An Italian’s Escort Lover

Chapter 7

Flashback Continues…

Phoebe Point of View

I looked into the eyes of the man whom I considered my best friend. Though our friendship is of only few years, he had become a very important person in my life.

The person with whom I can play, rant about, get angry on and tease; but Love?

Love was never the feeling I had for him. Heck, I did not even know what happens in love. I had no experience in it.

Love is like a forbidden apple in my life; if I eat it then I die in pain, if I don’t then I live with pain. There is no concrete future for love in my life and it is not right for a person like Niccolo to love me as well.

I was lucky to have him as my best friend but I cannot bring him down to my low standards leading him into an absurd relationship with me which cannot have any future whatsoever.

“She sure is a lucky girl to have your love.” I smiled awkwardly at him and avoided looking into his eyes.

I know he was talking about me but his friendship was the only thing I can afford. Anything more than it can be bad for him. He is a Russo, a successor to the Russo empire and a billionaire with a name in the world and the society nor his family can never accept a nameless prostitute like me.

Niccolo himself cannot take any relationship with me further in future when he gets tied down with family vows and duties. So it is only better to not love nor expect from people.

“She is and so am I.” He said softly but I did not dare look at him. I don’t want to break his heart but breaking his heart now will preserve him and me from future pain.

“She is –”

“I- I am famished Niccolo. Let’s go and eat.” I cut him off and got out of the car in a hurry.

It is better for both of us to not confess such feelings to each other at all.

Niccolo walked to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me into a fine restaurant that rich come to flaunt their wealth.

He looked normal but by the tightening of his hold on my waist can tell that I had ticked something inside him. I don’t regret what I did but I don’t want to lose this precious person just because I couldn’t love him back.

Oh Phoebe, what can you do now?

The host led us to a private dining room where two men in suit are sitting. They must be waiting for us because as soon as they saw us, both of them stood up and hugged Niccolo.

Who are they?

I know one of them is Valdimir, Niccolo’s friend but who is the other man and why he looking at me like I am some kind of dirt?

Niccolo pulled away from the hug and sat me in a chair next to him. He smiled at me normally like nothing happened and took my hand kissing it before the men.

“Bella, you know Valdimir from before and this other fierce looking man is my other best friend, Leonardo. Leo, this is my Bella.” He introduced smiling sweetly at me.

“Your Bella? You mean your keep woman?” Leo snickered giving me a stinking eye to me. “Why did you bring the trash with you inside, you should have left her outside.” He said looking at me from top to bottom like I am a contagious disease.

I did not dare raise my head and look at any of them because his words cut my heart deeply. So this is what people look me as in future. Like a disease.

“Mind it, Leo” Niccolo growled at his friend and held my hand tightly under the table. His fingers rubbed by palm soothingly and though it was a good assurance, I cannot forget what his friends think of me.

But then, he is right too. I am a woman at beck and call so it is only right they call me that.

“As if my respect for her would make her any great. She’s just a catch for the night, stop taking her everywhere to public places.” Leo grumbled irritated and moved his chair a little far away from mine. “I did not think a day would come when I would be dining with a tramp.” He muttered to himself but I am sure Niccolo heard it quite clearly.

Niccolo stood up at once and without thinking much, punched Leo in his face making him fall down with a thud. He was heaving and shivering in anger and God, the look in Niccolo’s eyes was something so dangerous that I had never seen before.

He was always kind and caring to me but at present the Niccolo who is standing before me is far away from the person I knew.

“Please stop. Please Niccolo.” I held his arm tightly and pulled him back before he launched another blow to his friend. Leonardo scowled at me and gritted his teeth pushing me away from Niccolo.

“When you said you are going to introduce someone important to me, I did not think that it would be you tramp. What the hell happened to you Nic for going around openly with such woman?” Leonardo gritted. Valdimir came towards him and pulled him back from me while I walked to Niccolo and held him from doing further damage.

“Enough Leo, Not now. If you have anything to talk then have a chat with Nic later. Alone.” Valdimir said noticing Niccolo who is ready to explode anytime soon.

“You are my best friend so maintain that border between us, Leo. One more word against her, I will forget who you are to me.” Why is fighting with his friends for me? They are his friends and they are the one who should be with him forever.

“Nic dude, let me ask you one thing. I understand you pay her for a night but is she that good in bed that you are getting so dramatic over her? Does she even do her duties for the money you are pouring on her or is she just taking advantage of your kindness?” Leonardo walked towards Niccolo and stood in front of him.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

What Leonardo said struck me like a lightening. Am I really taking advantage of him?

He is paying thousands and millions of dollars to spend night with me and all I made of him was a best friend?

Niccolo is my savior, my best friend who is paying to put me out of trouble and what am I giving him in return? Nothing! Not even the one what he is paying for!

“I’m your friend, Nic and I don’t want you to be taken advantage off. If she is that good in bed, then let me buy her for a night and see what magic she did on you for you to go crazy about her. This is not how our standard people should treat filth like her. It is better you limit her existence to your bed itself and anything more than it, she’s not worth it.” Leonardo said directly to Niccolo’s face and walked out of the private room patting Niccolo’s shoulder.

I have no time to feel bad or hurt for what his friends said because the way Niccolo stood silently terrified me. He looked enraged but seems to be trying to control himself and don’t know if I should approach him or not.

Crying at my fate is not for now, right now I need to calm down Niccolo. “Ni-Niccolo” I called out softly, hesitating every step I take towards him.

He will never hurt me physically, I know it but right now I am utterly terrified to even look at him.

“I’m not hungry anymore. Let’s go, Bella.” He mumbled gravely and took my hand to drag me out with him but I resisted his pull. He was working hard from morning and did not eat much. I cannot just let him leave unfed just because I faced some harsh welcome.

“No, let’s eat please you are hungry.”

“Not now, Bella.” He pulled out his hand from mine but I caught it again not caring about the result. “I’m sorry I let him hurt you.” Niccolo whispered to me and held both my hands in his. He still looked furious but a little wetness in his eyes is the answer I need to know.

He is feeling my pain.

He is feeling guilty for me.

I wonder with what God had made this man!

“It’s okay. I would be more hurt if you call me those names. And I don’t think what your friend said about me is any wrong. I am taking advantage of you in many ways.” I said choking back my tears.

How can I be so selfish?

Niccolo has every right on me and I did not even think about his needs. He has been doing so much for me and I did nothing back.

I should at least fulfill my duty for which I am being paid for. He deserves it.

I’m so sorry for being so selfish, Niccolo; you don’t have to wait for me anymore.


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