Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 4

Chapter Four: Going Home Part Two

Phera POV:

I tapped my foot constantly on the forest oor as Josh and I waited for our turn to pass through the portal. Paperwork needed to be present before crossing over to the wolf multiverse to ensure whether human or wolves crossing over were part of a pack. Humans were unaware of the presence of the supernatural world unless one was mated to a wolf. The portal had to be guarded twenty-four-seven just in case of any unforeseen hiccups. Not like a human could see the shiny white thing, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The anxiety that Josh had managed to calm down was slowly creeping back into my heart. In just a few moments, I'll be on the other side of the portal, in the wolf multiverse and then the Red Moon Pack. I hadn't been back to both places since I came to California. Had anything changed i d in the pack? Were Beth and Reese the same? Even though we facetime and talked over text daily, it wasn't the same as meeting in person. And even deep in the deep tiny crevice of my heart, I wondered if the triplets would be happy to see. Hell, would they even recognize me? I was brought out of my thoughts when the guard next to the portal boomed in a loud voice for me to come over. Walking over, he didn't bother looking towards me and lent his hand over for the paperwork which I gave.

"What pack?" He asked

"Red Moon Pack under the rule of the alpha triplets," I said

His nonchalant attitude immediately changed once I told him where I was headed. He straightened immediately and looked at me. He stared at me for a second, something like recognition ickered in his eyes, and he handed me back my papers.

"You may go, Ms. Evans." The guard said respectfully and gave me a small smile.

What the hell was that?

Why'd he gone from jerk to respectful?

As far as I remember, this wasn't protocol. The guards on duty were supposed to ask a few questions, then the aliation sigil. But the guy didn't bother with anything.

"Ahh, are you sure? Do you want to see the aliation sigil?" I asked.

I didn't need problems on the other side just because the guard over here was being a lazy turd.

"No, you're good, Ms.Evan's. Just pass on through." The guard said.

Okay, I guess. I turned around, trying to see where Josh had been left behind. Spotting him next to a bulky guard as he checked over his paperwork. It seemed as if the guard was giving him unnecessary trouble. Just as I was about to go to him, the guard that checked over my paperwork stopped me.

"Ms. Evan's, you cannot go back. Once all paperwork

checked, you have pass through.

Otherwise, no entry will be given until twenty-four hours." Said the guard.

Oh, now he remembers protocol.

"But I just wanna see if my boyfriend needs any help. He's going with me to my pack..." before I could nish, the guard cut me off, this time with a stern voice.

"As I said, Ms. Evan's, you go back then you can't cross until twenty-four hours. Now, if you could please pass. There are other people in line." Said the guard.

What the hell!


Just as I was about to give him a piece of my mind. I caught Josh waving in my direction, I turned to him, and he gave me a reassuring smile. Mouthing to for me to pass a he'll be there soon. Even though I didn't want to pass without him just in case he couldn't get through I knew mom and dad were on the other side waiting. Plus, Josh seemed to be handling the matter ne. I would probably end up ghting with his guard and make things worse. Sighing, I gave him a nod and passed through the portal.

The moment I passed through, I felt the pressure on my head, making my ears pop. Going through it was like riding on a plane, just that it took a couple of seconds rather than hours, but those seconds always gave me a massive headache. Which was funny, since being a wolf, I had heightened senses and healing abilities, so a headache should be the least of my worries. However, that wasn't the case when travelling through the portal. Just as I passed through and walked out on the other side, my senses were on alert to the new environment. Well, it wasn't new, but it had been eight years since I set foot in the wolf multiverse. Looking around, it was the same as I left it with minimal changes in construction, the woods around the portal just more green. I could see the newly planted more green. I could see and m trees and new pathway, which probably led to the wood's edge where I would nd my parents. I contemplated waiting for Josh right here, but with the way the guards were staring me down, I doubt they me. But that wasn't what I thought was weird, every person ahead f me that passed through the portal was asked for their paperwork and sigils, but in my case, they just gestured for me to move after the r me to move ahead. I even got a few curious gazes from the wolves around me. I was just as clueless as them about the special treatment. Maybe it was because I was from Red Moon. Dad did mention how much power the pack holds now after the triplet's hard work over the years both the wolf relam and earth. Plus, I was the only Red Moon member that lived in the human multiverse, so they mustn't have seen me as a threat. I was just spewing random ideas in my head for the reason for this treatment, but honestly, I didn't know what the reason was. I would have to ask Nate or my parents about this ordeal or if they had anything to do with


asTêxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

After lingering and trying to walk as slow as I could, in hopes of Josh catching up, I gave up. Just as I was about to start making my way towards the edge of the woods, I felt an arm go around my shoulder. The contact made me freeze. Just as I was about to ram my elbow in the person's gut, I heard Josh.

