Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Epilogue One

Phera POV

Six months had passed since the day we put an end to Rex's reign of terror and secured our pack's future. The memories of those dark times still lingered, but the wounds had begun to heal. Today, as I stood on the balcony of the packhouse, the sun rising over the horizon, I felt a sense of peace I hadn't experienced in a long time. The past few months had been a whirlwind of rebuilding and strengthening our pack. The support from our allies had been overwhelming. The Alpha King's unwavering support, alongside the contributions of Alpha Vince and Gamma Thomas, had helped us restore not only our territory but also our spirits.

I turned to see my mates approaching, their faces reflecting the same tranquillity that I felt. Axel, Damon, and Zane had been my rock through it all. Their love and dedication had been my anchor, grounding me even in the darkest of times not to mention the mindnumbing

oragams my alphas gave me every night and morning. Today, as we prepared for another council meeting, I felt a sense of pride and gratitude for the bond we shared.

"Morning, my love," Axel greeted, wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing the top of my head. His warmth seeped into me, and I leaned back into his embrace.

"Morning, sweetheart," Damon added, standing beside us with a cup of coffee in hand. He offered it to me, and I gratefully accepted.

Zane, always the playful one, ruffled my hair as he joined us. "Did you sleep well, sunflower?"

I smiled, feeling their presence filling me with strength. Yes, I did. How about you?"

Zane smirked. "Better now that I see you."

We stood there for a moment, enjoying the quiet morning together. The packhouse was bustling with activity as preparations for the council meeting were underway. We had invited leaders from our allied packs to discuss the future, ensuring that we remained united and strong against any threats.

As we headed inside, the warmth of the packhouse enveloped us. The hallways were filled with laughter and chatter, a stark contrast to the tension that had once filled these walls. I saw Newmara and Nate in deep conversation with some of the warriors, while Betty and Reese were organising supplies.

"Everything is coming together," I remarked, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "We've come a long way."

Damon nodded, his gaze following mine. "We have. And it's because of you, love. Your strength and determination have brought us here."

I blushed, feeling their pride and love wash over me. "We did it together. All of us."

We made our way to the council chamber, where the meeting was about to begin. The room was filled with familiar faces - Alpha Vince, Gamma Thomas, and representatives from various allied packs. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and unity..

The meeting began with updates on the reconstruction efforts and the strengthening of our borders. Alpha Vince reported on the progress, highlighting the cooperation between our packs.

"We've managed to rebuild most of the damaged areas, here and back in Italy" he said. "Our warriors have been working tirelessly, and the bonds between our packs have never been stronger."

I listened attentively, feeling a sense of pride for our collective efforts. As the discussions continued, the focus shifted to the future - ensuring that our alliance remained strong and that we were prepared for any potential threats. After the meeting, I found a moment to step outside, needing a breather. The fresh air was invigorating, and I took a deep breath, letting it fill my lungs. As I stood there, I felt a familiar presence beside me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Zane asked, his voice gentle.

I smiled, leaning into him. "Just thinking about how far we've come. And how much more we can achieve together."

He nodded, his arm wrapping around my waist. "We've been through hell and back, but we're stronger for it. And with you by our side, there's nothing we can't overcome."

I looked up at him, feeling a surge of love. "I couldn't have done it without you. Any of you."

He leaned down, capturing my lips in a soft kiss. It was a kiss filled with promise and love, a reminder of the bond that held us together. When we pulled away, I saw the same determination in his eyes that I felt within myself. "We'll face whatever comes our way," he said. "Together."

The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity. Meetings, discussions, and plans for the future kept us busy, but there was a sense of purpose in everything we did. As night fell, we gathered in the packhouse, the atmosphere one of relaxation and camaraderie.

Newmara, Nate, Adam, Betty, and Reese joined us, and we shared stories and laughter. The weight of the past months seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of hope and anticipation for what lay ahead.

As the evening drew to a close, I found myself standing. on the balcony once more, the stars twinkling above. My mates joined me, their presence a comforting reminder of the bond we shared.

"We've come a long way," Axel said, his voice filled with pride.

"And we have a bright future ahead," Damon added, his arm around my shoulders.

Zane nodded, his eyes reflecting the same determination

I felt. "Together, we can achieve anything."

I looked at each of them, my heart swelling with love." Thank you for standing by me. For believing in me. I couldn't have done it without you."Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

"We're a team," Axel said. "And we always will be."

As we stood there, the future stretching out before us, I felt a sense of peace and fulfillment. We had faced our demons, overcome unimaginable challenges, and emerged stronger for it. And with my mates by my side, I knew that whatever the future held, we would face it together.

A smile played on my lips as I turned to face them fully.

There's something I've been meaning to tell you all," I began, my voice trembling with excitement and nerves.

Their expressions turned serious, concern evident in their eyes. "What is it, love?" Damon asked, his hand reaching out to mine.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand over my stomach. "I'm pregnant," I announced, my voice barely above a whisper.

For a moment, there was stunned silence. Then, as the realisation sank in, their faces lit up with joy. Axel was the first to react, sweeping me into his arms and spinning me around. "We're going to be daddies!" he exclaimed, his laughter infectious.

Damon and Zane joined in, wrapping their arms around us in a tight embrace. "This is the best news ever," Zane said, his voice thick with emotion.

"We're going to take such good care of you, sunflower," Damon added, his eyes shining with tears of happiness. As we stood there, holding each other, I felt a sense of completeness. The future was bright, and with my mates by my side, I knew we could face anything. We had come a long way, and now, we were ready to embark on this new journey together.

And as the stars shone down on us, I knew that our love would guide us through whatever lay ahead. Our family was growing, and with it, so was our strength. We were ready for the future, and I couldn't wait to see what it held for us.

The End!

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