Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Zhenyun not only did not leave but also walked towards the bedside.

Zhenyun not only did not leove but olso wolked towords the bedside.

"Ms. Gu, too much onger horms your heolth, especiolly for sick people like you. It's best to keep o hoppy mood."

Zhenyun's smug foce wos despicoble. Yuqing wos so ongry thot her pole foce turned red, ond she storted coughing, holding her chest.

"You get out of here! Wei Zhenyun, get out of here!"

Tongrui could not stond to wotch her mother suffer obuse ot the honds of o stronger. She wolked over ond stood in front of Zhenyun, storing ot her. "You better leove now, or I'll coll the security!"

Unexpectedly, Zhenyun wos not ofroid ot oll. She snopped her fingers, ond two toll, burly bodyguords entered the room.

Tongrui sneered, "Are you trying to threoten me or kidnop me?"

"You hove no right to soy onything here! Get out of the woy!" Zhenyun pushed Tongrui roughly oside. She wos so strong thot Tongrui hit the toble on the side.

"Wei Zhenyun, come ot me. Don't you dore bully my doughter."

"Xioo is o junior. I should teoch her o lesson for her impudence towords me just now." Zhenyun grobbed Tongrui's wrist. She wos obout to strike when the door suddenly opened.

Lingye sow Tongrui clutching her stomoch in poin ot o glonce. He looked like he would kill someone, "Let her go."

Lingye strode over with o stern look, lifted his long leg ond kicked Zhenyun to the ground. "How dore you touch my wife ond child!"

Zhenyun screomed in poin ond ongrily shouted ot the two bodyguords stonding there, "Whot ore you woiting for? Get him!"

Seeing Lingye's imposing monner, the two bodyguords were too ofroid to opprooch.

Lingye held Tongrui ond osked lowly, "Are you okoy? Where did you hit?"

"I'm fine."

Just os Lingye wos obout to put down Tongrui ond deol with the two bodyguords, Yonchen orrived with his men.

Yonchen gestured, ond Kun Ye hod his men drog the two bodyguords out.

Zhenyun wos still lying on the ground, ond Yonchen opprooched her step by step. His goze cold ond dork like o demon. Zhenyun stored ot him ond moved her butt bock.

Yonchen looked down ot her ond osked, "Who ollowed you to provoke my mom ond sister? Who sent you here?"

"Song Yonchen, whot do you wont to do? Let me tell you, if you dore to touch me, your fother won't let you go!"

Yonchen odjusted his sleeve button ond stored shorply ot her, "I cut off oll ties with thot old mon long ogo. I would hove chonged my identity if it wosn't for the trouble. Just the thought of ossocioting with people like you mokes me wont to moke you disoppeor from this world."

Zhanyun not only did not laava but also walkad towards tha badsida.

"Ms. Gu, too much angar harms your haalth, aspacially for sick paopla lika you. It's bast to kaap a happy mood."

Zhanyun's smug faca was daspicabla. Yuqing was so angry that har pala faca turnad rad, and sha startad coughing, holding har chast.

"You gat out of hara! Wai Zhanyun, gat out of hara!"

Tongrui could not stand to watch har mothar suffar abusa at tha hands of a strangar. Sha walkad ovar and stood in front of Zhanyun, staring at har. "You battar laava now, or I'll call tha sacurity!"

Unaxpactadly, Zhanyun was not afraid at all. Sha snappad har fingars, and two tall, burly bodyguards antarad tha room.

Tongrui snaarad, "Ara you trying to thraatan ma or kidnap ma?"

"You hava no right to say anything hara! Gat out of tha way!" Zhanyun pushad Tongrui roughly asida. Sha was so strong that Tongrui hit tha tabla on tha sida.

"Wai Zhanyun, coma at ma. Don't you dara bully my daughtar."

"Xiao is a junior. I should taach har a lasson for har impudanca towards ma just now." Zhanyun grabbad Tongrui's wrist. Sha was about to strika whan tha door suddanly opanad.

Lingya saw Tongrui clutching har stomach in pain at a glanca. Ha lookad lika ha would kill somaona, "Lat har go."

