I didn’t say a word before Declan flicked the machine on raising it to the last volt. One of the bulbs blasted and blood started dripping out of Rajveer’s ears, nose and lips as he convulsed laboriously. “Put off the machine Declan. Now!” I screamed at him afraid of losing Rajveer and he did. “Get me milk Dagrin. Now!” Dagrin rushed out and came back immediately with a tin of milk in his hand.

“Here it is Mistress. What do we need it for?”

“Open it Dagrin and make Rajveer drink it.”

He did as I instructed without asking questions and Rajveer stopped convulsing and heaved out breathing normally.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“Why did you kill them Rajveer. What did they do to you?”

“Just like Mark serves me. I serve the person that told me to do what I did” he whimpered groaning in pain. “I only did what I was sent to do smoothly with no emotion attached.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “So you killed a man and his wives without blinking?”

“You know how work is done Lord Snipy. You ain’t new in this kinda acts. The instruction was to kill or get killed. I wasn’t ready to die so I did as I was instructed. You can’t blame me.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Declan screamed and launched a blow at him.

“Shit!” Dagrin cursed and launched at him too adding more, more, and more!

I allowed them to hit him to their satisfaction before pushing them off him.

I stared at him after their numerous blows on him and almost doubted that he was the one laying there. His face was damaged and was covered in blood; four front and down teeth were hanging so losing on a thread-like substance that was so whitish, his eyes and lips were so swollen that I doubted he could still see and also doubted that he will be able to speak clearly again.

There were so many bruises all over his face, his left cheek was partly open and was dripping out blood enormously that his body and the machine were soaked.

His left cheek was open to the extent that his tongue and inner mouth could be seen. I kinda feel pity for him.

“That was one hell of blows dudes” I mumbled and they chuckled rubbing their bleeding fists.

“He deserves more Mistress. Just say the word and he will wake up in hell” Declan muttered scowling at him.

“Not yet time darling. Don’t forget that we still need more information from him.”

They nodded and took backward steps giving me the chance to do my thing. “So Mr. Rajveer Singh are you still the most handsome dude in the whole of Indian?” I teased him and laughed. “That’s by the way. What is the name of the soul that sent you on the task of killing my guys’ parents.”

“T.. h.. e.. i.. r.. p.. are.. nt.. s?” He asked struggling to speak and coughed out blood.

“Yes, their parents. Why do you think I was bent on knowing the questions I asked you?”

He said nothing and I took that as an answer ‘I just find out.’

“So do you want more punishments or will you tell us the details we need?”

“I.. sw.. ea.. r.. on.. mo.. th.. er.. go.. dd.. es.. s.. I.. do.. n’t.. kn.. ow.. wh.. se.. nt.. me.. on.. th.. a.. t.. j.. o.. b.”

“What do you mean by you don’t know who sent you on the work? You stated earlier that you serve who sent you on the work so what do you mean by you don’t know the person?”

“I.. se.. r.. ve.. so.. ma.. ny.. pe.. op.. le.. Lo.. rd.. Sn.. ipy.”

“Ok, so what does that get to do with my question?”

“I.. me.. t.. th.. e.. gu.. y.. wh.. o.. ga.. v.. e.. m.. e.. th.. at.. mi.. ss.. ion.. in.. th.. e.. sa.. me.. cl.. ub.. yo.. u.. fo.. un.. d.. me.” He coughed out shivering and spat out blood groaning in pain.

“Go on Rajveer. I’m losing patience already. Don’t keep me waiting!”

“H.. e.. to.. ld.. me.. th.. a.. t.. he.. wa.. s.. gi.. ve.. n.. a.. jo.. b.. by.. so.. me.. o.. ne.. wi.. th.. a.. hu.. ge.. pa.. y.. bu.. t.. is.. to.. o.. bu.. sy.. to.. do.. it.. so.. he.. wa.. nt.. s.. me.. hi.. s.. bo.. y.. t.. o.. do.. it.”

“Can you be fast? I swear I’ll beat you back to life so you complete your words even if you die” Dagrin muttered keeping a blank face.

“Go on Rajveer. Tell us all I want to hear” I urged him.

