After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

#61 “I’ve Never Met Anyone More Self-important Than You.”

The next evening, Alexander waited nervously outside Sophia’s office building. He knew she would be finishing work soon, and he didn’t want to disturb her in the office. He paced back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of how to present his invitation. He had come to invite her to his mother’s birthday party.

After clearing up some of their misunderstandings the previous day, she accepted his apology, but that didn’t guarantee she would accept his invitation. He hoped fervently that he could convince her.

Alexander couldn’t help but wonder if she would find it strange that the party would be held in the house where she used to live. He didn’t want to be a source of discomfort for her. He didn’t want his invitation to turn into another argument.

As the minutes ticked by, he kept his eyes on the entrance, waiting for her to emerge. When he finally spotted her leaving the building, he couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Her hair framed her face perfectly, accentuating her elegance.

At first, Sophia didn’t notice him. She scanned the surroundings as if waiting for someone until her gaze landed on him. Their eyes met, and he couldn’t help but feel a flutter of anticipation and nervousness.

“Hello,” Alexander began as he approached her.

“Hello,” Sophia replied, her gaze finally settling on him. “I wanted to talk to you about something, and…” Alexander began, his words trailing off as he searched for the right way to broach the topic.

“Now? I can’t, I have a commitment,” Sophia replied. “Write me an email, and we can discuss it.”

Alexander hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I’d rather ask you in person than…”

Sophia cut him off again, her expression revealing the urgency of her situation. “I really can’t now. I’m sure it can wait.’

With a hint of frustration in his voice, Alexander insisted, “It won’t take long, Sophia.”

As he was about to provide more context, a flashy white Porsche 911 Carrera 4S pulled up in front of them. The powerful roar of the engine drowned out Alexander’s words, leaving their conversation hanging in the air.

Sophia’s attention shifted to the arrival of the sports car. She glanced at Alexander briefly, offering an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry, Alexander, I have to go. Another time, perhaps?” she said. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

As Alexander watched the flashy white Porsche 911 Carrera 4S pull up, his jaw clenched with anger. He knew all too well who was behind the wheel. Michael stepped out of the car and, with a smug look on his face, opened the door for Sophia.

Sophia got into the car and exchanged a few words with Michael before they drove away. Alexander’s anger simmered beneath the surface as he watched the car disappear into the distance.

He despised Michael for reasons rooted in their complicated past, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that Michael’s presence around Sophia was a dangerous proposition. As the anger welled up within him, Alexander knew that dealing with his half-brother would be yet another challenge he’d have to face in his pursuit of a second chance with Sophia.

In the luxurious interior of the Porsche, Sophia couldn’t help but notice the unhappy expression on Alexander’s face when they drove off. The sight brought a sense of satisfaction. Sophia had no idea why, but teasing her ex- husband was entertaining her more than she could imagine.

“So, where are you taking me to dinner for our date?” Sophia asked, deciding to put thoughts of her ex aside for now.

Michael’s voice was laced with playful mischief. “You know, Sophia, this dinner doesn’t count as a date. It’s merely preparation for one.”

Sophia raised an eyebrow. “Preparation for a date? What do you mean by that, Michael?”

Michael chuckled, his eyes fixed on the road as he navigated the sleek sports car through the city’s evening traffic. Well, let’s just say this dinner is the appetizer, and the real date is yet to come.”

Sophia leaned back in her seat, considering Michael’s words.

“That’s not fair and you know it,” Sophia scolded him but laughed. “I don’t mind playing it unfair if I know I’ll see you again,” he replied with a smile. “Oh, and by the way having dinner is a dumb date anyway, I want to do something more interesting for the official one.”

Curiosity piqued, she turned to Michael and asked, “So, do you have any ideas for the actual date, or am I left in suspense?”

Michael grinned, clearly enjoying the intrigue. “I have a few ideas up my sleeve, but I’m open to suggestions. After all, it should be something that both of us enjoy.”

Sophia pondered for a moment, recalling an advertisement she had seen earlier in the day. Her eyes lit up with a mischievous glint, and she decided to keep her idea a secret for now. “You know what, Michael? I do have a place in mind, but I’m going to keep it a secret for now. How about this: we can agree on a date, and on that day, I’ll reveal the location. It’ll be a surprise for both of us.”

