Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 42

Jennie Wilson POV

I gaped in horror ” Excuse me?”

“You heard me well JENNIE. Hold my leg and plead. Polish my shoes and I might reconsider your request. ” Vincent said it without any remorse moving his leg in front of me shaking his shoes.

People started to gather around, some laughing and I felt like a circus attention. A ripple of disgust crawled all over my skin. I hate him.

” I am not going to do it. Give it back” My whole arm started to shake with how hard I was clenching my fist.

” Why? You low class people do this for living don’t you? Cleaning, begging, luring rich people in their trap, wh*ring around. Why are you ashamed now? ”

” You are absolutely disgusting! I may lack class and status, but I do have self-respect and dignity. I won’t beg for anything.” I gritted out, clinging to the last threads of reason before rage consumed me.

He grabbed my wrist with enough pressure to hurt me and barely managed to remain silent.

” If you don’t obey me, you’re going to be very sorry Wilson, and you this isn’t an empty threat. Now do what I said.”

Who the f*** he think he is!

” I am not your puppet Vincent. I am not doing it. You can go f*** yourself with your shitty life.”

Vincent fumed up and pulled me by the collar in one hand, his eyes tempestuous.

” You really have a death wish. I think you forgot you shouldn’t talk back to me, If you mess with me it will turn real ugly.”

I didn’t know what came into me after his words, I let my emotions finally get the better of me. I pushed him harshly, prying his hands off my collar.

” I am not following your orders. I won’t let you torture me for what I haven’t done at all! I don’t give a f*** what you think about me, world doesn’t revolve around you. Don’t you have anything better to do in your pathetic life then get in my way?”

He grabbed my upper arm and jerked me towards him, rage and hurt flashing in his eyes. ” Don’t f*** with me Wilson, shut your mouth, if you want to survive.”

My hatred for him burned inside me, it’s acid bringing back to the surface all destructive emotions, and I desired to unleash every single one on him.

” I thought I saw something else beneath your cruel exterior. Something good but I was wrong. I should have known you would never change. You are the same vicious and ruthless bastard. ”

” I said shut up!!”

” You are just making my life shitty, so that your life becomes less shittier, and you know it, it never gets better. You will realise, when there will no one left with you and you’ll pay the price for your deed. ”

Without any warning, with a full force Vincent threw the attendance record into the swimming pool, making me gape in horror.

” What the hell!!!!!!” I screamed in horror. The record floated on the swimming slowly absorbing the water, ready to sink down.

” F***ing suit yourself b*tch!” Vincent hissed at me, loudly so that everyone could hear and backed off.

The book was sinking down and students around us kept staring at me, giving rise to the upsetting chatter in my head, reminding me I was nobody and deserved nothing but pain and shame. Nobody was ready to help me.

Miss Johnson and that senior will kill me!

What should I do!!!!

*Splashhhhhhh*NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I jumped into the swimming pool without thinking, and I pushed myself towards the book which was just a distance away.

I gripped the attendance record in my hand. My breath halted, pain growing roots in my chest. I kicked the water with my leg, but I wasn’t going up.

My anxiety kicked in again, and a whirlwind of negative thoughts and fear blew through my mind. I slashed water with my leg and hand but I couldn’t move, completely drowning into the water.

My heart started ringing, heavy with pressure that threatened to give me a life threatening pain, so fast that my panic increased in fear of it bursting from exertion. The water was suffocating me.

Why doesn’t she kill herself……

Look at her clothes……

Nobody cared if you died……

I would kill myself if I were you……

You low class people do this for living don’t you?

Echo came through my head, wishing I was never born. It was the time when I became a dying shell struggling to live.

Everybody hated me. They wanted nothing more than to see me dead-gone for good. It hurt. It hurt so much-being an outcast are a easy target. Finally I braced myself for death to engulf me.


I felt a strong arm wrapped me, pulling me up and I huffed struggling to breathe. The person dragged me across the swimming pool and pulled me out of it.

” What the…… Jennie! Jennie!!” Somebody patted my cheek and I was breathing heavily, grasping how much ever air I could take.

” Are you f***ing crazy!!!! Can’t you say I can’t swim help me! You jumped into the water straight away without thinking!!!! ”

Blake blasted me, huffing badly “Stupid idiot girl! What if you would have died!!! What if I wouldn’t have seen you!! ”

I cried heavily, the pain coursing within my chest making it hard to breathe.

” Hey…… Jennie, breathe, breathe slowly.” Blake brought me closer, pulling me in his embrace, rubbing my back soothingly.


