Her heart scampered at his choice of words and she shivered as if she was poured iced water. Her breathing quickened and she felt a tide of fear rush through her from head to toe leaving her quivering and gasping for air.

“No! No!” She screeched in terror with a pounding heart and tears dribbled down her cheeks. She caressed her baby bump affectionately for the very first time and a stench-filled pain course through her.

Her head suddenly felt so heavy as a terrifying headache slammed drastically on her forehead and she cried out and clutched onto Michael who had gotten to her immediately she wailed so tightly.

Her body tensed up and got so hot that it got filled up with sweat and left her so soaked up.

She placed her hand on her pounding forehead and stood up. “I’ve been a bad mum! I’ve been a bad mum!” She cried pacing to and fro.

Michael stood up and walked towards her. He halted just a few feet from her and sighed.

“Blaming yourself for your past mistakes won’t help us now Violet. No one is above blunder and right now we have a bigger problem on our shoulders. You might indeed have caused all this yourself but you’re not to be blamed for trying to get rid of a thing you felt will be a hindrance to you. Your point of view is so clear for all to understand and that’s why I’m proposing that we finish off what you’ve always wanted so you can live. I wish it died that night” he didn’t say the last word out anyway cause he knew what it might cause.

Violet abruptly halted and turned to him with dread-filled eyes. She started walking towards him with a clenched fist and he unknowingly started going backward in each step she takes until his back slammed on the cold wall.

“What are you doing?” He asked in heavy breaths and swallowed a lump of spittle. Driblet of sweat appeared all over him and all the hairs on his body stood up as if statues.

“Nothing other than trying to get you to swear that you will do whatever I decide” she whispered coldly and let out a dry chuckle.

“But I was going to do that freely without it having to get to this level. Why go over it this way?”

She caressed his face and passed a finger over his lips and drops of tears slipped out of her eyes. “You love me so much, Michael. I know how hard it is for you to carry out your duty once it comes to me. It is so hard for you now that I’m still a bit alive talk more of the day I’ll die.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“But you don’t have to die” he whispered and tried to touch her but she drifted away from his reach. He palmed his head and breathed out exasperatedly. “I’ve lived all my life with you, Violet. I can’t let you choose a baby over your life. Gosh! Think with your head babe! You can always get another!” He whirled and slammed his hands on the wall.

“I can always get another as you just said but none will be my first Michael. I’ve been so bad to the thing in my womb. I’ve tried several times to get rid of it but yet it always survived. I can’t kill it now and how sure are you that I’ll even be fine before the time I’ll get pregnant again?”

He ruffled his hair and turned to her. “I’m a doctor babe. I’ll find a way. I’ll make some researches. I’ll read more. I’ll do anything!”

“And what if all those fail?” She laughed.

“Don’t laugh!” He barked knowing it was all a pretense to hide how she really feels.

“I laugh when I want!” She wailed back. “Will I still have to choose myself over the baby the second time? How many babies will I have to kill just to save myself, Michael? Tell me!”

“I don’t know! I don’t fucking know! All I know is that I’ll surely find a way. You just have to pay a little sacrifice. Let this baby go. Before you get pregnant the second time I’ll heal you. I give you my word.”

“In as much as I want to take this offer so that I can live and be with the man I love I can’t. I’m sorry buddy but I want my baby to live. How long do I have left to live?”

“Who is the man you love?” He whispered lowly staring into her eyeballs.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll not live to be with him so what’s the point of discussing it? Just answer my question.”

“I want to know who this man is. Is he the guy that got you pregnant?”

She laughed. “My pregnancy was as a result of a one-night stand. I barely even know the guy I had it with personally so nope.”

He turned away and smiled not knowing why he felt so happy hearing that and turned back to her. “Who’s this man you love then? Is he living around here? How did you meet him?”

“I can see that you don’t want to answer my question. I’ll be in my room. Take care” she walked out and was halfway out of the sitting room when he blocked her path. “Get out of my way Michael!” She growled.

“Growling won’t get me away Violet. You better answer me or else we both will be standing here for a very long time.”

She glared at him and tried to maneuver out through his side but he caught her and pushed her back to where she initially was.

“Doing that won’t get you out either. Just answer the damn question! Who the fuck is he?”

She patted her face and turned away without uttering even a single word.

“Answer me, Violet! Who is he!”

“You!” She wailed out and tousled her hair.

His pulse quickened and he stepped backward. “Me?” He breathed wide-eyed and pointed at himself.

“Yes, you Michael! I’ve fucking loved you with everything in me all these years. I’ve kept on waiting for you to make a move but you never did! I tried showing you how much I cared but you only saw it as friendship stuff!”

“Even when my relationships kept falling apart and you kept comforting me, I thought and hoped that you were just gonna say the word and I’ll gladly say yes but it all turned out to be one of those unfulfilled dreams people tend to have.”

“It’s late anyway. I know you must have a lover now. I wish you guys good luck. I’m going to die by the way so even if you don’t have I know you won’t wanna be with me.”

“What am I even saying when I know you just love me as a friend. I want to take a nap. My head feels heavy. You can come to answer my question when you’re ready.” She pushed him out of the way and strolled out heading towards her room.

“I did love you then and still do now. It’s nothing like friendship love. It’s something so deeper than what I can explain. A feeling that I’ve lived with for more than six years now.”

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