Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Graduation

Phera POV:

I looked down at the degree in my hands and couldn't believe I had finally done it. It was one step closer to my goal: to be independent and rid myself of ever going back to Red Moon. All that was left now was to get a job in a wolf- owned company, and I would be set, and I wouldn't have to go back to my cheating mates as much as my soul called for them. Not once since I had left RedMoon did they try reaching out and explaining themselves. They knew where I was, and they could easily get a hold of me, but not once had they tried. It just confirmed what I already knew. They just wanted to claim me because it was their alpha instinct kicking in, not that they desired me in any way. The realization hurt, but it was what I had to get used to. I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt myself being lifted in the air and twirled around; I would've headbutted anyone else who did that, but I knew my brother's scent anywhere, which had me giggling as he spun me around a couple more time before he put me down and engulfed me in a bear hug. His warmth claimed my racing heart as I leaned more into his chest.

"We're so proud of you, P." Said Nate


I sniffed back my tears at his words and hugged him tighter.

"Thank you. Thank you for always being there when I needed you." I said.

Apart from Josh, Betty and Reese, Nate had always been there for me whenever I needed him. Even though he was loyal to his alphas and best friends, not once had he pushed me to talk to them after I told him I didn't want to when I came back from RedMoon.

When he finally let go and I pulled back from him, I caught sight of my parents. Without wasting a second longer, I jumped into daddy's open arms as he lifted me off the ground. This right here was heaven; it felt like I was daddy's little girl all over again.

"I'm so proud of you, princess, Dean's honour roll and

academic excellence award. We knew you were meant for great things." Said daddy as he put me down and kissed my cheek.

"Goddess! My baby's finally an undergraduate and an elite warrior. I'm so happy for you, my baby. So happy." Said mom as she hugged me tight.

I giggled and let go of her moving back, but what I didn't expect to catch my eye next was Newmara and Adam standing not too far from mom. To say I was surprised to see her here would be an understatement. Over the years, we were cordial, and even though we had somewhat of a


conversation, the last time we met didn't mean everything was rainbows and unicorns between us. Now, as she walked towards me with a smile, with Adam by her side, I could see the apprehension in her eyes and guilt. Still, I pushed the thoughts away, now wasn't the time to hold grudges, and honestly, today was the day I promised myself that I would try my best to let everything in the past go, well everything except my mate's infidelity. This was a new start for me, and I wouldn't screw that over because of something that wasn't in my control. Newmara was now mated and marked by Adam and, by the looks of it, madly in love.

When she was a few steps away from me, I smiled back and hugged her when she leaned forward. I could feel the tension somewhat leaving her body as she relaxed and hugged me tighter. I heard her sniff a bit but didn't ask her as I pulled back and faced her. We didn't say any words, but I could see the guilt she held and the apology shining bright in her eyes. I sighed and hugged her again, squeezing her as I whispered in her ear.

"I forgive you! But you need to be honest with me." I said.

She held onto me tighter and nodded. When I pulled back, I gave her a small smile as she did the same. I had missed my sister, and it wasn't right that I was feuding with her over something that had happened years ago. It didn't mean I let the thing go entirely, but I could look past it now somewhat, and I did believe she would tell me why she did what she did when I asked her. Plus, she was with Adam now. She


had no connection to the triplets besides being their sister-in -law and they being her alphas and brothers-in-law.

Adam then scooped me into a big bear hug as he tickled my sides like he used to when we were kids, which had me shrieking and pushing back at him.

"You did it, Chimpmunk! It looks like Red Moon is going to have another elite warrior raising hell." Said, Adam

I cringed at the thought of returning to RedMoon, but he didn't mention it even if he and the rest saw.

"Sure as hell can beat your ass now, royal guard or not," I said, changing the subject.

Adam laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Game on, chipmunk. We'll see what you got when you get home to RedMoon." He said

Ugh! Again, there was the insinuation that I would return to RedMoon, which would never happen. I already had two interviews for positions at Bane Corp and A.D.Z Corp Inc. Hopefully, I would get one of the two because if I didn't, I was contemplating making a run for it which was stupid but extreme measures made anyway go crazy. 2

Ignoring any comments about RedMoon from Adam or my family members by either humming or changing the subject, which they didn't care about and kept talking about the pack anyway, we made our way towards the pier to get some



Before we all could go inside, Newmara held my wrist and asked me to stay back. Adam looked back at us, giving us both a small smile. He turned and left with my family to find a place to eat.

Newmara and I walked towards the water, not saying

anything to one another, but I could tell how tense she was by how she twisted her hands with one another. When we came to a stop, I held her joined hands, stopping her from breaking them and smiled at her. She sighed and then looked at me and said.

"I'm sure you have questions, P, hell I would too if I had seen what you had seen..."

Her words had me straightening and looking towards the water as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. She knew! She knew I was there and looking. My own sister. I didn't let her finish when I asked,

"Did you know I was their mate? Did they tell you?" I whispered

I could see the regret in her eyes as she looked at her feet, it was all I needed to see to know that she knew, but I needed to hear her say it.

"Yes. I knew they had told Nate and me when we turned eighteen." She whispered.


All the air left my lungs as I choked back a sob. They both knew, both my siblings knew and not once did they stop to tell them that what they were doing was wrong. They watched the triplets parade she-wolf after she-wolf in front of their little sister and did nothing. I held back my tears and asked her.

"Why would you do that, then? Why would you and Nate let them be with other she-wolves knowing your little sister was their mate? Did you even care I was their mate, or did you want them for yourself? Wait, does Adam even know what you did with his brothers." I asked.

I was struck by the realization that Newmara must've known that Adam was her mate when she turned eighteen, and their bond was formed. If they had met before that incident, Adam would've felt her betrayal, and if that was the case, why were they still together? Did she cheat on her mate with my mates? Goddess!

Newmara whipped her neck in my direction, shock written all over her face as she said.

"I didn't know Adam was my mate that night until a few days after you left, and he knows. He the triplets we had..." She started but shook her head and then continued.

"I'm sorry, Phera. Just know it was never mine, Nate's or the triplet's intention to hurt you that night or theirs to hurt you over the years. Everyone has a reason to do what they do,


but you can't judge them without giving them a chance to explain themselves. Trust me when I say you're their world. Their lives revolve around you."

I was stunned! I could forgive Newmara; she may not have had a choice in front of her alphas, but the triplets had no excuse. Nothing makes up for infidelity, in my eyes. My anger flared up again as I looked towards the water, clenching and unclenching my hands.

"I don't mean anything to them. Where were they all these years? They fucked up before I turned eighteen but what about after that? I would've forgiven them and let them claim me if they had come to me. Fuck, I would've gone back to RedMoon with them because, at the time, all I wanted was them. But it's too late now. I waited, cried and prayed but not anymore. I'm not the same little girl they knew me off. And if they cared, where are they now? Where are they when it's one of the biggest days of my life, huh? They don't care; their wolves care, their instincts telling them to claim me, not them." I said, tears slipping from my eyes.

You're stronger than this, Phera!

"I wish I could tell you, Phera, I really do. But that is something you need to ask them. Just know no matter how much you try to run, you'll always find yourself back with them, and the same goes for them. It's just the goddess will. Newmara said as she squeezed my shoulder and left me

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staring at the tides of the water. 2

My tears fell down my face as I took in her words. Maybe one day, but for now, my life was here in California, away from RedMoon and my mates.


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