"Woah Woah there, beautiful. It's just me." Said, Josh

Turning around to face him, I playfully shoved him.

"Don't creep up on me like that, you'd be on the oor right now if you didn't speak up." I said.

He just chuckled and put his hands up in the air in surrender. I chuckled and pushed him. Dropping his arm around my shoulder again, we made our way out.

"What took you so long? There were like at least seven people that came before you, and you were right behind me." I asked.

Josh frowned a bit and spoke up.

"I don't know. That guard was being a total d**k! Even though I had all my paperwork, pack sigil and even an invitation to your pack and even told him I was the future beta of the blue moon pack, he was just giving me a hard time." He said.

What the heck?

What was up with the patrol today?

Were they new or just d***s?

Before I could get another word out, I heard my name being called and then suddenly, I felt the air being knocked out of me when I was crushed in a bone-crunching hug. But unlike before, I remained calm and giggled, wrapping my arms around who, no doubt in my mind, was my mom. Her roses and honey scent wafted through my nose, making me calm. I nuzzled into her neck as I felt her tears on my shoulders.

"Your back, my love. Oh, how you've grown." Mom said.

I untangled myself and held her hands, giving her a huge smile.

"I missed you, mom," I said

"I missed you, honey. We all did." Said mom, giving my hands a squeeze

"What about me, sweetheart? Haven't forgotten about your old man, have you now?"

heard dad saw from behind mom.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled before I jumped into his stretched-out arms, nuzzling into


"Your so dramatic, daddy. You and mom saw me like a year ago," I said.

"Hey, don't sass me, young lady. A year is a long time without seeing my pup." Said daddy

as he let me go and dropped his arm around my shoulder.

I saw Josh from the corner of my eye, on the side. He stood quietly with a polite smile, waiting for me to introduce him. I left daddy's arms and ushered Josh close. Just as he stood next to me, I turned to mom and dad, who looked inquisitive.

Mom and dad knew that Josh and I were best friends, but I hadn't told them we were

dating now. My parents were always big about waiting for your mate and all that crap. And, as much as I agreed with them, there wasn't anything wrong with dating someone if you hadn't found your mate, especially considering what mine and Josh's relationship was like I doubt it would've mattered.

"Josh, this is my mom, Lara Evan and my dad, Beta Larry Evans. And, mom and daddy, this is Josh, my best friend and boyfriend." I said, trying my best to slow down my heartbeat as I introduced Josh to them.

"Josh, this is my mom, Lara Evan and my dad, Beta Larry Evans. And, mom and daddy, this is Josh, my best friend and boyfriend." I said, trying my best to slow down my heartbeat as I introduced Josh to them.

If they were shocked, they didn't let it show. Surprisingly they acted as they had already known. I was expecting a full-blown disbelief reaction from them, but they both smiled, shook hands with Josh, and asked him questions about himself as we made our way to the waiting car. Even on the way to the Red Moon Pack, my mom and Josh constantly talked. They were even cracking small jokes to now with one another. This day just kept on getting better and better, I sarcastically thought.

However, everything was forgotten when I saw Red Moon's Pack borders closing in, and

the moment we crossed the border, I felt my wolf stir in my head restlessly. Shaking the thought off as being back after so many years, I placated myself, but that was me being delusional as always.

Just as the car stopped, and daddy helped me off the car. Three of the most mouth-

watering scents wafted through my nose. The rst one of pine and musk, the second one of cedar and musk and the third of grass and musk. The scents sent shivers down my body. Then I heard my wolf screaming the one word I had waited so long to hear.


But my happiness was short-lived when I heard not one but three identical claims, growling 'mate' at the front of the packhouse. My eyes locked with the people who had destroyed me almost a decade ago: the alpha triplets.

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