A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 11 Chapter 8

Chapter 11 Chapter 8

Kavi's POV


I was standing on the seventeenth stair of a dark place. I can't see anything except the seventeen

stairs that I ascended with minimal light from what seems like a door. I was smiling at something above

the stairs. I could feel my lips moving but I can't hear anything.

It was like my soul was pushed out of my body and I was seeing me in the dream from some other

person's point of view. Suddenly I felt my hair on the back of neck raising and a cold shiver ran down

my spine. I felt a dark shadow engulfing my physical form and I felt something soft and wet on my Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

forehead. My physical form was being kissed by that dark shadow! But what was that surrounding me?

Then I heard a faint whisper of 'I have been waiting for you, Cupcake' from the one who was hugging


The other me who was watching the scene want to get out of the place as I was struggling to breathe.


I sat up with drenched clothing from my sweat.

Same dream!

I was having this same dream on my every birthday nights as long as I could remember. The difference

is I would be in my own appearance of that age and I would be standing on the stair which was equal to

my age. My Grandpa told it might be some deep illusion embedded in my heart during my childhood.

But it was haunting me exactly on my birthdays?

I shrugged it off and noticed the time blinking 04.45 AM. I freshened up and went to my mini gym room

to spend the remaining time until hitting the training ground. I reached the training ground and everyone

wished me. I felt overwhelmed with their showing of love. I felt very guilty to see Mithun as I learnt that I

was the reason his son wasn't in this world anymore. I killed someone's mate. I hesitantly went to him.

"Mithun, can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

He looked in confusion but agreed anyway. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

"I want to apologise to you, Mithun."

I looked up at his face and his face was in a deep frown.

"I.. I was the reason.. for.. for your son's..."

I bowed my head down as tears stared flow as I couldn't bear the weight of his loss and it was as if I

was experiencing the whole thing. I felt his hand on my shoulder giving a slight pressure.

"I know. My son told me that he was visiting a beautiful pup daily at the top of the mountain. Never

blame yourself for what happened that day. Nobody knows that rogues were gonna attack that day. You

were injected with silver and you were so young. It's his fate. Don't feel guilty about it. He used to stay

at my sister's home at our neighbouring pack without transfer. And brothers tend to help each other. No

one is to blame on that incident. So leave the past and concentrate on your future. Don't spoil your day,


He spoke softly and lightly stroked my hair affectionately. And I understand why I could mind link him

as he was part of this pack but stayed at another place.

"Why aren't you angry with me? I don't deserve your kindness, Mithun. I kil.."

I broke down but he shut me off with his hand before I could complete the sentence. I composed myself

and looked up at him.

"What's his full name? He has sacrificed his life for me but I didn't even know his name."

I muttered the last part.


He said with a sad smile. I internally muttered his name again and again much to my wolf's dismay as

she knew even though he was not alive I have my feelings for him.

I washed my face and went back to the training ground. Mithun asked me to teach the younger teens

some defending moves in human form. After an hour of teaching them, I wanted to run and got

permission from Mithun and went for a run in human form. A black wolf, a red wolf and a dark brown

wolf joined me. I smelled exactly who they are. The black one is Dhaya, the red wolf is Logan and the

dark brown one is Mukilan. They were playing with each other and I wish I was in wolf form now. Wow,

I got the company of future Alpha, future Beta and third in command. We ran a few rounds and I need

to stop soon as I was supposed to act like a human. I registered the faces in patrol and also the space

between each wolf as I have to sneak this weekend for my fighting tournament. How can I reveal

myself as 'Black mask' without revealing my wolf? So I need to lie to Sezhiyan.

When I come back, I saw Mithun embracing a she-wolf. She might be his mate which also means she

is my teddy's mom. I walked up to them and I learnt her name is Rakshana. On learning who I am, her

smile faded away and I knew I deserve that reaction. I excused myself and went to see Sezhiyan. I

smelled him in his office and knocked there. His 'come in' was so angered. I slowly entered the room

and found him behind his computer CPU and groaning at it.

"Are you okay, Alpha?"

I asked precautiously to not trigger his wolf just in case. He swiftly turned at my side and his features


"Ah yes, dear. Suddenly this computer stopped working and I need an important file from this stupid


He hit it annoyingly. I smiled at his impatient behaviour and went near the CPU. It has a very mild smell

of burnt wire. I asked him for a screwdriver and removed the side cover and checked all the wires. The

wire connected from power cable outlet showed slight damage. I found there was an idle circuit wire

plugged to the motherboard, so I cut the damaged part and connect it with the disconnected wire. I

temporarily taped it but it needs to be soldered properly yet the best is to change the entire cable.

"Done for now but it is best to change the cable, Alpha"

I told him dusting my hands after fixing the side cover. I started the CPU and the monitor turned on. He

sighed and smiled at me proudly.

"I thought you only knew the software side. But see you are proving my favourite girl has grown up a lot

with lots of knowledge. And she has lots of tricks under her sleeves."

He told me with a big adoring grin. I smiled in reply. I think this could be the right moment.

"Alpha, I want to ask you about something..."

I dragged purposely to make him think I am hesitating.

"You can ask me anything, Kavi"

His aura was so calm

"After seeing me, did you guess who could it be? I mean I am not a perfect replica of anyone from my

mother's family. Do you find any resemblance in me of him?"

I keenly watched his aura which tensed for a millisecond but soon his aura calmed. I knew he

composed himself but I learnt he must have known something. As I expected, his reply came.

