Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 94

Chapter 94.

Chapter Sixty-Eight: Shadows of Treachery

One Hour Before the explosion

Phera POV:

The stale air of the dungeon chills me to the bone as I hang. from the ropes, each moment stretching endlessly with pain and dread. The door grinds open, and Rex strides in, his presence like a dark cloud filling the small, grim space. His eyes lock onto mine, gleaming with a malicious pleasure that sends a shiver down my spine.

“Guess what, darling? Your beloved mates are on their way here,” Rex announces, a smirk playing on his lips. The initial shock gives way to a fleeting surge of hope-maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance for escape, a chance to be saved. But as Rex continues, that hope is quickly smothered by a growing sense of horror.

“Oh, but don’t get too excited. They’re walking right into a meticulously laid trap. I’ve set a little surprise for them—the kind that goes boom.”

My heart sinks as he details his plan with relish, each word more

sinister than the last.

the fun part,” he says, pacing back and forth like a r circling his prey. “Once they step into the villa geons to save their precious Luna, explosives will greet em. A grand fireworks display to celebrate their arrival-and their demise.”

The cruelty in his voice is palpable, and a cold dread settles in my stomach.

“And that’s not all,” Rex adds, his eyes narrowing. “While they’re busy here, trying to save you, my forces will attack the Red Moon. Chaos, destruction, it’ll all unfold beautifully. By the time anyone realises, it’ll be too late.”

His plan is monstrous. Not only does he intend to kill my mates and me in one fell swoop, but he also plans to seize Red Moon in our absence, exploiting our vulnerability for his own gain.

“And after your mates are gone, after you’ve witnessed everything you care about crumble to dust, I’ll be there to end your suffering, well that is if you survive darling” he says, approaching me with a twisted glee. “Consider it a gift. You won’ t have to live with the pain for too long.”

This revelation is a heavy blow, but it also ignites a fierce determination within me. If there’s even the slightest chance to avert this catastrophe, I have to take it. I need to survive, not just for myself, but for all of Red Moon and the lives hanging in

the balance.

‘t leave the room. Instead, he pulls up a chair, settling

the torment he expects to unfold. His gaze is fixated expecting to see the fear and defeat in my eyes. But ead, I muster every ounce of defiance I possess, meeting his gaze with a steely resolve.

“You won’t win, Rex,” I whisper, the words barely audible yet firm with conviction. “They will come for me and survive, and we will stop you.”

Rex laughs, a sound that echoes hollowly against the stone walls.

“We shall see, my dear. We shall see.”

As he watches me, waiting for the signs of my defeat, I hold onto the slim hope that my mates will sense the danger, that somehow they’ll avoid the trap laid out for them. In the deepest recesses of my heart, I prepare for their arrival, ready to fight alongside them, no matter the odds.

Rex’s cruel smirk widens as he sees the resolve in my eyes. He leans back casually, as if we’re merely discussing mundane affairs rather than my imminent doom and the destruction of my pack.



“Curious about the finer details, are you?” he taunts, his voice a serpent’s hiss in the dim light of the dungeon.

“Yes,” I press, my voice steady despite the tremors of fear coursing through me. “Tell me

it be with the knowledge of how ything. If I’m to die today, let


you think you’ve outsmarted us

Rex chuckles, a sound as cold and sharp as the chains that bind


“Very well,” he acquiesces, his eyes glinting with malevolence. “It’s quite simple, really. I’ve made certain that the Alpha King’s trackers ‘discovered’ this location just

in time to send your mates rushing in. It’s all a setup, orchestrated with precision.”

He stands, beginning to pace as he lays out his diabolical scheme.

“As for the assault on Red Moon, that’s where Josh and the Blue Moon pack come in. With the help of some well-placed rogues, they’ll initiate an attack that will weaken your defences just enough to tip the scales and then comes the lost heir of redmoon to save the day when their alphas couldn’t and eventually faced an unfortunate demise saving their precious. Luna. Hmm so sad!”

