Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Asia had locked eyes with the claret wolf but she was whispering something under her breath. I

couldn't make sense of what she was saying but it sounded like a different language. The black wolf

had its eyes stationed on me. It took a step towards me and another causing me to take a couple back.

It pulled back the corners of its mouth revealing sharp canines to me.

I stumbled against a branch in the ground and fell back, hitting the ground with a thud. I heard Asia

scream out loud and heard the loud sound of someone biting down.

I didn't get a second to register that the wolf could have just killed Asia. The black wolf lifted its paw

and wrapped it around my leg, lifting me up in a motion that sent my head spinning and tossing me

back down in a loud thud. I groaned out loud as my face made contact with something hard. I clutched

my head and felt the wetness of my now bleeding forehead stain my palms. I wanted to curl up and die

but I knew it wasn't going to be this easy.

I was going to get Damon killed and now I was also going to get Asia killed. I felt the blood rushing to

my head as the wolf nudged me once more. It lifted its paw again, stationing it right above my face. As

it went to bring it down to crush my head, something flew across my vision and tackled the paw away

from me. The wolf took a couple of steps back and now averted its attention towards whoever it was

that attacked it.

I sat up and looked towards Asia who was lying limp a few meters away from me. Both the black and

the red wolf were now heading towards the human figure that had saved me. I attempted to wipe the

blood from my face and crawled towards Asia. Her eyes were closed but she was still breathing. A claw

mark ran up from the side of her face down her chest and arms. The wound was too deep for it to stop

bleeding. I took off my shirt and pressed it righting against her skin in an attempt to slow down the


"Asia!" I screamed out," Asia!"

She wasn't responding. I placed both hands on her shoulders and attempted to shake her. I turned

around to watch the person who had rescued us wrestle with the wolves. I could hardly make out the

outlines but from the built of the person and the silver hair I could tell it was Xavier.

The black wolf clamped its jaw down on his shoulder as he dug his fangs into the other. The red wolf

struggled to get out of Xavier's bite. The wolf's body was beginning to slow down. The other wolf

clawed at Xavier but he dodged the hit, taking his teeth off the red wolf and digging them into the


I turned back to face Asia who was still unconscious. I wrapped my shirt around her wounds so I

wouldn't have to hold it anymore and stood up.

I turned around to see that the red wolf was now lying limp on the soil while the black wolf tore another

tree and threw it towards Xavier.

I picked up Asia's small body and stumbled up towards the trees.

If I could get her to the car, I could drive her to get some help.

I was beginning to feel weaker and dizzier the more steps that I took. I struggled with the weight of

Asia's limp body but I was determined to not let her die. I wasn't going to be the reason for two deaths.

I could see the car just a couple of meters away and I knew I had to keep my grip just for a few more

minutes. I struggled to step over the branched and when we finally got to the car, I fumbled with Asia's

pockets until I found the key.

I unlocked the door and wrestled with the car door, trying to lay her body in the back seat.

I didn't want to turn around to see how Xavier was doing with the wolves. I was too scared to witness

anything that could lead to Xavier being injured as well or worse, killed.

I lifted Asia's head and sat underneath, placing it back on my lap. I removed her bloody curls that were

now crimson with blood from her face.

"Asia," I uttered," please wake up." I heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to see Xavier

speeding towards us. I imagined that meant he had killed the wolves but I didn't want to get my hopes


He halted at the car almost tore the hinges off of the door.

"Get out!" He demanded and I scrambled to do as instructed.

"We need to get her to a hospital-" I began but Xavier wasn't listening to a word I said. He had his

hands on his mate's face, his blood-stained fingers send strokes down her cheeks.

To my surprise, Asia flickered her eyes open and looked up at him.

His terrified eyes flickered with relief," you're awake."

Asia let out of a small tired smile," how did you know we were here?"

"You weren't home when I got there, I put the puzzle pieces together."

"You got there just in time-"

"I should have gotten here quicker, it didn't click as quickly as it should have, you shouldn't be injured-"

Asia lifted her hands and placed her index finger on Xavier's lips, stopping him from forming his next


"You got here right on time, it was stupid what we did."

I almost wanted to look away at how intense their gazes were. I've never seen two people so in love

besides my parents. It made sense to me now when I caught my parents looking at each other like that,

that they were reminiscing on how much they had both given up to be together.

"Holly's right, we have to get you to a doctor."

"I'm alright, she stopped the bleeding," Asia looked up at me with kind eyes," the wolves?"

"The red ones dead, the other ones passed out," Xavier said, with apologetic eyes," I'm sorry, I didn't

mean to kill him-"

"I know," Asia said," but the Council will be here tomorrow, if we have any shot at getting Damon out,

it's now."

"No, he can wait, we need to get you to a hospital," Xavier was riled up immediately.

"Damon isn't going to last till tomorrow Xavier," Asia sat up, groaning in pain.

Xavier immediately reached out to help her up.

"There's going to be ten times the guards after today, if we don't get him out tonight, we never will."

"Won't they know it was us if we help Damon escape today, won't they know it's us that killed that

wolf?" I asked.

"They'll know anyway, whether we get him out or not," she replied.

Xavier nodded," alright, Holly and I will go in, you stay in the car-" Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"Xavier no, I'm fine, I can walk-"

"Absolutely not," Xavier was beginning to exist the car.

"You can't leave me here, what if the wolf wakes up!"

Xavier halted in his steps and turned around. He grabbed his mate and as if she were just a feather

and cradled her in his arms.

He looked down at me," let's go."

We headed back down towards the clearing and I get my eyes off the trail of blood that had created a

mini pond from the wolf's bodies.

I wondered how much time we had before the black wolf wakes up.

I followed Xavier's footsteps but he wasn't walking towards the church anymore. Instead, he was

walking towards a tiny shed that was about twenty meters right of it.

"Where are you going?" I hissed," the church is that way."

Xavier didn't spare me a glance when he said," the entrance to the church is through that shed, it's


I was hesitant to follow Xavier at first but I figured this was my very last shot. He circled the small

square shed that was made out of wood. There was a door, locked with thick metal chains that shun

with jolts of dark blue electricity. Xavier was walking around, keeping a one-meter distance away from

the shed. He held his arm out towards the door, Asia still being in his arms. The air around suddenly

jolted dark blue like the chains and he jumped back.

"There's a Volati barrier around the shed."

"What does that mean?" I asked," we can't go?"

"No, not without getting seriously injured, or killed."

"There has to be a way to shut it off-"

"Humans can't feel the barrier, Holly, you'll have to go alone."

I stared up at Xavier, my eyes wide in fright," how do you know that?"

"Volati was invented to only hurt members of the Underworld, you won't feel anything-"

"She can't," said Asia," she's not fully human, her mom was a witch."

"Dammit," Xavier cursed out," the only thing you had was being human and you aren't even good at


I winced at the comment and looked away, trying to hide my teary eyes. I stared up at the barriers

around the shed.

"My mother isn't a witch anymore, the thing, the Volati might not detect it-"

"That's not how it works Holly," it was Asia this time," the Volati could kill you."

It was worth a try. If I was half-human it could only be half of the pain, right?

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