Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Chapter 107


“I found something!” Angelo announced eagerly as he entered my room, his expression alight with excitement.

I glanced up from my laptop, curiosity piqued, and waited for him to elaborate. Instead, he simply tossed a heavy brown envelope in my direction. I caught it deftly, eyebrows raised in anticipation. “What’s in here?” I inquired, already tearing open the sealed document.

“I believe it’ll be more entertaining if you read it for yourself,” Angelo replied cryptically, taking a seat beside me on the bed. “I think it’s starting to make sense


Intrigued by his words, I wasted no time in looking into the contents of the envelope, flipping through the pages with increasing curiosity. With each passing moment, my eyes widened in astonishment. “Is this even legal?” I breathed, disbelief coloring my tone as I grappled with the implications of what I was reading.

Angelo’s snort broke the tense silence. “Who cares about legality?” he quipped, a hint of amusement lacing his tone. “It’s not like Waper can sue me if he finds out, because that document in your hand will implicate him if it goes public.”

The weight of his words sank in as I processed the implications. In my possession. was the financial statement of W&M law firm, revealing that Waper had transferred over a billion dollars to his private account, with no evidence of repayment to the company. It was becoming clear that something sinister was at play.

Angelo’s analysis struck a chord, and the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. “I can swear with everything I have in me,” he continued, his voice tinged with conviction, “that he was the one who suggested marriage with you by blackmail, hoping to get something out of you that could be used to pay off at least some of the debt.”

“If this information gets out, not only will he lose the law firm, but he’ll also end up in prison for money laundering,” I mused aloud.

“What about Jake’s role in all of this?” I pressed, sensing a gap in the narrative.


Chapter 107

Angelo shook his head. I don’t have an answer to that either,” he admitted, his expression troubled But I’m confident Jake will come clean once he’s questioned. There’s no harm in handing him over to the authorities now that we’re done with him.

My mind raced with questions as I tried to piece together the timeline. “When did he transfer that money? Before or after my marriage to Lily?” I asked. Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

Angelo rifled through the file once more. “During your marriage to Lily,” he confirmed, his tone grave. “I don’t even think Stephanie was back in the country at that time.”

The reality of my failed marriage with Stephanie hit me with intense happiness. “I can’t believe it’s over,” I murmured. “I want another copy of this document,” I declared.

“You can have that one, I have another copy of it in two different flashes. I turned off my laptop and rolled off the bed to get dressed. “Are we going to Waper’s office?” he called out to me.

“No!” I yelled back, “we are going to his house.” I will be sending Stephanie a message to meet me there. Within few minutes, I was done dressing.

Together with Angelo, I set out to Waper’s place, not before sending Stephanie the message I was suppose to send to her.

“Lily will be delighted.” He rasped as he drove. “I can’t believe you both will finally, be having the happiness that you deserve.”

Just the thought of breaking the news of my divorce with Stephanie filled me with great delight. “I am taking a long needed holidays with her and the kids after all of this is done.”

“Yeah,” Angelo agreed, “You both sure do deserve it.” His phone vibrated in his suit jacket and he pulled it out and placed it on speak out. “Do you have any other thing on him Mattew?”

he asked the voice at the other end of the line.

I didn’t even realize he was still looking into Waper.

“He is a chronic gambler.” Mattew revealed, “I have the record of his payment for casino coins and what I can say is that it is totally outrageous.”



Matthew’s revelation about Waper’s gambling addiction elicited a wry chuckle from Angelo. “Looks like we’ve hit the jackpot with this one,” he remarked, steering the conversation towards a decisive turn.

“As soon as possible, please forward all the evidence you have on him. Angelo instructed. “It’s time to bring this to a close

“Consider it done, sir. Matthew replied promptly. “On some occasions, he’s been known to spend over a million dollars in a single day.”

The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, illuminating the reasons behind Waper’s staggering debts to the company and, by extension, Stephanie’s coerced involvement in our marriage. It was clear now why she had been thrust into my life with such relentless force.

