my Dad is an i***t, he explained.

I gasped. They were concerned about my being one year older. Some Kings waited until thirty or forty or older to marry and selected younger brides.

But you say we are fated, I said, feeling a bit hurt.

“Hey, hey,” said Harper sitting up and pulling me against his chest.

“What’s wrong?” Asked Mister Jogie, offering me more tiny colourful circular sandwiches.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“She probably has her period,” whispered Mia. “Do you need anything, Honey?”

“Holly,” I corrected them with a frown.

The Jogies burst into laughter. Harper actually smiled a little. Perhaps, this was going well. I almost jumped for joy when it was time to leave.

“Goodbye!” I said with a bit too much glee.

“We’ll miss you, Honey!” Cried Mia grabbing me into a tight hug. Mister Jogie hugged me too.

“Take good care of Harper!” He instructed me.

I nodded resolutely.

“I will protect the true royal Fae family with my life!” I pledged.

“Awesome sauce!” Said Mister Jogie.

“Ugh, Dad,” said Harper as he was pulled into Mia’s arms.

“Don’t be a stranger!” Said Mister Jogie, hugging Harper.

He kissed both of them on their cheeks.

“Let’s go,” he said ushering me out.

Princess Star was saying goodbye to her other grandmother outside. This grandmother was not of the same b***d as her. The grandmother back at the castle was not of the same b***d either but Star did not know that. Harper pulled out the ornament that the portal was disguised as.

“Wow! Magnificent!” I marvelled at it. The glass sphere had a snowstorm inside and the night sky in there held many twinkling stars.

“I know, I’ve been working out!” Said Harper, grinning, revealing his muscles by lifting his shirt a little.

I blushed.

“Ugh, Dad’s humour always rubs off on me,” he grumbled.

“Your father and this other father…” I began.

“The guy with the jokes is my biological father’s best friend. He raised me and I didn’t know my biological Dad existed. My biological Dad has no jokes. He’s the serious one,” explained Harper.

I laughed.

Harper winked at me.

“STAR!!!!” He yelled.

“Coming!” She said.

Everyone surrounded us: Star, the four identical Alphas, Lord Heath, even Lord Toby.

“Toby, you’re not coming,” said Lord Heath.

“I know, I just wanted to see the portal,” mumbled Lord Toby, stepping back a little.

“Why can’t Toby come?” Asked Star.

Lord Heath looked livid.

“How many people do you want to take back to Ice Moon? Why don’t you let everyone in Viper Moon know in case they wanna go too?” Grumbled Lord Heath.

“When Star and I get married, we should get everyone together! The two packs! That’s a great idea, Sir!” Exclaimed Alpha Elijah missing the sarcasm that even I picked up on. I wondered about him sometimes.

“I’m about to open the portal so everyone hold onto each other!” Announced Harper, snaking his arms around my waist. The others held on tightly to our shoulders. Right before we disappeared, I saw Lord Toby hold onto Star’s shoulder. What was he doing? I felt the familiar nauseated feeling as the portal swallowed us, Lord Toby included.

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