Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 RYAN As I stormed into the room and witnessed the scene, my blood boiled with rage. Sering that scoundrel holding Lily against her will, my instincts took over, and without a second thenight. Icharged at him, fueled by a primal need to protect her. Though he didn’t succeed in whatever despicable act he had in mind, the mere saght of lam touching her without consent was enough to ignite a fire within me. I clenched my fists, my mind already formulating plans for justice. He would pay for his actions, no doubt Lidecided to take legal action. Assault charges seemed fitting for his vile behavior, and I would make sure be paid dearly for it. 1 envisioned him spending countless nights behind bars, his bank account drained by hail and legal fees Leaving the room momentarily to grab a bottle of water, I returned to find faly sitting in the living room, her gaze vacant as she stared at the television. Without a word, I handed her the water “Here,” I said softly, passing her the hole. She looked up at me, then at the water before she accepted the water. Sitting down beside her, I watched as she drank, a lump forming in my throat at the sight of her distress. As Lily finished the water, I gave her a moment to gather hervell before gently asking. “Are you okay?” She met my gaze belly before sighing heavily and diverting her attention to her finger, where her engagement ring used to be. Ifer hand absentmindeilly traced the spot, a silent reminder of the jam she had endured. “Tim line,” she mumbled, her vore barely above a whisper, as she rose from the sofa. “You can leave now? Instinctively. I reached out for her land, rrising to let her face this alone. “I will i chave you cry over that scandag” Finsisted, pulling her back down onto the sofa beside me. Her glare pierced through me, but held her gaze firmly. “I cried over a scumbag like you, why shouldn’t I cry for a lesser scumbag like him?” she retorted, pulling her hand away from my grip. “Besides, he acted out of anger and frustration. What did you out over?” Her words stung like a slap to the face, and for a moment, I was at a loss for words. She was right. My own actions had caused her pain, and 1 had no right to julge oilers for theirs however, this isn’t about nor, “Im sorry.” I whispered, the words heavy with sincerity. Thever meant to hurt you. I know I’ve made mistakes, but I’m trying to better but then this isn’t about me,” I insisted. Tam not the one forcefully trying to ki*s you or do whatever to you” She bit her inner cheek, a futile attempt to hold back the emotions threatening to engulf her. Instinctively, I reached out to offer her comfort with a bag, but my gesture

was met with a push, her eyes blazing with fury “This is all your fault she accused, her voice trembling wi ki*sed me psuppressed rage. “You are the reason he acted like that? If you hadn’t he wouldn’t have reacted like that, and we wouldn’t have broken up?” I silently allowed her to vent out her anger “You stirred his insecurities and made him react like that to that video! she continued, her voice rising with each accusation. “You shouldn’t even have ki*sed me, knowing that I was engaged in another man!“. “Why didn’t you tell him?” I asked, my voice solt and calm, Her furious gaze snapped back to me. “You had ample time to tell him about the ki*s, but you didn’t. Why?” 1 Why?” 1 pressed gently. “Are you saying this is my fault?” she retorted, her fare contorted with anger. “Are you in any way saying that I could have prevented this by telling him? “All I’m trying to say ay is that you didn’t tell him because you weren’t entirely against what I did,” Lresponded, searching her gaze for any hint of truth, “swear to me that you didn’t feel anything when I ki*sed you.” She scoffed, her bitterness evident in every word. The only thing I felt was anger, she spat. “Anger for giving you the leverage to behave in such a manner. And I didn’t tell Jake about it not for the twisted reason you think, but because I didn’t want to hurt him. But I guess in the end, I still shit” “Do you regret it?” I asked her in a hushed tone, my voice barely above a whisper, “Very much,” she replied firmly, her words laced with bitterness. “I regret not pushing you into that lake that night after you ki*sed me Despite the seriousness of the conversation and the tension in the room, I couldn’t help but laugh at her unexpected response. “I wasn’t Chapter 6 referring to the ki*s, Lily,” I clarified, trying to steer the conversation back to the heart of the matter. “I was talking about your breakup with Jake. Do you regret it!” She fell silent for a moment, her gaze distant as she contemplated her answer. “The kids are going to miss him, she admitted finally, her voice tinged with sadness “And you?” I pressed gently, wanting to understand her emotions. “I will miss him too,” she muttered under her breath, her words barely audible. “I can’t believe we broke up over that video” Shaking my head, I reached for the remaining water in the bottle. “I don’t think you both broke up over that video” I remarked, my tone thoughtful “I was merely the last nail in the coffin, so to speak.” She glanced at me, the fire in her eyes dimming slightly, replaced by a flicker of curiosity. “What do you mean by that?” she asked, her voice softer now. your engagement ring a while ago, I I kept my gaze fixed on her finger, where her engagement ring used to be. “I noticed you removed you began carefully, “and you started