“The.. pa.. y.. wa.. s.. so.. hug.. e.. bu.. t.. wh.. en.. I.. sa.. w.. th.. e.. co.. u.. pl.. es.. inv.. olv.. ed.. I.. di.. dn’.. t.. wa.. nt.. to.. do.. it.. but.. the.. gu.. y.. thr.. ea.. ten.. ed.. to.. ki.. l.. l.. me.. and.. st.. ill.. go.. ahe.. ad.. an. d.. ki.. ll.. them.. I.. was.. n’t.. rea.. dy.. to.. di.. e.. so.. I.. to.. ok.. the.. de.. al.. an.. d.. he.. pa.. id.. me.. hand.. so.. me.. ly.. the.. pay.. me.. nt.. ma.. de.. me.. who.. I.. am.. tod.. ay.”

“So where is this asshole that you’re talking about now?”

“H.. he.. wa.. s.. mu.. r.. de.. red.. my.. s.. te.. rio.. us.. ly.. sa.. me.. ni.. gh.. t.. I.. ki.. ll.. ed.. th.. e.. co.. u.. pl.. es.”

“Shit!” I cursed and threw the glass cup in my hand against the wall crashing it. “Didn’t you fucking try to know why he was murdered?”

“I.. di.. d.. Lo.. rd.. Sn.. ip.. y.”

“And what happened? Go on. Speak!”

“Af.. te.. r.. se.. ve.. ra.. l.. we.. eks.. of.. wo.. rk.. in.. g.. on.. th.. e.. ca.. se.. I.. fou.. nd.. the.. cu.. l.. pr.. its.. an.. arr.. es.. ted.. bo.. th.. of.. th.. em.. ho.. pi.. ng.. to.. ge.. t.. h.. e.. tr.. uth.. fr.. om.. them.. th.. ne.. xt.. nig.. ht.. ca.. u.. se.. I.. wa.. s.. so.. bu.. sy.. bu.. t.. the.. y.. go.. t.. mur.. de.. re.. d.. in.. the.. mo.. r.. ni.. ng.. of.. tha.. t.. sa.. me.. da. y. I.. wa.. nt.. ed.. to.. inv.. es.. ti.. ga.. te.. t.. he.. m.”

“This is just so surprising. And what did you do after that? Didn’t you try to dig into the cause of their death?”

“I.. d.. id.. bu.. t.. ne.. ve.. r.. go.. t.. an.. y.. th.. in.. g.”

“So what you’re trying to say is that you don’t know who sent you on the mission? Is that what you’re trying to say?”

“Ye.. s.. Lo.. rd.. Sn.. i.. py.”

“This dude is a great liar. Torture him more and you will get the truth from him” Linda muttered but I shook my head. “What? You believe him?” She gasped.

“Yes, I do Linda. No man can lie in this state Rajveer is. All he just said is nothing but the truth.”

“But if he doesn’t know then how can we get to Knight? Only Rajveer can take us to him” Dagrin mumbled staring at me.

“It’s obvious that our King doesn’t know his Knight Dagrin cause the Knight he knew was murdered by perhaps the main Knight cause the main Knight thought his King was the one who did the assignment not knowing that his King gave his assignment to another which is our dear Rajveer. Now we can trace it to see that the guy who gave Rajveer the deal was killed by the soul who gave him the deal cause the soul who is our main Knight now didn’t want his secret to leak. The main Knight is obviously also responsible for the death of the culprits Rajveer arrested. Maybe he already tried to kill Rajveer when he got to find out that he did the job but couldn’t so he killed the culprits and made the case a hard nut to crack so that his secret will be safe.”

“This is quite confusing Snipy” Linda hummed.

“Read between lines Linda and you will understand.”

“There must be someone who can crack that nut Mistress and lead us to our Knight” Declan uttered.

“And that someone is here” A familiar voice whispered behind us and we turned to see my step’s mum twin.

“Blessed mary! You are alive!” I screamed gaping at her.

“It’s good to be back” she mumbled and chuckled. “I need to bath! I haven’t bathed in ages! I stink! Ugh!”

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