Michael’s curiosity matched Sophia’s, and he couldn’t help but be intrigued by her proposal. “A surprise date, huh? That sounds interesting,” he said, his smile widening. “Let’s pick a date, and I’ll look forward

to your secret destination.”

Michael parked the car and went to open Sophia’s door so he could show her the restaurant he had chosen for tonight.

Later that night Michael’s car pulled up to the curb in front of Sophia’s apartment building. The date had gone well, with laughter, good food, and intriguing conversation.

Sophia stepped out of the car and closed the door, offering Michael a polite smile. “Thank you for dinner, Michael. I had a lovely time.”

Michael leaned against his car, his expression somewhat inscrutable. “The pleasure was all mine, Sophia. I hope you enjoyed it and just know I am looking forward to our next adventure.”

As he watched her make her way towards the entrance of the building, he couldn’t help but wait for a moment, ensuring that she reached the door safely.

Just then, the distinct roar of a powerful engine echoed through the quiet street, and a familiar Aston Martin made a swift U-turn, coming to a stop in front of Michael’s car. The window rolled down, revealing Alexander’s stern face.

“I think I warned you several times to stay away from her.” Alexander’s voice was laced with irritation. Michael raised an eyebrow, his cool demeanor unwavering. “And I don’t remember ever listening to you, Alexander. Why do you think it will be different now?”

“I’ve had enough of your games, Michael,” Alexander retorted sharply. ” You need to stay away from Sophia. She doesn’t need someone like you complicating her life.”

Michael leaned against his car, unyielding. “I’m not here to complicate her life, Alexander. I’m here because I like her.”

Alexander scoffed. “Yeah, I’m sure,” Alexander replied sarcastically. “I know you’re doing it to get back at me for before. You’re trying to annoy me.”

Michael’s response was measured and calm. “You are wrong here.”

“Stop the circus, Michael,” Alexander raises his voice.

“You see, Alexander,” Michael began, a mischievous glint in his eye, “you may have been married to her once, but that doesn’t mean you have any say in her life now. She’s a grown woman, free to make her own choices.”

Alexander’s jaw clenched at Michael’s words. “I’m just looking out for her best interests,” he retorted, his irritation growing. Michael chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation. “And what, exactly, makes you the guardian of her best interests?”

The two men locked eyes. Alexander’s frustration was palpable, but Michael remained frustratingly composed.

“She has no idea what kind of commodity you are here, Michael. So I’m making this decision for her. You don’t show your true face in front of her, but I know you and I forbid you to meet her.”

“Well, maybe she’s tired of your brand of decision-making, Alexander. Maybe she wants something different.”

Their voices rose, filled with thinly veiled hostility, as they argued over who had the right to be closer to Sophia. Passersby on the quiet street couldn’t help but be drawn into the spectacle of these two grown men squabbling over a woman who was not even present.

Alexander, his ego stung, huffed, “She doesn’t need you messing around and confusing her. I’m trying to protect her!

Michael, clearly enjoying the childish banter, retorted, “Protect her? Or control her? You’re not her knight in shining armor, Alexander. Also, you can’t even talk to her without getting into an argument.”

“She argues with me is only a sign that she cares about me,” Alexander replied, quoting his mother.

As their dispute continued, Michael’s smirk grew wider. He had an ace up his sleeve, one that he had been saving for the right moment. With a sly grin, he raised the phone he had been holding behind his back, revealing that he had been on a call with Sophia the entire time. Her voice echoed through the speaker, and she sounded thoroughly entertained by their exchange.

“What on earth is wrong with you two? she asked unable to hold back her laughter. “Please let me speak to Alexander.”

“Immediately.” Michael grinned even more and handed the phone to Alexander. She couldn’t resist a bit of playful scolding. “Honestly, Alexander, I’ve never met anyone more self-important than you.”

Alexander’s expression darkened with anger. Few people dared to scold him in such a manner, and it irked him to be on the receiving end of Sophia’s teasing. The taunting grin on Michael’s face only added fuel to the fire of Alexander’s anger.

His hand clenched into a tight fist as he stared daggers at Michael, who remained unfazed and continued to smile.

“We’ll talk tomorrow,” he replied quietly and hung up.

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