referring to him as your boyfriend” She followed my gaze to her ring finger, a shadow passing over her features as she processed my words. “No offense to you, Lily.” I continued, “but no woman in a happy relationship will act in such a way Licking her lips nervously, she leaned back against the sofa, her gaze drifting to the chandelier above. “I was really hoping things would work out between us, she admitted sofily. Despite my own reservations, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. “You did the right thing by breaking up with him.” I stated, hoping to reassure her She rolled her eyes at my words, clearly annoyed by my assertion. “Don’t everCopyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

think of going back to him” I added. Her right brow arched in disbelief, offended by my remark “And who are you to tell me that?” she demanded, her voice filled with defiance. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for her reaction as I prepared to reveal the truth about Jake Willow, “There are things about Jake Willow that you don’t know, I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within me. Interest piqued. Lily leaned forward, her eyes fixed on me with curiosity. “And what do you know about the man I dated that I don’t know?” she asked, her tone tinged with skepticism Before I could respond, she continued. “Why are you even looking into him to discover things?” “He was going to act as a father to my kids, of course 1 should know the kind of man he is I replied, uncorking the bottle and taking a gulp of water to calm my nerves before continuing. He claimed to have graduated from UIA, but the only Jake Willows who graduated from UIA died a few weeks after his graduation.” Her eyes widened in shock, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to process my words. “What are you talking about!” she whispered. “That’s not all, I continued, my voice somber as I delved further into my discoveries. “The place he claimed to be working here in Canada, he doesn’t work there. Lily tilted her head, eyeing me skeptically “And what do you mean by shat?” she asked, her tone guarded. “There’s no doubt that there is a Jake Willow in that office

building, I explained, “but he’s not the one. There’s someone else using his name. Her hands, which had been resting on the sofa, tightened their hold, her knuckles turning white with tension. “And what other silly thing did you learn?” she asked. “Yara,” I mused, watching as her expression shifted from skepticism to disbelief as she scoffed bitterly: “She isn’t his childhood friend, she doesn’t stay in Paris, and her name isn’t Yara–it’s Sarah” She licked her lips nervously, a hollow laugh escaping her lips. “Are you trying to tell me that he’s cheating on me with that woman?” I shook my head, clarifying my earlier statement. “I never said that he is cheating on you. If he is. I do not know. However, Sarah is a car dealer here in Canada. “A car dealer?” she blurted out, visibly stunned by the revelation, I nodded. “Yes, a car dealer. And Jake bought a Lamborghini from her without making payment, and I believe it is the same car he gifted Chapter 66 you.” Her lips smacked together in disbelief as she processed the information. “Why would he buy a car on credit?” she wondered aloud, her brow furrowing with confusion. “I don’t know, Lily,” I admitted, sharing in her frustration. “I’m yet to find out the full story. However, the woman only gave him the car because he came with someone influential who promised to pay if he doesn’t meet the payment deadline She glanced at me. “And who is this person!” “I don’t know yet, but I will find out,” I assured her. Exhaling shakily, Lily rose to her feet. “I want you to stop looking into Jake,” she demanded. The isn’t your business anymore, so stop being a nuisance and a busybody.” Her words stung, but I knew she was speaking from a place of hurt and vulnerability. I watched as she grabbed her purse, her movements tense with emotion. “Whenever you’re ready to leave, I’m certain you can find your way out,” she added coldly before turning on her heel and walking away, likely retreating to her bedroomL 曲 SEND GIFT

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