A Touch From You

Chapter 7


I watched as Jason and his girlfriend left the train station. I could tell that he was in a relationship that was on the verge of collapsing. A blind man could even see that. From my little assessment, Sophia was a control freak.

She basically had Jasper by the neck, the poor boy was too scared to talk at times for fear of ruining the already shaky relationship. Sophia doesn’t care about that, I could tell but why was she still holding into him?

“Well, that’s none of my business. They can as well go to hell for all I care.”

Earlier, I had ordered a taxi that would take me to my destination straight away and now, the message confirmed that it had arrived. Moving to the parking lot of the train station, I pushed Jasper and his clingy girlfriend to the back of my mind.

I boarded the taxi which was so comfortable, I nearly slept off. As the taxi powered down the road, my thoughts were filled with the fund-raising event. It was already in full swing and they were already awaiting my arrival. Few minutes later, the taxi pulled to a stop in front of a stone grey building with purple hibiscus adorning the front yard.

The building was one of the oldest in the town and it usually served as a center for meetings and other social gatherings. After paying the taxi man and giving him some extra charges in which he grunted a thank you, I walked into the building. Even from the lobby, I could hear soft music playing in the background. Light mumurs filled the room as i got nearer. Opening the door, all eyes were on me as I timidly made my way into the room.

“Makayla!”, a loud screech greeted my ears.

Even before I could turn, someone tackled me to the ground, hugging me fiercely.

“It’s fine. Okay… Let me go now”, I grunted.

“That’s enough Megan. Give her some rest”, my mum laughed as she helped me to my feet.

My mum was my height and when we walked down the street together, people usually assumed she was my elder sister. Imagine their faces when I tell them she’s my mother.

Even at 50, Maria Thompson looked radiant and charming as ever. I hugged her tightly, missing her warm hugs and strawberry flavoured shampoo. Unlike my hair that is jet black, her’s was more brownish but now with some grey undertones as she grew older. She was dressed in a fancy summer dress and bright yellow heels that clicked whenever she walked.

“Hi mum”, I said finally.

“Hey sunshine”, she beamed.

“You’re the sunshine now mum with your bright yellow dress and shoes. You look beautiful mum”, i said.

She laughed, her one sided dimple popping out.

“How was your trip honey. We were so worried when you didn’t arrive on time.”

“I know mum. The train got delayed for an hour but the good thing is I’m here.”

A hand tapped me and looking down, I discovered that my little cousin Megan was still there.

“Helloooo… Am I invisible or what. Pffft… I feel totally ignored”, she whined.

Megan was only eight years old but she had the brain of an adult. She knew things that some adults didn’t even know and she never missed an opportunity to show off her brilliance. Adorning a pink gown and thigh high boots, she looked cute just like a little princess.

“I’m sorry Megan and no, we’re not ignoring you, just caught up in adult talks”, i smiled down at her.

“Now Megan, go play with the other kids”, my mum said.

“Promise you’ll come play with me later”, she said, sticking out her pinky finger.

I looped mine with her and we pinky swore, a tradition that never seemed to grow old.

“I promise”, i said as she ran off, quite happy.

“She’s a case”, my mum laughed.

“The most beautiful case. Is Aunty Pat here?”, I asked.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes. My sister has been looking all over for you. I had to tell her your train got delayed.”

Aunty Pat was Megan’s mum and my mum’s younger sister who flew in all the way from Georgia where she worked as an health consultant in a big firm just to attend this event.

“Her husband is here too?”, I asked, a lump growing in my throat.

My mum sighed. I could tell that she was about to deliver bad news and I wasn’t quite ready to hear it. For some time now, aunty Pat has been having some problems with her husband. He was constantly in and out of prison for drug related offences. He uses drugs heavily and also sells to other drug users like him. Rumour going around now claims that he has connections to some Mafia members and because of this, he ran into debt and now he’s wanted.

Aunty Pat doesn’t deserve any of this and I feel sad because her life and Megan’s are in danger. What if the mafia comes looking for her, what if her husband, a drug addict hurts her and Megan… I shuddered, putting that thought away.

“Makayla. That’s okay, I know what you’re thinking about. Nothing’s going to happen to them”, my mum said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I smiled lightly, just to make her happy but within me, I was really scared.

“Now… Let’s go see your dad.”


“I’m happy we could all gather here together to donate to this good cause. Ever since I was a young chap, I’ve always dreamed of doing this. Giving back to the society is one way I feel fulfilled and happy.

Now, these young children have no means of survival. It’s left for us to show them love and affection.

“These children are victims of broken homes, child abuse amongst other factors and our little acts of kindness is basically all they’ve ever known”. He paused, looking around the hall as he waited for his words to sink in.

“I want to implore you all to never stop helping these children. Take out time to visit the shelter, give out clothes and shoes, celebrate the birthdays of those who are celebrating, give them good quality books and I tell you, you will be forever remembered for that singular act of kindness. And now, as we raise our glass, I pray for more events like these, more joy and more care to these children. Cheers”, the Mayor said as he clinked his glass to his vice.

The event was slowly coming to an end and somehow, I didn’t want it to. The children in our care deserved much more and it was my responsibility and others in the society to give them the best care in the world.

“Hey girlfriend.”, Harry beamed, opening his arms for a hug.

I ran to him because I missed this special human so much. Harry has been my backbone over the years, always standing up for me when I was too weak. For every abuse I faced in the hands of my boyfriends, he was always there to comfort me, giving me a shoulder to lean on. Too bad he was gay, not that I’m judging but I could have married him before he said kiss me.

His salt and pepper hair was neatly styled and it seemed as if he had put on some weight unlike his lanky frame I was used to. He wore leather pants and white plaid checkered shirt. His shoes were polished to perfection and I could actually see my reflection from it. One thing I loved about Harry is his neatness. Harry could effortlessly dress to kill at the shortest amount of time and this is something I envied him for. He is my best friend and I wouldn’t hesitate to defend or support him in anything he does.

“When did you get back sweetheart?”, he asked.

“A while ago.”

“You won’t believe it girl but I’ve got juicy gists for you”, Harry beamed, a mischievous look in his eyes.

I laughed because I could never get tired of his gists and talks.

“Did you by chance meet a hot guy”, I laughed.

“Maybe… maybe not but we can’t talk here. Too many eyes and ears, I’m totally crashing at your place this night to give you the full gist”, he said, giddy with excitement.

“Totally”, I laughed.

The event finally came to an end and I was overjoyed because a large sum of money was realized. This would go a long way in helping the children and the shelter. Before we finally left the venue, memories of Jasper filled my mind and at that moment, I wondered what he was doing.

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