Alpha’s Predestined Bride

EPISODE 78 Promises of a lifetime


The head of Epsilon group announced the presence of the couple. “The mating ceremony begins now!” He pronounced the start of the ceremony.

He took a knife and a goblet from the altar and raised it up for the guests to see. “We are all here for the union of our reliable alpha Carl Damien and Meagan Swift who would be our certified Luna starting from today. May this union be blessed by the moon goddess and shower then with strength to stick together to rule this pack in peace and harmony.” The head of Epsilon prayed.

He went ahead to say good things about the alpha. He preached to the couple and stated out the marital rules that would be useful to them as they embark on this lifetime journey together. After some minutes of his teachings, he announced the moment for the couple to do the mating ritual.

Alpha Carl Damien was made to take the mating vows first and he repeated after the head of the epsilon.

“In the name of the respected and beloved moon goddess, I take you, Meagan Swift to be my mate, to have and to hold onto you from this day forward. I promise to love you as my mate, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to care and cherish you until death do us apart. This is my mating vow.” He took the knife from the epsilon and sliced his palm and let the blood drop into the goblet.

Meagan was made to drink it. She also said her mating vow and Carl was made to drink her blood too. The head of Epsilon group asked the couple for the ring bearer when he didn’t see one.

“Where is the wedding ring?” Jasmine wondered loud to which almost everyone could hear her.

“Alpha Carl said it is a surprise.” Hazel whispered to Jasmine. They all sat together in the second row with their respective partners.

Alpha Carl had told the event planner not to arranged for a ring bearer that he wanted the moment to be different and surprising to everyone. And on cue, alpha Carl Damien turned to the door with two fingers on his lips and pupped his cheeks to make a whistling sound.

“Oh!” Everyone exclaimed when their eyes caught the ring bearer.

A white puppy appeared in the hall. The puppy was carrying a white pillow around his neck as he raced down the aisle to the altar. Alpha Carl had purchased the puppy two weeks ago saying he wanted it to grow with his pup. Smiles of adoration came from the guests and even Meagan was surprised upon seeing the ring bearer.

Beta Julius crouched down to the puppy’s size and removed the pillow from it neck. In the pillow bears two shining Diamond rings.

“Alpha Carl-”

“I have something to say.” Damien interrupted the Epsilon.

He raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Can I have a minute to make an unusual vow to my mate?” Alpha Carl Damien requested.

“Do you have something to say too?” The head of Epsilon asked the bride.

Meagan hadn’t prepared anything but she said, “Yes.”

“Alright, please go ahead.” The head of Epsilon bowed slightly to the couple.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Alpha Carl Damien cleared his throat before speaking up. “Meagan.. since you came into my life, I am no longer lonely but I am now incomplete without you. Meagan Swift, you are my other half, the only reason I wake up every morning to fight for what I want and care about. I am not worthy of you but here you are before me now my perfect bride. No doubt, you are my predestined bride by the moon goddess and I am happy that I met you at the right time.” He held her injured palm.

“Today, I solemnly swear to the moon goddess and everyone present here that I’ll take care of you till the day of my death. As long as I am alive, I’ll ensure that you’ll be happy forever till the end of the world and till the end of our lives. I’ll stand by you, taking care of you and loving you for the rest of my life.” A tear slipped down Meagan’s cheek as she looked straight into his eyes through the sheer veil.

Alpha Carl Damien swallowed hard to get rid of the lump that already formed in his throat. “Meagan, I’ll ensure that you live a healthy, happy and great life forever. And henceforth, I’ll love you more than how I have loved you in the passed months.” He breathed out heavily.

Meagan was already in tears. His words touched her heart and the guests were also in an motional mood and feeling awe.

Meagan sniffed. “I.. I love you, Carl Damien. I may not be perfect for you but I’ll do my best. I’ll give you enough love and make you the happiest man on earth. But just promise me one thing.” She requested.

“What is it?” Alpha Carl asked.

“I know trouble might arise.. and you may need to go to war to protect our pack and every member i. It.” Meagan said.

Alpha Carl nodded. “You are right.” He mouthed.

“So promise me.. that you won’t die. Don’t die.. Carl.. because I won’t even die on you too. I’ll be with you forever in my life.” Meagan sobbed.

Some of the guests laughed as Meagan’s sobs erupted in the hall. Alpha Carl Damien couldn’t hold back a laugh too.

“I promise. I’ll always be by your side till the end of our lives.” Alpha Carl Damien vowed.

“I love you, Carl.” Meagan embraced her husband.

Julius started clapping and everyone joined in too. And the clapping didn’t end until Carl and Meagan exchanged rings and got their marital bands.

“By the powers vested in me by the moon goddess, I now pronounce the two of you mates. And a husband and a wife! You may kiss your bride!” The epsilon announced.

Alpha Carl Damien lifted the veil but before he could lean closer, Meagan closed the distance between their lips faster than he did and she kissed him.

The whole guests stood up to their feet and clapped their hands as the newly wed couples kissed.

Meagan laughed heartily after sharing a passionate kiss with Carl. She was satisfied with her choice. The newly mated couples turned to face their guests. They both looked delighted and happy with the promises they have made to each other.

A secret adventure turned out to be a life time adventure encouraged by love they seemed to grow stronger day by day.

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