Alpha Kael

Chapter 41


None of us had another choice.

Sinful has some kind of magical grip on me I cannot escape. He is going to take me away with or without Kael. I should have known how serious he was about me not seeing Kael when he told me, but I couldn’t help it. He must have somehow known we were mates, and were trying to keep me from finding out.

“You don’t have to do anything stupid Sinful, I’ll come with you. Just leave Jada behind, she doesn’t need to come,” Kael tells him calmly, looking between both me and the Immortal. Sinful doesn’t seem too impressed by his reasoning.

I shiver as Sinful’s soft fingertips run gently down the side of my cheek before wrapping a strand of my hair around his finger.

“No, I think I want her to come.”

Kael gritted his teeth. I can see the shift in his eyes, as he realises he doesn’t have another choice. Sinful’s hand drifts down to my lower back, and I shiver. I can feel his power, and no just what is streaming through my veins right now. He isn’t like any other immortal. There is something more to him.

“Fine,” Kael mutters, defeated. He steps forward, surrendering himself to Sinful. There is no more teasing or taunting, as Sinful grabs us both, and the world suddenly falls out from under me. It’s a feeling I’ve felt with him before, but it still leaves me lightheaded.

When the world starts building itself around me again, I stumble over my feet, but Sinful grabs my arm, holding up, even as my legs crumble.

And then, I can see where we are.

I’ve never seen a place like this in my life. I can immediately sense this place is immortal, magic drifting around me the moment I open my eyes. We all stand in front of a large window, looking out at a view I would never find in the mortal world. Mountain peaks for miles stretch out in front of me, all capped in pure white snow.

Perhaps I could have enjoyed it more if the implications for seeing it weren’t so horrid. Even if the sight of a the dark sky and glittering stars in the sky is beyond beautiful. It’s a facade that these poisonous immortals hide behind. The beauty of the environment.

“Can I invite you both to dinner with me?” Sinful asks graciously, as we turn around to face him. He has magically changed out of nowhere, wearing a silk dress shirt threaded with violet.

He’s a man of illusion.

I exchange glances with Kael, seeing he is as dumbfounded as I am. I’m not sure how he could ever consider trusting Sinful, however, I can’t blame him. Immortals are sneaky and manipulative. I might not fully know why we are here, but I have a feeling one of us has been played by him.

“What have you done?” Kael questions, refusing to move in his spot. He has reached out, grabbing my waist, trying to protect me in case Sinful were to do anything more. I’m just grateful his magic hasn’t stopped me from moving again.

“Nothing we can’t talk about over dinner,” Sinful says smoothly, motioning for us to follow him. “I’m not sure why you want to leave so quickly.”

I hate the way he is teasing us.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Knowing we aren’t going to get anything out of Sinful like this, we decide to follow his own rules, and follow him. He leads us what I assume is his house, which is beyond impressive. With vaulted ceilings and wide glass windows showing off the mountains around us at all times, I can’t help but be mesmerised by it all.

Sinful leads us into a large dining room, which is closed off from the view of the mountains. For a moment I miss it, until I realise it is probably some kind of magical glamour that is attracting me to it.

We aren’t alone in the room, surprisingly. Someone else sits at the other end of the table, draped casually over his chair. I’ve never seen him before in my life.

But he’s clearly immortal. There’s not doubting it.

He stares at me with dark, haunting eyes. They are similar to Kael’s, but there is not that serious intimidation there of an Alpha. Instead, I see the playful immaturity of a carefree immortal, who isn’t fazed by the hardships of life at all. However, it’s his hair I’m fascinated with. It grows golden from the roots out until it fades into silken obsidian black.

Just seeing him makes me stop in the doorway. Kael looks down at me, raising eyebrow, asking without talking if I’m okay. I nod, eyeing the strange man at the other end of the room. He looks at me, a sly smile on his face, almost cat like.

“This is my brother, he’s just visiting,” Sinful tells us as we walk into the room. The golden haired man stands, sauntering over, reaching out to shake our hands.

I take his hand tentatively as he smiles. “Cian, is the name.”

His hand is awfully soft as he holds mine for a second too long. I pull away, daunted by his touch. Kael places his hand on my back, a reassurance that we can get through this, as much as I doubt it. Cian takes a step back, motioning for us to take a seat at the dining table. I do so reluctantly,

“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Kael says slowly, sitting next to me. The table in front of us is already made. Either it is because of magic, or Sinful planned for this dinner before he left harass us while we were trying to find Kael’s mother.

“Well, I am a sin, and so is Cian. Technically we are brothers,” Sinful explains as he sits on the opposite side of the table to us.

One is bad enough…

“So, are we going to get to the point? Why are we here?” Kael questions. Both him and I are desperate to know. I don’t want to be here in the presence of an immortal for very long. Especially when Cian is sitting so close to me, not taking those haunting eyes off me. I try ignore him best I can.

“You’re rushing things Kael, it’s quite rude,” Sinful says, raising an eyebrow. I grit my teeth, wanting to say something cruel to him, but I refrain. “Why don’t we have dinner and talk about things, since a lot has changed.”

I can almost feel the frustration going through Kael. “Did you write that letter and send it in the arrow to divert us?”

Sinful doesn’t say anything for a moment.

Before he can say any more, three females walk into the room, pushing trays in front of them. Each hold a few plates on them, which they place individually in front of us. I’m not sure exactly what is on the plate, but it smells good, and my stomach grumbles in response. I haven’t eaten all day.

As much as I want to eat right away, I don’t touch it. Sinful could have had these poisoned. Kael seems to have the same thought process as me, as his hands don’t move from his side.

It’s as if Sinful can see right into my mind. “You can eat, darling. If I wanted to hurt you, it wouldn’t be through the food.”

“We just want answers,” Kael snaps.

“Things have changed Kael. The deal between us isn’t worth it for me anymore. After I found your mother, it was made clear to me she was offering something better, and that was to keep you away from her,” Sinful says, leaning back in his seat lazily. I feel Kael tense next to me.

It takes a few moments of silence before Kael brings himself to speak. “We had a deal that you should not have gone back on. All I asked was for you to help me find her. You know what you were to get in return.”

“Ah yes, however, your mother offers a great deal,” Sinful says, looking unbothered by the fact this deal is about someone that means so much to Kael.

Empty creature…

I can tell Kael wants to ask more about his mother, and why she doesn’t want to see him. He’s tense beside me, looking at Sinful with a sort of anger I’ve never seen within him before. It’s sinister, as if he is considering the best way to torture Sinful and end him in the more painful way possible.

Just as I was about to open my own mouth to accuse Sinful of being a liar and a manipulator, I feel something brush up against my leg. It makes me flinch.

Just as I was going to shake it off as nothing, it happens again.

Then suddenly, a hand grabs my thigh, tightening to the point it hurts. I go to look at Kael, assuming it’s him, as it move further up my leg. However, his hands remain by his side. When I glance at Cian, he is staring at me, a slight smile on his face.

But i’m more concerned about the look in his eye, telling me not to say anything.

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