I gently fluttered open my eyes to hear murmurings a little distance away from me and I peeked around to see that I was laying on a huge fluffy bed in a huge room. I doubt such a room will be situated in a ship. The murmurings became a bit louder and I tried to stand up only to see a drip on my hand.

Gosh! I hate drips! I pulled it out groaning in pain. My head hurts a little bit but not like before. Walking out I saw all of them sitting around a huge table with a sheet having directions all over it placed on it and a smile crept into my face. I looked around and like I guessed we were currently on a big mansion.

Getting satisfied with all I saw I leaned on the door listening to their conversations not wanting to interrupt.

“So she will be attacking this night and we will set an ambush and grab her” Lucas muttered.

“Just like that?” Ariana asked and I chuckled lightly not still wanting to distract them.

“The ambush I meant is that we will be scattering her plans for the night.”

“How?” Linda implored staring closely at him.

“There’s an object in her body that depicts her location. I had installed it into her a night before she betrayed me. Jayden here has always had his doubts about her and advised me to do it but I refused. I just don’t know what made me do it that night and now it’s going to pay off. I sent one of my boys to the location she’s in and he was able to get her next attack which is to rob a bank an hour from now.”

“I suppose there are so many banks in Ottawa which is the current city we are in. So which particular bank is she robbing?” My mum inquired.

“CIBC” Jayden answered. From the location, Lucas showed me that she is in. It will take her an hour to get to CIBC while it will take us thirty minutes.”

I sighed and cleaned my ears. This is one interesting mission.

“So what’s the plan?” Dagrin asked.

“The cops have always been after her so one thing is sure that the cops will surely come. And from the information I got from one of my boys, the cops always come late and will be coming in two taxis. That’s cops taxi” Lucas answered.

“As Lucas just said, they always come late. Keep the word in mind. The late we are talking about is not just a little late but they come thirty minutes late which is an f cause Charlotte would’ve finished her act before they will arrive then they will shoot guns and she will escape as she always does. But then to make things easy for us we drafted a plan we titled; Inform, Ambush, Pick and Go.”

“And what is that?” Declan asked.

“Just as easy as Abc. We will use a hidden trusted number and inform the cops that Charlotte will rob CIBC in an hour from now and if they want to get her unawares they should go now and wait for her but they should make sure not to go with cop taxis.”

“And after that, we will keep an eye on CIBC to make sure our plan is going well” Lucas continued. “Once they grab Charlotte, we will ambush them, pick up Charlotte from them and go. As you can see just as sweet like Abc as Jayden said.”

I clapped and walked out and their eyes widened sighting me. “Nice plan buddies. But aren’t we forgetting something?”

“What Mafia Lord? And it’s good to have you back anyway” Lucas mumbled.

“I know Charlotte isn’t one that will watch us attack the cops without looking for an escape route. So what’s your backup plan for that?”

“That’s a great question Mafia Lord” Jayden smiled. “As we speak now sleeping gasses have been placed in and outside the bank premises. Like, it has been placed everywhere. The cops always go on masks. That’s kinda a law for them so once Charlotte steps her foot into the bank we will release the gasses and in five seconds she will slump. She will be waking up in the next five hours and we will be home by then. I hope you understand what I mean by home. Like hoommme.”

“That’s great. But what about the people that will be present in the bank. Will everyone be sleeping for five hours?”

“A little rest of five hours to relieve them of all the daily stress isn’t that big yunno” he murmured and smirked at me.

“Let’s get the fun started then. Let the call be placed.”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Lucas stood up, picked up a laptop, and handed it over to Dagrin. “The sim for the call has already been installed in. And that’s the number of the cops on the screen. Make the call and make sure it isn’t traced.”

Dagrin smiled at him, took the laptop, and placed it on the table. He punched in some buttons on the keyboard before dialing the number and it was picked up on the first ring. We watched him put the call on the loudspeaker before sitting down and facing it.

“Hello, switchboard operator speaking. How may I help you?” a voice of a lady who must be in her late thirties says from the other end.

“You can’t help me. Transfer the call to a call taker now” Dagrin retorted.

“Please sir, where are you calling from and what’s the emergency?” I need that before I can transfer the call” she retorted and Dagrin scoffed and scrunched his nose.

“I guess you’ve heard of the invisible assassin. If you don’t want people dead then you will transfer this call now!”

The punching of the keyboard from the other end could be heard and a loud sound echoed for a split of seconds before it stopped. “Call taker speaking. What’s the emergency sir/ma?” A beeping sound echoed after he finished talking and Dagrin laughed. “Tracking the call huh?”

“Sorry, sir. But we need to know your location. It’s part of the rules.”

“My location can’t be given. Listen attentively. The invisible assassin will be robbing CIBC in fifty minutes. If you guys still want to get her I’ll advise you to start going now! Like now! And hey, you guys shouldn’t go on your cop taxi and also remember to put on your masks. Have a good day.”

“But…” The call taker wanted to say but Dagrin already ended the call.

“Good job buddy” Lucas whispered and both made a high five.

“So what now?” I asked staring at Lucas.

“Look at the screen on the wall, Mafia Lord. That’s the bank and its surrounding in full. Once the cops get there we will know. And once Charlotte steps her foot we will also know. Our own is to watch. We only have four things to do now; spread the gasses when Charlotte steps into the bank, ambush them when the cops grab her, pick her up and go.”

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