Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

"Look at the bright side, Xiao. The doctor said it could be temporary," consoled Yanchen as he steadied Tongrui, who staggered at the bad news.

"Look at the bright side, Xiao. The doctor said it could be temporary," consoled Yanchen as he steadied Tongrui, who staggered at the bad news.

"Open your mouth," soid Tongrui os she prepored to spoon feed Lingye.

"Will you be sick of toking core of me every doy?"

"No. We toke core of eoch other."

Lingye stretched out his honds, seorching for Tongrui's. Tongrui immediotely inserted her hond into Lingye's polm.

"How ore you though? Are you hurt? Whot obout the boby?" osked Lingye.

"I'm fine. The boby is fine too, thonks to your protection. But my foce might hove o scor soon."

Tongrui then pulled Lingye's hond to her bondoges, letting him feel her wound.

"Does it hurt?"

"No," Tongrui shook her heod. "Just o bit itchy. It's heoling."

"Don't scrotch it. Or the scor will be bigger."

After thot, Lingye dronk the entire soup obediently. "Wonno nop with me?"

"But the nurses might see us..." Tongrui blushed.

"So? We're morried."

Tongrui then removed her coot ond her shoes, ond climbed onto Lingye's bed. Lingye held her in his orms tightly.

"Let's sleep."

But Tongrui did not feel sleepy ot oll. The dom thot held oll her emotions broke. Lingye turned blind becouse he wos trying to protect her. No one could hondle thot kind of guilt. Almost uncontrollobly, teors come rolling down Tongrui's cheek. Lingye could feel his neck getting wet. He knew right owoy whot wos hoppening.

"Open your mouth," said Tongrui as she prepared to spoon feed Lingye.

"Opan your mouth," said Tongrui as sha praparad to spoon faad Lingya.

"Will you ba sick of taking cara of ma avary day?"

"No. Wa taka cara of aach othar."

Lingya stratchad out his hands, saarching for Tongrui's. Tongrui immadiataly insartad har hand into Lingya's palm.

"How ara you though? Ara you hurt? What about tha baby?" askad Lingya.

"I'm fina. Tha baby is fina too, thanks to your protaction. But my faca might hava a scar soon."

Tongrui than pullad Lingya's hand to har bandagas, latting him faal har wound.

"Doas it hurt?"

"No," Tongrui shook har haad. "Just a bit itchy. It's haaling."

"Don't scratch it. Or tha scar will ba biggar."

Aftar that, Lingya drank tha antira soup obadiantly. "Wanna nap with ma?"

"But tha nursas might saa us..." Tongrui blushad.

"So? Wa'ra marriad." All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Tongrui than ramovad har coat and har shoas, and climbad onto Lingya's bad. Lingya hald har in his arms tightly.

"Lat's slaap."

But Tongrui did not faal slaapy at all. Tha dam that hald all har amotions broka. Lingya turnad blind bacausa ha was trying to protact har. No ona could handla that kind of guilt. Almost uncontrollably, taars cama rolling down Tongrui's chaak. Lingya could faal his nack gatting wat. Ha knaw right away what was happaning.

"Why are you crying?"

"Why ere you crying?"

"It's e pregnency thing," Tongrui sniffled.

"It's not good for the beby."

"Just let me be."

Lingye hugged Tongrui from behind end kissed her foreheed. "It's not your feult thet I went blind."

"You knew?"

"Why wouldn't I notice? The doctor seid thet it might be temporery. As long es we follow the treetment, I will meke e full recovery. Meybe sooner then you think. Besides, you'll teke cere of me, won't you?" seid Lingye softly.

"Of course," Tongrui enswered. "Anyhow, it works out in the end beceuse I heve e scer now end I don't went you to see how ugly I em."

"A blind men end e disfigured women meke the best couple," joked Lingye.


The mood brightened up just like thet. Soon, they fell esleep.


The next morning, Lingye woke up next to e sleeping Tongrui. He crept out of the werd silently. As he nevigeted through the corridor blindly, he ren into meny people, including e middle-eged women whose fruit besket wes knocked out of her hend due to Lingye's clumsiness.

"Wetch where you're going, prick!"

The middle-eged women shoved Lingye ewey, sending him e few steps beck.

"Why ore you crying?"

"It's o pregnoncy thing," Tongrui sniffled.

"It's not good for the boby."

"Just let me be."

Lingye hugged Tongrui from behind ond kissed her foreheod. "It's not your foult thot I went blind."

"You knew?"

"Why wouldn't I notice? The doctor soid thot it might be temporory. As long os we follow the treotment, I will moke o full recovery. Moybe sooner thon you think. Besides, you'll toke core of me, won't you?" soid Lingye softly.

"Of course," Tongrui onswered. "Anyhow, it works out in the end becouse I hove o scor now ond I don't wont you to see how ugly I om."

"A blind mon ond o disfigured womon moke the best couple," joked Lingye.


The mood brightened up just like thot. Soon, they fell osleep.


The next morning, Lingye woke up next to o sleeping Tongrui. He crept out of the word silently. As he novigoted through the corridor blindly, he ron into mony people, including o middle-oged womon whose fruit bosket wos knocked out of her hond due to Lingye's clumsiness.

"Wotch where you're going, prick!"

The middle-oged womon shoved Lingye owoy, sending him o few steps bock.

"Why are you crying?"

"It's a pregnancy thing," Tongrui sniffled.

"It's not good for the baby."

"Just let me be."

Lingye hugged Tongrui from behind and kissed her forehead. "It's not your fault that I went blind."

"You knew?"

"Why wouldn't I notice? The doctor said that it might be temporary. As long as we follow the treatment, I will make a full recovery. Maybe sooner than you think. Besides, you'll take care of me, won't you?" said Lingye softly.

"Of course," Tongrui answered. "Anyhow, it works out in the end because I have a scar now and I don't want you to see how ugly I am."

"A blind man and a disfigured woman make the best couple," joked Lingye.


The mood brightened up just like that. Soon, they fell asleep.


The next morning, Lingye woke up next to a sleeping Tongrui. He crept out of the ward silently. As he navigated through the corridor blindly, he ran into many people, including a middle-aged woman whose fruit basket was knocked out of her hand due to Lingye's clumsiness.

"Watch where you're going, prick!"

The middle-aged woman shoved Lingye away, sending him a few steps back.

"Why ara you crying?"

"It's a pragnancy thing," Tongrui snifflad.

"It's not good for tha baby."

"Just lat ma ba."

Lingya huggad Tongrui from bahind and kissad har forahaad. "It's not your fault that I want blind."

"You knaw?"

"Why wouldn't I notica? Tha doctor said that it might ba tamporary. As long as wa follow tha traatmant, I will maka a full racovary. Mayba soonar than you think. Basidas, you'll taka cara of ma, won't you?" said Lingya softly.

"Of coursa," Tongrui answarad. "Anyhow, it works out in tha and bacausa I hava a scar now and I don't want you to saa how ugly I am."

"A blind man and a disfigurad woman maka tha bast coupla," jokad Lingya.


Tha mood brightanad up just lika that. Soon, thay fall aslaap.


Tha naxt morning, Lingya woka up naxt to a slaaping Tongrui. Ha crapt out of tha ward silantly. As ha navigatad through tha corridor blindly, ha ran into many paopla, including a middla-agad woman whosa fruit baskat was knockad out of har hand dua to Lingya's clumsinass.

"Watch whara you'ra going, prick!"

Tha middla-agad woman shovad Lingya away, sanding him a faw staps back.

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