On that day Violet gave birth to a cute, gorgeous bouncing baby girl.

The baby turned out to be a replica of Xavier her father and had just Violet’s eyes and nose.

Violet on that day after several trials by several doctors to save her lost her life even before she could name her baby.

Michael, Xavier, and George mourned her in tears all through that day and took her to the morgue. Xavier took the girl home as planned and handed her to Sophia who took the baby from him happily and took care of her throughout that day but never stopped planning evil in her heart. An evil plan that not even Xavier knew about.

They buried Violet two days later all in tears and went back to their respective homes.

Several days later a barrister walked up to Michael and introduced himself as the barrister in the custody of Violet’s will.

He read the will to Michael and handed all the documents of everything she owns to him.

The will as the barrister read revealed that she gave everything she owned to him and left him with the power to give whatever he feels like to her daughter who must be in Xavier’s custody as they discussed.

She also left a message of how she loved him and wished they had more time but then wishes ain’t horses.

Michael in tears phoned Xavier and once they met up in their special joint that they created for themselves handed everything to him with the words that he hand it to the baby once she’s of age.

Xavier declined them with the excuse that he had enough for all the children he will ever have but Michael insisted and him not having any other option took them from him.

Michael also questioned him about the baby and he showed him nice and good-looking pictures of her and told him to come around someday. Michael nodded and after a few glasses of wine they left.

Days turned into months and months turned into years. Violet’s daughter was all grown up now without a name. Or perhaps with one that didn’t look like she had one. “Jezebel.”

Who the hell names a baby that? Well, Sophia does. It was not just that she was not with a good name but she wasn’t also with Xavier anymore but with Sophia’s new husband who she got married to just a month after Xavier’s mysterious death. Happened they’ve been lovers all along just as Xavier felt she would.

On that very day years ago Xavier woke up to a message on his phone which read “meet me up at our normal joint. I got something important to discuss with you… Michael.”

He dropped back the phone, quickly dressed up, and left after kissing his daughter good morning. Sophia his lover wasn’t yet with a child then. He got to their normal joint as the message read and there was murdered in cold blood by a man on a mask.

The cops read the last message on his phone when they came for investigation and as usual, planned to go after Michael.

On that same day, Michael had picked up an unknown man on his way home back from work. A gesture he did just to help the man who he felt was stranded on the highway cause there was no cab.

Unknowingly to him, the so-called man was the same man that murdered Xavier in cold blood, and as he was ordered left the knife he used in killing Xavier on his front passenger’s seat before dropping off.

Michael got home about to drive in but got stopped by the cops who already got an anonymous message that he killed Xavier and that they will see evidence in his car.

The cops who already had one evidence against him without asking questions went after him as they initially planned and without giving him a fair right of speech arrested him when they found the knife. And what gave him all out was the fact that he wanted to throw away the knife when they got there. To him, he just wanted to throw away something he doesn’t know but to the police, they believed it to be that he was about to trash his shits cause the knife was filled with blood.

They also checked his phone and saw the message but he pleaded not guilty to charges. George stood by him and tried to fight for him but in the end, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime he didn’t commit.

The sight broke George and there he swore to fight for him.

Meanwhile, Xavier’s lover Sophia took hold of everything he owned including the properties that Violet gave to her child, and at the same time started maltreating the girl.

Violet’s daughter got defiled at fifteen years by Sophia’s new husband and she kept suffering for several more years having a threat on her life that she will die if she ever speaks out.

The worst part turned out to be that even her step mum who happens to be a bisexual shared her with her husband.

She was stopped from schooling and was turned into a maid in her own father’s house.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

This continued until she ran away on her eighteenth birthday cause she couldn’t take it anymore leaving everything including her clothes at home.

George later found out who killed Xavier and after torturing the man he confessed to him who sent him but before he could get her to justice she ran away with her new husband.


“That girl who almost got aborted, that girl who survived in exchange for her mum’s life, that girl who was named Jezebel, that girl who was assaulted several times, that girl who ran away and lost everything, that girl is me.”

“Xavier is my father. Violet is my mother. Michael is my uncle who is yet to be released from the cell for three years now if not more and George is my uncle’s friend who wasn’t listened to even when he came to the cops with evidence.”

“My inheritances from my parents respectively are still in the hands of my step-mum who I heard just got arrested for partnering in drug dealing with her husband. This is my story.”

The Queen stood up and clapped her hands and two huge guys walked in with smiles on their faces. “Who are these people Queen?” I asked with raised brows and wiped off the tears in my eyes. Such an emotional story.

“Uncle Michael! Uncle George!” Mirabel suddenly wailed and rushed into their arms. “When did you get out of the cell uncle?”

His uncle ‘Michael’ as she called him stared at me then at the Queen before staring back at her. “Your new mum asked for my release with the influence of the lady over there…,” he pointed at me.

“She did so immediately she adopted you even without knowing what might have gotten your uncle here in there,” her uncle’s friend George completed and they shared another hug.

“Thanks, ma’am for getting me out of there. Thank you too, ma’am. Thank you all” Michael acknowledged and I waved at him in all smiles.

“I have ordered that your parent’s respective properties be returned to you. They will soon be here with the documents.”

Just as the Queen finished talking a knock landed on the door and we all turned in the direction of the door.

“Come in,” the Queen said and a male with a huge envelope did in all smiles.

“Here is all the documents as you ordered ma’am. The idiots are gnashing their teeth now as you ordered too. Soon they will be sent out of this world.”

“Good. Please hand them over to the little girl.”

He did as she commanded, bowed slightly, waved at us, and left.

“That is the documents. I actually adopted you just to hand them over and as well listen to your story. You are free now to go and live your life. The money and properties in those will take care of even your third generation. Happy Birthday though it’s coming late. If you ever need us you know how to contact us and also where to find us. Bye, darling.”

We all bobbed and bade her goodbye and she thanked and hugged us one after the other before rushing out with Michael and George.

“So it’s your turn now Dagrin. Tell us the story of how you survived after which I’ll tell mine and this gathering will be closed” I whispered and smiled up at him.

“Yes tell us!” Everyone shrieked and changed their respective positions ready for the tale which we already know will be so sweet.

The Queen also took her seat and immediately she did he cleared his throat and shut his eyes.

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