The moment I felt Mr. Adrian’s lips on mine, it felt as if I was in heaven. His lips are the softest one I’ve ever kissed. Okay, I’ve only kissed one person in my entire life and he did it forcefully and besides, his lips were pretty hard. I started reciprocating the kiss as our lips moved in a sync. He delved deeper into my mouth as we explored each others’ mouth. His lips moved to my neck and he sucked a sensitive spot on my neck and that was when I lost all ounce of control left in me. I let out a very long and loud moan, one I’m sure could bring down the whole building if the foundation isn’t strong.

After sucking my neck to his satisfaction, he moved to my ear and bit my earlobe. He returned to my lips and continued kissing the hell out of me. He ran his hand through my hair thereby scattering it in the process. I also did the same to him and disheveled his already tousled hair.

“You look so beautiful.” He groaned as his hand move to my zipper and I released another loud moan. He unzipped my dress and was about to unhook my bra and that was when I  came down from cloud nine. I forcefully broke the kiss and pushed him away from me. I didn’t know how hard I pushed him but I heard him wince slightly as his head hit something.

I quickly arranged my clothes and my dishevelled hair. I glared at him pointedly as he watched me get my shit together.

“Why the hell did you kiss me?” I asked him angrily.

“I don’t know, I just kissed you because I felt like.” He shrugged.

“You shouldn’t have done that. You’re my boss for fuck’s sake!” I yelled at him.

“You don’t have any right to get angry, you reciprocated the kiss.” He said nonchalantly and my I blushed in embarrassment.

“Well any of this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t kissed me in the first place.” I snapped and the elevator became so silent that we could hear if a pin drops.

I thought of our intimate time a few moments ago and my thighs clenched as if it had a mind of its own. I hope he didn’t notice my clenching my thighs because that would have been so embarrassing. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened some minutes ago and that’s when I came to a decision that I really needed to get out of here, I need to get far away from him till I’ve forgotten about what happened earlier.

I got up from my position and went to the door. I ignored Mr. Adrian’s eyes was he watched me in confusion.  I got to the door and began banging it loudly hoping somebody will hear it and come and get us out of the elevator.

“Hey! What are you doing? Are you planning to burst my eardrum with the way you’re banging on the door?!” He yelled over the loud noise.

“I’m trying to get us out of here, but you can stay here if you want.” I replied and continued banging on the door. He kept staring at me as if I was crazy. When I felt my hands aching me, I stopped for a little while and continued from where I stopped.

Suddenly, the elevator started moving again and my body jerked because of the sudden movement. The elevator got to the first floor in no time and I rushed out of it happily. I sighed in relief when I got out, I thought I was gonna spend the night in the elevator. Thank God it started working again.

I raised my head when I heard footsteps approaching coming towards me. It was an unfamiliar man and two other men I recognized to be securities because they were dressed in security uniforms. They walked past me and went to meet someone behind me. I turned back and was met with Mr. Adrian walking out of the elevator. I thought he was going to spend the night in there.

“Ah! Mr. Adrian we’ve looked all over the building for you but we couldn’t find you and that was when we realized that you were trapped in the elevator. The elevator stopped because of power failure and power has been restored that was why it started moving again.” I heard the man explained in one breath.

“It’s okay Brandon, I thought I was gonna sleep in there.” Mr. Adrian replied.

I walked out of the building and stayed by the side of the road to flag down a cab. It was very late and there was no moving vehicle on the road. I checked the time and it was 8:30 p. m. already. Mom would be so worried. I continued standing there hoping a cab would luckily drive by but there was no such luck.

I was already losing hope when a very beautiful and expensive looking car stopped in front of me. Somebody winded down the window of the car and it turned out to be none other than Mr. Adrian and I rolled my eyes.

“What do you want?” I asked with a frown on my face.

“I was wondering what you were doing here. Do you need a lift?” He asked nicely but he was very far from nice.

“I don’t need a lift. As you can see, I’m waiting for a cab.” I replied stubbornly.

“Well it doesn’t look like a cab is coming anytime soon.” He stated smiling smugly. If he thinks I’m getting in that car with him then he’s wrong. Seems like he doesn’t know me.

“I don’t need a lift! Is it a must to give me a lift?! Or are you planning on taking me to your house and having your way with me?” I shouted crazily. If anybody heard my outburst, they’d be wondering if I’m mad or something.

“Hey! Hey! You need to calm down. If you don’t want to get in the car with me, then it’s fine. I just wanted to lend a helping hand.” He said raising his hands in surrender. He said something to the person driving and the car drove off.

A few minutes later, and I’m still waiting for a cab to come by. A gust of cold wind suddenly blew past me and that was when I started taking note of my surroundings. Dark clouds had already gathered in the sky and it was a clear indication that a heavy rain was going to fall anytime soon. I made a decision to go to the bus stop since I haven’t come across any cab. I facepalmed myself when I thought of this. Why didn’t I think of this in the first place? I’m so stupid.

I had not even taken a step from where I was standing when I felt a drop of water fall on me. I was wondering where the water came from when I felt more drops of water on me and that was when I realized that it had started raining. I didn’t know it would start raining so soon.

I counted one to three mentally and began running to the bus stop. By the time I got there, I was dripping wet from head to toe and I was already a shivering mess. I should have accepted Mr. Adrian’s offer on giving me a lift because it’s already so late and there’s no way a bus will come here by this time. Guess I’m gonna spend the night under this shade then. Spending the night in the elevator would have been a lot better than this.


My mind couldn’t stop flashing back to the moment I had with my personal assistant earlier. I don’t know the reason I kissed her but I sure as hell enjoyed every bit of it. She looked very perfect in my arms that I didn’t want to leave her. Only God knows what the kiss would have led to if she hadn’t pushed me away. I really shouldn’t be thinking of this and I shouldn’t have even kissed her in the first place. I guess I kissed her because I haven’t been with a woman for some time now. I should really bed someone so that I can stop thinking of my assistant in a sexual manner.

I looked out of the window to see that it was raining and it seems to be quite heavy. I heard not heard it because of my deep thinking and the loud music Brandon was playing. My thoughts wandered to Brianna who might still be by the side of the road and waiting for a cab. I thought of forgetting about her but I just couldn’t. I might be cocky, proud and all that but I’m not heartless.

“Turn the car around Brandon.” I spoke out to Brandon who was nodding his head to the music playing loudly.

“Where are we going Sir?” He asked .

“Go back to the place we saw my assistant earlier.” I responded.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He turned the car around and drove back to the place but she was not there anymore.

“She seems to have found a way to her house Mr. Adrian.” Brandon stated.

“I doubt that. Take the opposite road maybe we might meet her on the way.” I said and he did as I said. We didn’t even see a single soul on the road. I was about to give up on looking for her and tell Brandon to drive straight home when the headlights shone on a figure up ahead. The figure was seated under a shade. As we got closer, I could already tell that it was a feminine figure and the person looked a lot like Brianna.

“Stop the car right here.” I ordered Brandon when we got directly in front of the shade. I came down from the car immediately he stopped the car. I went towards Brianna who was sitting on a long bench. She looked terrible but still managed to look beautiful. She was shivering crazily that her teeth were grinding together.

I took off the jacket that was on me and dumped it on her body. She raised her head up to look at me and she looked shocked to see me. She opened her mouth and was about to say something but I didn’t give her the chance to talk.

“You’re not allowed to talk here so don’t even think of saying anything.” I ordered and she rolled her eyes at me and kept her mouth shut. I took that as a cue and scooped her into my arms before heading to my car.


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