Well, I was punished for which wasn’t my fault. The attendance book which was completely destroyed by him. I had to stay in college till night, rewriting the attendance record in Miss Johnson staff room.

He didn’t even care if I was dying there. One thing was for sure. I hated Vincent now. I hated that cruel egoistic maniac slash psychopathic bastard.


I was back as a victim of bullying again. Everybody saw me as a creep, and they felt it it was okay to insult me just because I was weaker and the poor than the rest.

Now I was even afraid to touch my locker, because they would put weird things in it, like dead rats, bottles of soda lying down, the liquid trickling front the upper shelf to the lower creating a large puddle, my whole locker painted in black, or all possible insults written in it.

Vincent wanted to humiliate me in front of everyone, not even caring about the consequences-so I was sure he was going make it worse for me.

At many times, I put indifferent mask on my face, pretending such hurtful words didn’t affect me at all, but my tears betrayed me each time. Life had become torturous to me, taking all his hasty actions.

I placed my food on the tray and sat on a table. Students kept whispering and snickering, but I was used to that already. It was the same reaction. It made me sick, but at least I could remain strong enough to go to my table and eat alone.

All of a sudden Vincent entered the canteen, and then his eyes found mine. His glare gave me shivers. He was more just standing there, livid, looking at me like I was his worst enemy.

He took his tray of food and his eyes turned into two laser beams that were supposed to incinerate me on the spot. His seat was on the other side of the table, but he chose to pass right behind me.

A shiver ran through my spine, and I realized just now that my heart had been beating so fast in anticipation that it hurt.

Is he going to sit beside me?????

” Please don’t come here, please make him disappear into thin air, please god……” I muttered to myself, pushing my hair to the front so that I could hide my face, but Vincent strode in my direction.

By then he stopped right next me and I froze in my place. We kept staring at each other, unaware of the people around us, I couldn’t move.

His animosity spread in waves from him, but his sharp, mean eyes terrified me the most.

Every single hair on my neck stood, my body locking up in preparation for…… I didn’t know what. But I found out a second too late.

He tilted his tray, and the whole food slid over the edge and fell right over my head.

What the……

I looked at my dress and hair in horror, as food slid down as all it contents littered my hair and thighs, soaking my face and dress.

Gasp and giggles erupted from surrounding tables, and the noise grew louder and louder. All I heard was laughter-they were laughing at me.

Vincent drew everybody’s attention, his sharp mean eyes bore onto me ” Since when did Hunsberg University let trash like these read here?”

” Why did they let these village garbages dirty whole university? Why don’t you people go back to whatever piss hole you crawled out of? ”

His words drew a new wave of laughter around the floor, which sliced deep through me.

All I saw were evil faces-they were glaring at me, mocking me, haunting me…… it was so humiliating and degrading. I felt like I could erupt into tears any moment, Vincent’s proximity to me was torturous.

Why everyone looked down and classified the human just because of their financial status. Weren’t poor people allowed to be educated in a nice university and live like others deserve.

Suddenly Vincent hand came in front of my eyes, he was wavering his hand to catch my attention, but I stared at the floor in a verge of crying.

” Why are pretending to be a statute now?” Vincent said poking me with a straw like I was some untouchable creature.” Knock, Knock are you there?”

I pushed the straw out, glaring at him with my teary eyes but he let out a degrading laugh, but his eyes dead serious. ” Just checking if your brain is still there or not.”

Every body went to fit laughter, and it is was absolutely degrading. I looked away clenching my fist tightly.

” Oh, poor baby. Are you going to cry? I would like nothing more than that. Cry, please cry.” Vincent bent down to my level mocking me.

Tears had mixed with the my already soaked cheeks, and it made me feel like I was less than a human being. I wanted it to stop. Humiliation. Pain. Laughter.

” When?” I let out a muffled voice, disgusted by his behaviour.

” When will you stop doing this?” I could barely say it, my voice breaking.

He inched closer to me, and I felt something crawling all over my skin, rattling me deep within. He showed zero remorse as usual.

” I’ll never stop, until you become nothing. Until you are void of everything…… mentally and physically, when there’s no more tears left to cry. ” He said in dangerously low voice only I could hear, my heart sliced into two crying more.

He clapped his hand drawing more attention. ” Excuse me everyone, since we have a new trash can in our college, let’s make full use of it shall we? Feel free to dump your waste here.”

Vincent pointed towards me and I winced, my stomach dropping at the insult that hurt the most. I had to escape from here before I got humiliated even more.

I got up to run away from this humiliation but Vincent pushed me down making me stay in place.

” Where are going Jenn? The show is about to begin, don’t miss all the fun.”

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