Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 31

Chapter 31.

“Thinking? What about?”

I consider how to answer, cautious not to tread on ground that might push her away.

“About us,” I say, choosing honesty over caution. “About how things are different now, but also how they could be. About our future.”

She steps closer now, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her eyes.

“And? What did you conclude?”

“That I have work to do. That we both do, if we want this-us-to truly be something beautiful. You laid down your terms, and I respect them, Phera. No marking, no mating until there’s trust and forgiveness. And I agree with you.”

Her eyes search mine as if trying to catch a glimpse of any hidden insincerity. But there’s none to find.

“Do you really agree, or are you just saying that because it’s what you think I want to hear?”

Her straightforwardness doesn’t surprise me. It’s one of the many things I adore about her.

“I really agree. I realize that love isn’t just a word or a feeling; it’s action, commitment, sacrifice. And I want to show you that I’m capable of all that.”

For a moment, she doesn’t say anything. She just looks at me, her gaze almost piercing through my soul. Then she speaks,

“You know, love also means giving someone the power to hurt you and trusting them not to.”

Her words hang in the air, laden with the weight of a truth I can’t


Chapter 31

ignore. I nod, swallowing past the lump in my


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“I know. And I don’t take that lightly, Phera. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

She seems to ponder my words, a mix of emotions flooding her.


“We’ve both made mistakes,” she finally says. “But standing here, talking like this-it feels like a step in the right direction.”

“A step towards a future?”

She smiles, a beautiful, hesitant smile that I want to see more often.

“A step towards healing, Damon. The future will come when it’s ready.”

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Chapter 31

And so, we stand there, two souls bound by destiny but marked by

hoices-choices that have led us to this delicate moment. We’re at the cusp of something, a precipice that either offers a steep fall or a path to ascension. But one thing is clear as I stand there beside her, enveloped by the serenity of the night: whatever the journey holds, I’ll face it with her, and for her. For my Luna. For us.

“So, we take it one step at a time?” I ask, cautiously hopeful.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“One step at a time,” she confirms, her voice soft yet resolute.

It’s a start, I think, a momentous, wonderful start, and I can’t help but feel that despite the rocky road that undoubtedly lies ahead, it’s a road we’ll brave together. And for the first time in what feels like forever, that thought alone fills me with an overwhelming sense of peace.

I look at Phera, taking in her words and the gravity of this



“One step at a time,” I echo, savoring the promise those words. hold.


Chapter 31

A comfortable silence falls between us, wrapping us in a shared understanding that’s as potent as it is unspoken. The tension. that had once seeped into our every interaction has lessened, if only for now, and in its place is a fragile yet growing sense of hope.

“Do you want to join me for a walk?” I venture to ask, pointing to the path that leads through the garden, bathed in the gentle. glow of the moonlight.

She hesitates but then nods.

“I’d like that.”

We walk in silence at first, our footsteps syncing in a quiet rhythm that feels like another small yet meaningful victory.

Every now and then, our hands brush stea ther

sending a tingling sensation up my arm. I want so much to reach out and hold hers, but I restrain myself. Tonight isn’t about what I want; it’s about what we need, about taking those crucial steps toward healing and understanding.



As we stroll through the fragrant maze of blooms and shrubs, Phera seems to gather her thoughts. Finally, she speaks.

“This garden, it’s different at night. Still beautiful, but there’s a certain mystery to it, don’t you think?”

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