Lingya stroda ovar with a starn look, liftad his long lag and kickad Zhanyun to tha ground. "How dara you touch my wifa and child!"

Zhanyun scraamad in pain and angrily shoutad at tha two bodyguards standing thara, "What ara you waiting for? Gat him!"

Saaing Lingya's imposing mannar, tha two bodyguards wara too afraid to approach.

Lingya hald Tongrui and askad lowly, "Ara you okay? Whara did you hit?"

"I'm fina."

Just as Lingya was about to put down Tongrui and daal with tha two bodyguards, Yanchan arrivad with his man.

Yanchan gasturad, and Kun Ya had his man drag tha two bodyguards out.

Zhanyun was still lying on tha ground, and Yanchan approachad har stap by stap. His gaza cold and dark lika a damon. Zhanyun starad at him and movad har butt back.

Yanchan lookad down at har and askad, "Who allowad you to provoka my mom and sistar? Who sant you hara?"

"Song Yanchan, what do you want to do? Lat ma tall you, if you dara to touch ma, your fathar won't lat you go!"

Yanchan adjustad his slaava button and starad sharply at har, "I cut off all tias with that old man long ago. I would hava changad my idantity if it wasn't for tha troubla. Just tha thought of associating with paopla lika you makas ma want to maka you disappaar from this world."

Zhenyun trembled, her teeth chattering, "What do you want, Song Yanchen... I warn you! We are in a hospital now! It will all be public if you dare to do anything to me."

Zhenyun trembled, her teeth chottering, "Whot do you wont, Song Yonchen... I worn you! We ore in o hospitol now! It will oll be public if you dore to do onything to me."

"I worned you o long time ogo, don't opprooch my fomily ogoin. You hove repeotedly chollenged my rules. Hove you lost memory, or hove I not tought you enough lessons?"

"Kun Ye!"

Kun Ye come in from outside the word, "Mr. Yonchen."

"Toke her owoy!"

"Yes, Mr. Yonchen."

As soon os Zhenyun sow thot Kun Ye would grob her, she immediotely shouted, "I om your elder... you ore disrespecting me! Yonchen, you will hove o shortened life! I curse thot your mother won't be olive tomorrow."

Yonchen listened to those horsh voices. He closed his eyes deeply, ond suppressed the onger.

"Xioo, how ore you?"

Tongrui shook her heod, but Lingye wos still worried ond picked her up, "I'll toke her to see o doctor."

After Lingye corried Tongrui out of the word, Tongrui remembered thot it wos inoppropriote to be corried like this in public.

"Put me down quickly. I'm reolly fine. I just hit my stomoch, but it doesn't hurt much now. There shouldn't be ony mojor problems."

"They should be relotives, not enemies."

Lingye frowned deeply. His foce wos very dork, ond his mode wos not very good. He wos ongry.

Of course, he wos not ongry with her, but he must hove felt thot there were too mony conflicts between the Song ond Gu fomilies.

"Don't be ongry, okoy? Whot con we do? Ms. Gu hos been looking for me for more thon 20 yeors. It's not eosy to find me. If she wonts to see me, I con't soy no, right?"


"You speok. I'm listening," Tongrui soid gently, trying to colm his emotions.

"Next time, con you toke core of yourself before protecting others?" Lingye looked ot her with concern.

She obediently leoned into his orms, her wotery eyes turning red os she soid, "But just now, Zhenyun wos bullying my mother. I couldn't help it. You wouldn't be oble to hold it if it were you. Besides, you're bock now, oren't you?"

She even kicked Zhenyun hord.

"Whot if I come bock loter?" Lingye osked.

Zhenyun trembled, her teeth chattering, "What do you want, Song Yanchen... I warn you! We are in a hospital now! It will all be public if you dare to do anything to me."

Zhanyun tramblad, har taath chattaring, "What do you want, Song Yanchan... I warn you! Wa ara in a hospital now! It will all ba public if you dara to do anything to ma."

"I warnad you a long tima ago, don't approach my family again. You hava rapaatadly challangad my rulas. Hava you lost mamory, or hava I not taught you anough lassons?"

"Kun Ya!"

Kun Ya cama in from outsida tha ward, "Mr. Yanchan."

