Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Felix turned around. He looked a little apologetic when he saw Casper there.

“Casper, I…”

“Guys, how could you leave me out in a party so fun?” said Casper.

He forged ahead and tapped on Felix’s shoulder.

The tension was already high, and Casper’s appearance turned it hostile.

Charlie was embarrassed at Sommers Bank earlier that day, but he still refused to believe that a pauper like Casper could beat him twice.

Charlie didn’t think it was possible, and neither did the others. As far as the rest of them were concerned, Charlie was the one with the money and the power. Casper, on the other hand, was just a poor sap whose girlfriend ran off with another guy.

“Casper, let’s go somewhere else. We don’t need to deal with idiots like them.”

The boys had already heard the story of how Casper embarrassed Charlie in the bank, but Charlie had too many people with him. That prompted the others to dissuade Casper from getting into a fight.

Casper grinned at Felix and the others to signal them to calm down before turning his attention to Charlie.

“I guess that means you want to foot the bill tonight?”

“I do and I am. It’s not like a penniless sap like you can.”

“Sorry, but it looks like you can’t afford to foot the bill tonight.”

Casper’s words got everyone to laugh aloud instantly.

Money can’t buy happiness, but there were a lot of things that money can buy in that world.

“Hah! Lies just roll right out of your flapping tongue, don’t they? I have more than enough money to block book the place, and you can’t stop me. It’s not like you own Tycoon!”

Charlie’s grin was so big that it was a little distorted. His wallet remained thick when he showed them. He obviously only acted that way to get revenge for what had happened at the bank.

Casper narrowed his eyes a little. No one could tell that something was off with the calm grin he had on. Hence, the onlookers’ laughter became so loud that they drowned out the traffic.

“Sorry, but I will be the owner of this place starting tonight.”

Casper spoke as if he felt like their laughter wasn’t loud enough and that it wasn’t embarrassing enough for him. His nonchalant words got everyone to laugh even louder.

Charlie’s friends had laughed so much that they were tearing up at that moment.

“Haha, I’d like to see just how you will come to own Tycoon tonight.”

Even Felix thought that Casper’s words were a little over the top at that moment. It’s like Casper is pulling the lever to send the guillotine down his own neck.


“It’ll be fine.”

Casper rubbed his nose a little after replying confidently. He got his second-hand phone, which he hadn’t had the chance to upgrade, out of his pocket and made a call.

According to the rules imposed on the heir, Casper was to use the fund to start a business and increase the fund’s value by ten folds.

The spectators might see Casper as a fraud who is trying to look cool, but the truth was that Tycoon would definitely be a brilliant investment.

It had a good reputation and a stable influx of customers. Hence, it was possible that with a little adjustment to its current expansion plan, it could grow to be the best restaurant in the city.

There was another reason why Casper targeted Tycoon, though. It could even be said that he was using Tycoon as a stepping stone to make a sizeable fortune.

The Simpson family had been the richest family in the country for over a thousand years, but wealth was not the only thing they accumulated. They also had a strong network, and their connections encompassed every company and industry.

Casper couldn’t fully tap into the Simpson family’s network yet, but he had already resumed his identity as the heir of the Simpson family. Therefore, all he needed to do to acquire Tycoon was to make a phone call.

It didn’t take long before Casper bought sixty percent of Tycoon’s shares for twenty million.

Unfortunately, Charlie and his friends only got to see Casper fiddling with an old, second-hand phone.

“Aww, did you manage to buy Tycoon?” asked Charlie.

His words might seem polite and kind, but his tone suggested that he was mocking Casper.

“I did!” replied Casper.

He was grinning calmly, but that got the spectators to laugh boisterously, anyway.

“Seriously, Casper. I know that you can’t move on from me, but you can forget about using absurd methods like these to get my attention. Geez. Dumping you really is the best decision I have ever

made!” dissed Kitty. It seemed that Casper’s serenity and disregard toward Kitty had hurt her pride.

Things had already progressed to this extent, but Kitty is still being so ignorant… At that moment, all Casper could think about was how stupid Kitty was. He felt ever so embarrassed about having feelings for her in the past.

“Let’s go. Let’s see if the guy had really bought Tycoon,” suggested Charlie.

He waved his hands, and his message was clear. He wanted to embarrass Casper in front of everyone else.

“Let’s go. Tycoon is ours tonight,” said Casper.

He waved at his friends as well. After that, Casper forged ahead with his head held high. Felix and the others hesitated for a moment before they bit down and followed along.

It was a short distance from the car park to the restaurant, but mockery and insults were abundant in the air.

They soon reached Tycoon’s entrance. Before Charlie and the others could figure out what was going on, they saw Tycoon’s manager rushing out of there while sweating nervously.

The manager looked anxious. His clear eyes were scanning the place endlessly, and it was obvious that he was looking for a VIP.

Everyone instinctively thought that the manager was there to greet Charlie.

That was understandable since Charlie had just claimed that he would block-book the entire place. Anyone who could afford that would surely be the restaurant’s VIP.

Even Charlie assumed that he was the most prestigious guest of the day because he was the richest among his friends.

Charlie straightened his collar. Everyone watched in admiration as he readied himself to receive a warm welcome from Tycoon’s manager.

However, the manager’s gaze locked in on Casper, who was in a simple outfit.

“Mr. Simpson. Thank you for visiting. I’m so sorry for not being here to greet you sooner.”

The manager was grinning brightly and humbly as he approached Casper. For a moment, the manager looked like a peasant who was there to greet his king.

A few minutes ago, the manager received the news that over half of the company’s shares had been transferred to Casper.

That meant that Casper had since turned into Tycoon’s owner!

One second passed.

Then another second.

It was pin-drop silence for thirty seconds.

The humming of the air-conditioner was the only audible sound at the moment. When everyone finally came back around, Felix and the others swiftly changed from their nervous stance. All three boys couldn’t resist laughing aloud.

Charlie and the others, however, felt like their world had just turned upside down. Their expression turned sour instantly.

They were especially embarrassed when they thought about how they mercilessly insulted Casper as a penniless sap and a fraud. They felt like the harsh reality had just slapped them a few hundred times.

The one who looked the worst was none other than Kitty.

It didn’t take a genius to know that after that night, Kitty would be mocked and regarded as the dumbest person in the Business University.

Kitty turned drowsy at the mere thought of how she would be the talk of the school whenever she set foot in there. Everyone is going to laugh at me! thought Kitty. She felt like her life had just succumbed to eternal darkness.

“Sorry, but Tycoon will only be serving me and my pals tonight, so you lot should go somewhere else,” said Casper.

Casper spoke like it was nothing. That proved how little he cared about how terrible Charlie looked. As it turns out, those words were the last straws that broke the camel’s back.

Charlie’s face reddened with high blood pressure, and his anger actually got him to vomit blood.

Sometime later inside the best room in Tycoon, Felix and the others were drunk and groggy. They had their bottles up as their smiles shone brightly.

“Haha, you really are something else, Casper. Did you see how horrible those assh*les, Charlie and Kitty, looked?”

“Man, that was amazing!” From NôvelDrama.Org.

The next morning, Casper woke up with the worst hangover. He massaged his head as he rested on the bed.

He was stunned the very next second, though. He saw that he had a pink blanket on, and to make matters worse, the pink blanket exuded a faint perfume…

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