Arranged love

Chapter 238


I’M SITTING IN my office; it’s almost midnight, and I’m finishing an email when my door opens. I look up to see Titan enter. He plops down in the seat across from me and places his hands behind his head with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“What do you want?” I ask, not in the mood.

“You’ve been pissy for the past couple of weeks. More than usual. What gives?”

“Nothing,” I lie.

Honestly, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me. I’ve just been in a funk. But it’s been longer than two weeks. It started after I promised Luca I’d do him a favor. How was I supposed to know it was for his fucking sister? I thought it would require some bullets, a little blood, and maybe digging a grave. But no. It was much deeper than I could have imagined.

I flew her to California and left her at my beach home. I’ve had it for years and never once used it. One of the things they don’t tell you about being a multibillionaire is that if you want to stay that way, you don’t get time off.

I’ve never been much of a vacation type of guy anyway. I prefer to keep my head in my work. I want to know every little thing going on in my business at any given second. But ever since I dropped her off, she’s been on my mind.

The way her body melted into mine when I kissed her. It was as if she had no control. Just like me. It’s had my mind in the gutter ever since.

“I’m about to head home.” Titan stands, getting my attention. “Need me to do anything before I leave?”

I go to tell him to get the fuck out of here, but my cell rings. I pick it up to see it’s Lane, a doctor we use for Kingdom. He cares for our Queens and any other time we find ourselves in a situation that requires a doctor. I frown.

“What is it?” Titan asks.

“Not sure.” Holding up my cell for him to read the screen, his brows pull together. I hit answer before it can ring again. “You’re on speakerphone, Lane. I’m here with Titan,” I inform him in greeting.

“Bones.” He sighs and adds, “Titan.”

“What’s going on?” Titan asks him. “Everything okay?”

“I thought you guys should know that Luca is on his way.”

“What do you mean on his way?” I ask. “For what?” He should be working at Glass right now.

“I have to make this quick,” he rushes out. “The ambulance should arrive any second.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Titan snaps impatiently.

“Haven called me from Luca’s cell. Said she found him at Glass. Thankfully, I was already here at the hospital tonight. Picked up an extra shift,” he rambles.

“Get to the fucking point,” Titan demands.

“All I know is multiple gunshots wounds.”

“Fuck.” Titan falls into his chair.

“I’ve done my best to keep it under wraps and quickly assembled a team that I know is the best and will keep their mouths shut. But I suggest you get here ASAP and bring NDAs. The last thing you want is for the world to know he’s been shot, putting Haven in more danger than she already is.” He hangs up.

“Motherfucker!” Titan jumps up from his chair and rushes out of my office to go get what we need. I find Haven’s name in my phone and call her.

She picks up immediately. “Bones-”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Lane called me.” I get to the point and hear her sniff. “Titan and I are on our way. Don’t speak to anyone, do you understand?” She needs to understand how dire this situation is. I can console her later.

“Y-Yes.” She sobs out. “There was so much blood-”

“Not a word, Haven.” I interrupt her, needing her to get her emotions under control for one second. She can cry on my shoulder when I get there. “This is important. We cannot let anyone know that he’s there.”

“I won’t,” she agrees with a sniffle.

“Be there shortly.” I hang up, grab my keys out of my desk, and run to the elevator, where I meet up with Titan.


I SIT ON the beach with my knees pulled up to my chest, enjoying the night breeze. I’m not sure of the time. It’s dark. The water looks black. It’s been a few days since my brothers showed up and threatened me. I haven’t slept a minute. Too afraid they’re watching me and will return when they see I haven’t left to go do what they ordered.

I’m starting to feel delirious. I think I’m seeing things that aren’t really there. I can’t be sure. One minute, the figure is standing in the corner of the bedroom, and the next, it’s gone.

Dillan had left me with money and a credit card, but I’m not sure where to go. I walk into town. It’s just a couple of miles away, and I enjoy the sun and fresh air. Well, I did.

When I woke up from my beating, I crawled to the bathroom, took a hot bath, then got into bed. This is the first time I’ve ventured out of it since. I needed to see the ocean, hear the waves, and breathe the fresh sea air. The beautiful house has been tainted. It’s no longer safe, and I have no idea where to go.

My body hurts. Sometimes it’s hard to breathe. I had a headache for a day straight, but it finally went away. I’m not sure how much longer I can do this. Stay up and worry about when they’ll show up again.

I’m tired. Exhausted.

I need to call Luca. Dillan and Luca said not to call him, but things have changed. Dillan said Luca had him take me to keep me safe. I’m no longer safe. I’m not going to call Dillan. But maybe Luca can talk to him for me? If I call Luca and tell him everything, he could warn Dillan what my brothers and dad plan on doing. Tell him everything that I know so he has a heads-up. I don’t want Dillan to die or to put the other Kings in danger. I’m not a killer like my father raised my brothers to be. But mainly, I don’t want to see my father win. He doesn’t deserve Kingdom. And if I don’t get it for him, he’ll go a different route.

Making up my mind, I push myself up to stand and make my way into the house on wobbly legs. I keep all the lights on at all times. I stumble down the hallway to the last door on the right. My cell sits on the nightstand. My only way to communicate with a world that keeps trying to get rid of me.

I haven’t tried to call Luca since he told me not to. I just pray that he answers. Maybe I’ll feel better after I talk to him. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep once I hear his voice.

It rings once … twice … and I bite my busted lip. My stomach falls at the thought he’ll ignore me.

“Hello?” a female voice answers.

“Haven?” I ask, my heart racing. Why is she answering his cell?

“Yes.” She sniffs. “Who is this?”

“It’s me, Mia.” The fact that Luca didn’t have this number saved in his phone just further proves what he had said to me when I called him. He had no intention of ever talking to me again. “I was calling to talk to my brother.”

“Oh, my God …” she chokes out. “Mia. Luca … Luca’s in trouble.”

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