He makes a mocking sad face, his pointer finger slipping down. his eye acting like a teardrop before he smiles that sadistic smile of his. I struggle against my bonds, the ropes biting

deeper into my flesh as I absorb the horror of his words. The mere thought of my home under siege, of the people I love in danger, fuels a growing fury within me.

“And there’s more,” Rex continues, his voice dripping with cruel. delight. “Once I take control, I plan to reshape the Red Moon

ng to my vision. The women? They’ll serve as nothing an tools for pleasure and breeding. The children will be ed to be obedient, servile… or sold off if they’re deemed unfit.”

His words are a poison, each one more vile than the last. My stomach churns with revulsion, my heart pounding with both fear and rage.

“And let’s not forget the men and warriors of Red Moon,” he adds, his lips twisting into a grotesque smile. “Those who submit will live under my rule. The rest will meet their end in the fighting pits or on the executioner’s block.”

The dungeon seems to close in around me, the air thick with the stench of damp and decay, and now, the foul scent of Rex’s intentions. I can hardly breathe, the weight of his plans pressing down on me like a physical force.

Seeing the horror on my face, Rex laughs, a sound that echoes off the stone walls.

“Oh, my dear, you should see the look on your face. Don’t worry, you won’t have to witness the fall of the Red Moon and rise of a

glorious pack in my care. That privilege will die with you and your mates today.”

stops in front of me, his face inches from mine.

“And since I can’t resist a parting gift,” he says, his voice a venomous whisper, he pulls back his arm and strikes. The punch lands hard against my cheek, a sharp pain that radiates through my skull.

As he turns and walks out of the dungeon, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving me in darkness once again, I reel from the impact, both physical and emotional. The taste of blood fills my mouth, a stark reminder of the stakes. Despite the despair that threatens to, a fierce determination grips me. Somehow, I must survive. Somehow, I must warn them.

Rex POV:

As I stride away from the dungeon, leaving Phera to marinate in the exquisite cocktail of fear and despair I’ve so carefully concoated, a dark satisfaction courses through me. The stench of the dungeon still clings to my clothes, a constant reminder of the sweet victory that’s about to unfold.

“Soon,” I murmur to myself, a grin spreading across my face as I think about the imminent ruin of Red Moon.

The thought of those sanctimonious

noble alphas of Red Moon, scrambling to save what’s left of their precious pack-it’s f*king delightful. They think they’ve

those so-called got it all figured out, but they’re just puppets in my grand play. And today, the final act begins.

As I make my way to the portal that will transport me back to the werewolf multiverse, my mind races with the plans I’ve laid out. The chaos at Red Moon is just the beginning. The real pleasure will come when I take my rightful place as the alpha, ruling over the ashes of what was once a proud and strong pack.

“These motherf*ckers won’t know what hit them,” I chuckle to myself.

The thought of the power, the absolute control I’ll wield-it’s intoxicating. The streets will echo with the cries of those who once dared to look down on me, and I’ll savor every moment their despair.


The portal looms ahead, its swirling energies crackling with power. Stepping through it feels like crossing into the realm of gods, and in a way, that’s exactly what I’m about to become-a god among wolves, dictating life and death according to my whims.

As the familiar landscape of the werewolf multiverse materialises around me, the air filled with the scent of pine and the distant howls of packs, a fierce joy grips me. This is the

Chapter 34

moment I’ve been waiting for, the moment all my plans come to fruition.

I don’t just walk; I march toward Red Moon, my steps fueled by years of bitterness and the burning desire for revenge.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“This is it,” I whisper, almost reverently. “Today, I claim what should have been mine all along.”

And as I cross the threshold into Red Moon territory, the sounds of battle reaching my ears, a twisted smile plays on my lips. The chaos is beautiful, a symphony of destruction that sings to the darkest parts of my soul.

“Let the end begin,” I say, my voice a low growl that melds with the chaos around me. The thrill of conquest, the power of fear-1 drink it all in as I prepare to seize my destiny.

Tonight, Red Moon falls. Tonight, I rise.

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