Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 38

Chapter 38.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Moment With Zane

Phera POV:

The world around me momentarily faded, everything reduced to the deep timber of Zane’s voice, the electrifying proximity between us, and the rhythmic cadence of our breaths. As his words settled in, a playful challenge dancing in his found my heartbeat drumming an erratic tempo.

gray eyes I

“So, my brothers had their moments, huh?” Zane inquired, a teasing undertone evident. “Seems only right I get mine.”

His fingers lightly brushed the back of my hand, sending a series of delightful tingles shooting up my arm. I raised ant eyebrow, a mix of amusement and anticipation.”



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Chapter 32

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Zane, every moment you’re around is… unique, to say the least.”

I emphasized the last words, reminding him of the Whirlwind of emotions he often stirred within me. He chuckled, the deep resonant sound stirring something warm within my chest.

“Unique, huh? I’ll take that as a compliment. But really, Luna,” he leaned in, his voice dropping to a sultrier tone, “don’t you think it’s time for us to… reconnect?”

Reconnect. The word hung heavily between us, reminding me of the tangled web of feelings, past memories, and the undeniable connection we all shared. My mates were a trifecta of different personalities, each one offering something distinct. With Damon, it was the profound depth of emotions, with Axel, the gentle reassurances, and with Zane, it was the unpredictable intensity and passion. I bit my lip, contemplative.

“Reconnect? We’ve never really been disconnected, Zane. It’s just… everything’s so complicated now.”

He tilted his head, studying me intently, as if trying to decipher an intricate puzzle.


Chapter 38


“Then let’s simplify it,” he said, his voice soft yet firm. “One step

at a time. One moment at a time.”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

“It’s not that easy, and you know it.”

Zane moved closer, the warmth of his presence wrapping around me like a comforting blanket.

“Nothing worthwhile ever is, sunflower,” he whispered, his breath caressing my cheek. “But I’m willing to try if you are.”

I took a deep breath, lost in the maelstrom of feelings, the challenges that lay ahead, and the love that, despite everything, remained unwavering.

“Alright,” I whispered back, “one step at a time.”

Chapter 38

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The promise of new beginnings, understanding, and perhaps, redemption, loomed on the horizon, making the journey ahead seem a little less daunting.

The air around us was thick with anticipation, the kind that comes after a heavy rainfall, promising new life but also bringing with it remnants of the storm. My breath seemed to synchronize with Zane’s, both of us ensnared in a delicate dance of sentiments, wanting to reach out but also wary of the past. Zane, ever the charmer, extended his hand.

“Care for a walk? I find that nature often has a way of clearing one’s thoughts.”

Taking his offered hand, I nodded, appreciative of the attempt to lighten the atmosphere. The feel of his fingers intertwined with mine was familiar yet different, like revisiting a childhood home after years. It felt comforting, and I found myself seeking solace in that simple gesture.

As we began to walk side by side the lush woods of the Red Moon Pack territory surrounded us. The tall trees acted as


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Swallowing the lump in my throat, I whispered,

“And what if the path is filled with thorns?”

His grip on my hand tightened reassuringly.

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“Then we’ll navigate it together, and if one of us gets hurt, the other will be there to heal the wound.”

We continued our walk in comfortable silence, letting the serenity of nature wash over us. Every so often, Zane would point out a particular spot, reminiscing about a shared memory or an adventure the pack had experienced. His stories brought laughter, sometimes laughter, sometimes teNôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

tears, but each one was a testament to the life we’d once known, and the life we were trying to rebuild.

As the sky began to adopt hues of twilight, casting long shadows across the forest floor, Zane stopped at a small clearing. In its center stood a massive oak tree, its branches stretched out like welcoming arms. He motioned for us to sit at its base, our backs resting against the sturdy trunk. Taking a



deep breath, Zane began,


“Phera, this tree… it’s seen centuries. It’s been through storms, endured harsh winters, yet it stands tall, its roots deep and unyielding. I want us to be like this tree-strong, resilient, and ever-growing. I know the mistakes we’ve made, the pain we’ve caused. But I also believe in the love that binds us, the roots that run deep. Give me, give us, a chance to nurture it back to life.”


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