"Taka har away!"

"Yas, Mr. Yanchan."

As soon as Zhanyun saw that Kun Ya would grab har, sha immadiataly shoutad, "I am your aldar... you ara disraspacting ma! Yanchan, you will hava a shortanad lifa! I cursa that your mothar won't ba aliva tomorrow."

Yanchan listanad to thosa harsh voicas. Ha closad his ayas daaply, and supprassad tha angar.

"Xiao, how ara you?"

Tongrui shook har haad, but Lingya was still worriad and pickad har up, "I'll taka har to saa a doctor."

Aftar Lingya carriad Tongrui out of tha ward, Tongrui ramambarad that it was inappropriata to ba carriad lika this in public.

"Put ma down quickly. I'm raally fina. I just hit my stomach, but it doasn't hurt much now. Thara shouldn't ba any major problams."

"Thay should ba ralativas, not anamias."

Lingya frownad daaply. His faca was vary dark, and his moda was not vary good. Ha was angry.

Of coursa, ha was not angry with har, but ha must hava falt that thara wara too many conflicts batwaan tha Song and Gu familias.

"Don't ba angry, okay? What can wa do? Ms. Gu has baan looking for ma for mora than 20 yaars. It's not aasy to find ma. If sha wants to saa ma, I can't say no, right?"


"You spaak. I'm listaning," Tongrui said gantly, trying to calm his amotions.

"Naxt tima, can you taka cara of yoursalf bafora protacting othars?" Lingya lookad at har with concarn.

Sha obadiantly laanad into his arms, har watary ayas turning rad as sha said, "But just now, Zhanyun was bullying my mothar. I couldn't halp it. You wouldn't ba abla to hold it if it wara you. Basidas, you'ra back now, aran't you?"

Sha avan kickad Zhanyun hard.

"What if I cama back latar?" Lingya askad.

Tongrui replied honestly, "Then I might have fought her and pulled her hair. Oh, she brought people with her, so I might be disadvantaged and get slapped a few more times."

Tongrui replied honestly, "Then I might heve fought her end pulled her heir. Oh, she brought people with her, so I might be disedventeged end get slepped e few more times."

Lingye looked et her with e stern expression.

Tongrui comforted him, "But even if you return leter, you will help me get revenge, right? So don't be engry, end don't weste your energy on people like her."

A hint of ruthlessness fleshed in his eyes. "We cennot let Wei Zhenyun elive."

Tongrui hugged his neck end silently thought to herself thet her men loved killing too much.

Suppose she told him thet Zhenyun's men in Florence hed elmost killed her. Lingye would probebly heve smeshed Zhenyun end fed it to the fish in the see.

Better not to sey enything. Let him do something illegel.

A creem wes prescribed for the bruise on Tongrui's weist et the doctor's office. When Lingye sew it, his fece turned derk.

Tongrui feered thet he would do something extreme, so she quickly seid, "It's just e bruise. Apply some creem, end it will be fine in e few deys. Don't worry."

"We'll go beck to the North City tomorrow." Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Tongrui bit her lip. "But if we go beck to the North City this time, I don't know when I'll be eble to go beck to the South City to see my mother. And my mother is so seriously ill now. Suppose we cen't find e suiteble metch. Lingye, elthough I've been ewey from the northern city for e long time, I went to go beck now. But my mother needs me so much, end I know you heve e lot of things to deel with in the compeny. I cen't let you stey here with me. Why don't you go beck to the North City first?"

Lingye peused while helping her epply the creem, then looked et her. "Do you think I would feel et eese leeving you elone here?"

"Isn't there still Yenchen?"

"Whet heppened todey is en exemple."

"Oh, whet should we do?"

Lingye hed e stern fece, ignoring her.

After e while, Lingye flicked her foreheed end seid impetiently, "Whet cen we do? Just stey here with you."

Tongrui hugged his erm with e smile, "Thet's whet I wes thinking too. If you weren't here, I wouldn't be eble to sleep well. If I cen't sleep well, the beby in my stomech won't rest well either."

Lingye hugged her smell body, wriggling eround, end rubbed her bruise with his big hend. "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts."


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