Alpha Tyrion’s Arranged Mate – His Hybrid Mate

Sit on my lap

Celine’s POV :This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you alright? ” I asked her because she had begun to hyperventilate. Her chest puffed with the lack of oxygen and she took sharp breaths to calm herself down.

“Sorry, I thought you were hurt. ” She answered, getting back to normal.

I frowned as the confusion dawned on me even more than before. Her eyes reflected some sort of secret which made me attracted to know whatever it was.

“Why would I be hurt? The competition hasn’t started yet. ” I chuckled a little.

As I gazed intently into the Luna Queen’s eyes, I heard her voice resonate with a profound sense of wisdom and urgency.

“My dear, you must exercise caution,” the queen warned, her words reverberating through the ethereal chamber. “Life is a labyrinth of unforeseen trials, and you must always be prepared to confront them head-on.”

I couldn’t help but feel a chill run down my spine as I absorbed the gravity of the queen’s words. Renowned for her unparalleled power and foresight, the Luna Queen had never spoken to anyone so directly before. I knew I must heed the queen’s advice if I wished to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.

“I will do my best, Luna. ”

“You have to. There’s no other option. The kingdoms are bound to face a never ending misery and you are the one who needs to be at the front… ” She stopped mid sentence and shook her head.

“I don’t understand… ”

“I know. But remember you are not weak. Never were. I know you will show your true self very soon. ”

Something in her voice was so motivating that I could see my wolf prancing around my head and ready to run out of the chamber to fight anyone.

“I promise you. I will change myself. ”

From that moment on, I pledged to sharpen my mind, fortify my spirit, and be equipped for any obstacle that dared to obstruct my way. With the Luna Queen’s guidance and my own resolute determination, I would be able to encounter the challenges that loomed ahead, armed with the confidence that had been given a somber caution from a commanding and all-knowing ruler.

The Queen abruptly began to leave, her face turned hard again.

“Anyways, I hope this will be a fruitful journey for you here. ”

I was about to ask her more but a weird looking lady standing at the door gave a chuckle. Her eyes were a little orange, a huge scar running on her face, and her cheeks looked hollow.

“Maya, you didn’t need to come here. ” The Luna Queen sounded stressed and… scared.

Maya smirked as she glared at me, ” I wanted to meet with young powerful lunas like you. Can’t I do that? ”

The Luna Queen turned behind to look at me and grabbed the woman’s hand to take her out, ” She needs rest. We should leave now. ”

“She needs to be at the welcome dinner party in a few hours. ” Maya gave me a last look and I was sure that I saw a pair of fangs coming out of her mouth, as a warning or something. But before I could pay more attention, she was gone. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

The Lycan king Calle was the one who had acted differently to me but now it seemed like the whole palace was living in delusions.

‘What if we have some connection to the Lycan blood? ‘ Belinay asked.

I wanted to laugh and howl at her assumptions, ‘ What sort of connection? Don’t think about those fairytales. We aren’t any lost princess.’

I sat down on the bed and covered myself with the blanket.

‘What if we are? I do feel the trust bond with Luna Queen. ‘ She said again.

‘And what about the Lycan king? Don’t you feel any connection to him? ‘

‘He scares me, Celine… ‘

I was astonished to know about the fear my wolf faced from a man who we had met hours ago. She had never be scared around anyone before, not even our adopted father.


Three maids knocked on the open door and I realised I had forgotten to lock it. They carried the gowns and jewelry to the tables and placed them there to stand again before me. Everything looked so formal, as if they were taught to just do a few steps and not even blink wrong.

“Please let us help you for the dinner. ” one of them said, looking at the floor.

I wanted to groan and deny but I knew there was no option for that. Alpha Tyrion needed my support through this tough phase and I had to be there for him every single second. I walked to the huge mirror and sat down, followed by the maids.

They started working on my hair and I stared at my reflection which looked so depressed and alone.

“Are you working here for long? ” I asked.

They looked at each other and ignored my question. I was a little disheartened by their behavior but was also aware they didn’t want to talk to random Lunas and get punishment if the Luna didn’t like something they said.

As the maids tirelessly assisted me in getting ready for the highly anticipated Royal dinner, my mind was consumed with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Adorned in a breathtaking gown, every detail meticulously attended to by the skilled hands of the maids, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of nervousness. The thought of being in the presence of royals, with their regal composure and commanding presence, sent a shiver down me spine. Would I be able to hold my own amidst the elegance and grace that surrounded me?

The weight of expectation bore down upon me as I wondered if my mannerisms and poise would be up to par. But as the final touches were made to my hair and makeup, I took a deep breath, determined to embrace the evening with confidence and grace.

After all, we had been invited to this grand occasion for a reason. I had to use the little charm, intellect, and unique qualities that would capture the attention of the royals.

“Gorgeous! ” one of the maids whispered but the others eyed her down.

I smiled politely at her, ” Thank you. It means a lot to me. ”

As I stepped into the corridor, my worries faded away, replaced by a glimmer of excitement. Alpha Tyrion stood there with his hand ready for me and he watched me so much admiration that I could feel my cheeks turning red.

“Celine, you’re looking so beautiful. I can’t even take my eyes off you… ” He said almost losing his control over his senses and I felt his lips on my neck.

“I am just so nervous…”

He smiled, ” You don’t have to be. Nobody will dare to say anything. If they do, I will kill them. ”

I gasped and shook my head but he kissed me again. I walked with him to the ballroom and almost felt that I had achieved everything.

The evening held the promise of enchantment, mingling with the elite and sharing in the beauty and splendor of the Royal dinner and presenting myself as the Luna of Alpha Tyrion.

Maya and Lycan king Calle were talking to each other in a corner and once they noticed me, the king glared at Alpha Tyrion’s arm which was wrapped around my waist.

“Here, let me take the lady to the party… ‘ The lycan king said, offering his hand to me.

Alpha Tyrion didn’t like the offer and his grip tightened, ” I will take my woman with me. ”

“Your woman? ” The king laughed and I knew if he didn’t stop right now, there would be blood because Alpha Tyrion was already pissed at him.

“My woman. Yes. ” Alpha Tyrion said through gritted teeth.

Maya held the Lycan king’s arm and dragged him with her, giving us a fake smile.

“I will kill him. ” He muttered angrily.

Ava walked past us and glanced at Alpha Tyrion who didn’t look at her. She was enraged and almost ran out of there. I tried to calm him down and we finally joined the dinner with all the other Alphas and Lunas.

The Lycan king Calle was back again and Maya was behind him. Alpha Tyrion turned rigid as he saw him from anger.

“Sit on my lap. ” He told me.

I watched him horrified and looked around, there were a few couple who were so close to each other but it would be so off for us to try it in public. But when I saw Ava, trying her best to make Alpha Tyrion look at her for once, I was consumed by jealousy.

I made myself comfortable on his lap and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

‘Rip your clothes and mate publicly. ‘ My crazy wild wolf moaned.

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