I’ve just sent the evidence, sir,” Matthew confirmed.

“Make sure to send a copy to the boss and also to my three email addresses.” Angelo instructed firmly.

“Yes sir, I will do that ASAP.” The call disconnected.

As the call ended, I wasted no time in checking the notification that had just chimed on my phone. Opening the file that had been sent to me, I scrutinized the contents. A transaction had indeed been made from an account registered under the name Transford Lopez, yet the verification details unmistakably matched those of Waper himself. It was clear: he had covertly funneled funds from his secret account to fuel his insatiable gambling habit.

Angelo steered the car to a halt outside Waper’s compound, and we disembarked, ready to confront the man who had orchestrated so much craziness in my life. Waper, emerging from the side garage, paused in his tracks upon spotting us, his expression a mix of surprise and feigned hospitality.

“Ryan?” he called out, his voice tinged with false warmth. “Had I known my esteemed son–in–law would be paying a visit today, I would have prepared a more suitable welcome.”

As Stephanie’s car pulled into the driveway and she stepped out, joining our impromptu gathering, her presence only served to intensify the tension in the air. “What’s going on?” she inquired, her voice laced with concern. “Why did you ask to

see me?”


Chapter 107

Because I have something of great importance to discuss with you and your family,” I responded evenly, my gaze unwavering as I addressed Waper. “If you don’t mind, lead the way, and make sure to bring your wic

along as well.”

Waper regarded Stephanie with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. “Has something gone awry?” he mused aloud, his gaze shifting between us. “Are you dying?” This time, his pointed question was directed squarely at me, his eyes searching for answers.

Suppressing a bitter chuckle, I shook my head. “Not anytime soon,” I quipped dryly, gesturing towards the door. “Please, lead the way.”

With a contemplative hum, Waper glanced briefly at Stephanie before wordlessly complying with my request. We fell into step behind him, our silent procession echoing through the corridors of his opulent estate. Waper motioned for one of the staff members to summon his wife to join us in the library, a task she carried out promptly before rejoining our procession.

Upon arriving at the library, I settled into a comfortable seat, silently observing as Waper gracefully walked across the room, his movements fluid and practiced. “Can I offer you anything?” he inquired, making his way to the mini bar. “Perhaps a glass. of scotch?”


“I’m fine, thank you,” I responded tersely, my gaze never wavering from Waper’s scrutinizing stare.

He acknowledged my response with a curt nod before retreating to the mini bar, leaving me to mull over my suspicions in silence.

Moments later, Waper’s wife entered the room. “What’s the occasion for this sudden visit?” she inquired, her smile faltering slightly as she settled onto the sofa beside her daughter. “Are we about to receive news of a grandchild?”

“In your wildest dreams,” I muttered under my breath, suppressing a bitter laugh at the absurdity of the suggestion.

“I’m here to inform you all that I’ll be filing for divorce tomorrow morning.”

The room fell into a stunned silence, every gaze fixed upon me as if awaiting further explanation. Waper’s wife was the first to break the silence, her voice laced with concern. “Did something happen between you two?” she inquired, her eyes searching mine for answers.

15:45 FRC JUL 26

Chapter 107

Stephnaie shook her head in response before glaring at me. “Have you lost your mind?” she spat. “Have you forgotten what can actually do?”

Stephanie’s words was met with a calm smile, masking the anger brewing within me. “I haven’t lost my mind,” I replied evenly, meeting her glare head–on. “But perhaps I’ve simply stopped caring about the leverage you hold over me.”

With deliberate nonchalance, I reached for my briefcase and extracted the file detailing the illicit transaction Waper had orchestrated through the firm. “You might want to take a look at this, Mr. Waper,” I remarked, sliding the file across the table towards him.

As Waper’s eyes scanned the incriminating evidence before him, his initial composure faltered, replaced by a dawning realization of the position he now found himself in. The shock etched on his face spoke volumes.

No words were needed to explain the gravity of the situation; it was abundantly clear that the game was over.

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