"Not that I could place anyone, dear. That was in past. Leave it as it was. That's good for everyone"

He told the last part looking distantly confirming my suspicion. I pursed my lips and nodded. But I am

gonna dig that secret which you are trying bury deep inside you, Alpha. I promised internally and let

him continue his work and went to the kitchen as my stomach was reminding me to feed. But I almost

lost my appetite when I saw Rakshana and Pooja talking with Luna. Luna sensed me and told me to

eat but I excused myself on seeing the other two was now glaring at me.

I walked back home and locked my door behind me and used my wolf speed to go to my room. I

cleaned up myself and went to the kitchen to make something for me. I usually go to the clinic to see

my mom but I didn't want to see her now. If she was so ashamed of me as her daughter I will show her

who I could be even without my wolf. I will make her realise her mistake. It was one of the pack

traditions to celebrate the birthday or anniversary of the pack member unless otherwise, the person

had planned. So tonight I had a party to attend. Luna already organised everything and Inba aunt

bought me a green knee length dress with three fourth sleeve. It was so girly but she strictly told me to

wear that for the party. That afternoon, the boys took me to town and we watched a movie and had fun

eating lots of junk foods.

At evening, I washed my hair and let it loose and removed my usual white gold stud and wore the

matching earing bought by my aunt. I wore my lenses and checked the presence of my pendant. Yet I

am not going to wear that heel tonight. So I opted for simple black flats and made my way towards

pack house. Logan met me half way and he saved me from my awkward entry as I could just glue to

him. I was never been to pack the party for the past five years. I locked my arm with him and ignored

his teasing look. Ah! This is getting more awkward. Please save me Moon God! But much to my help,

he stopped in the middle and started shouting loudly.

"Hey guys, listen here. The beautiful girl standing next to me is my cousin. And it's her birthday today.

Why don't you guys make her feel home?"

I never in my life had so much desire to punch a person's face except the monster. But now I do. I

tightened my grip of his arm but he easily removed my hand and left me to stand in the middle of

smirking teens. The most disgusting fact is the room had the mixed smell of different food and the

sweat covered wolves from endless dancing at the other corner of the hall. Thankfully they didn't allow

drinks here. I prayed Moon god to save me from this awkwardness. My prayers got answered as I saw

my uncle crossing the hall. So I clung on to him and left to the back yard. I let out a breath and sat at

the stairs.

"Not much party type uh?"

I was startled by Dhaya's voice. I covered it with a forced smile as I cursed my stars for not leaving me


"Yeah. I am not interested in parties."

I sighed out.

"Hey, just loosen up and have some fun. Make friends. Don't lock yourself inside a shell. I knew you are

so bubbly type. Why did you change like this?"

He asked with genuine concern.

"Nothing like that. I found that I am really not a social type of person."

I lied. And his smirk with raised eyebrow showed he found it.

"Anyways! We are all here for you now and we will surely bring back that cheeky Kavi back. By the

way, have I mentioned that you look so gorgeous."

I bit my inner cheeks to avoid the blush. He is undoubtedly handsome and his dominance nature will be

like a cherry on top of the frosting to add hotness to him.

'Hotness! Really, Kavi! You have a mate out there, remember!'

My wolf had the perfect timing to ruin the moment.

"Thank you, Dhaya. I think you should go and enjoy with others. It's not fair to keep you here with me"

I offered him politely to go but he shook his head and sat on the lower stair and looked at the woods. It

was so calm. I wish I could let my wolf out to enjoy our birthday. But I can't. Not yet; until I find a secret

place for us.


It was the weekend already. I had the test today to see what I have learnt all this week. I did well as

most of our classes were like some kind of interaction and I took everything with my undivided

concentration. The training was very good at learning more tricky moves. Everyone warmed up to me

except Pooja and Rakshana.

I prepared my bag and I decided to go in the mountain direction as there was minimal patrol and trees

were more there. So if I silently manage to jump one tree to another while wind blowing, I would easily

pass the territory without any difficulties. I took my bag as usual and managed to sneak out by jumping

from tree to tree. I was almost got caught when a wolf heard my slip and he let out a low growl from

below. But thankfully the density of leaves and darkness helped me to escape. I masked my scent

precautiously. The fighting tournament will be held at certain three places in between the six wolves

pack territories. Fortunately, I had two places around the territory and I chose the far away one to

ensure no one catches me.

Now Black mask was gonna mark her place in this regional tournament. I found a tree hole far away

from the tournament and changed into a different shirt and jean. I put the mask on and paid the

entrance. Right when I was entering, a husky look-alike black with white wolf made a brown wolf

submit. I have seen that winner wolf before. I answered his howl of challenge and entered the circle. I

fought all night and the new moves helped me to a great extent. I took a few breaks to let the wound in

my thighs and belly to heal and I could feel my healing abilities were advanced with my seventeenth


And when a big bulky grey wolf was about to get to my throat. I knew that would be a clear shot and I

was thinking about whom to mind link about my last words. But my wolf perked up and felt my energy

refilling also the grey wolf dropped to the ground. He fainted. On that break, I spoke to my wolf and she

told me that I could absorb the energy from living things just like how I could give my energy to heal

others. I scolded my wolf that was an unfair move to that grey wolf. But she shut me up by telling it was

survival instinct to save one at death situation. I could use this new power in the future. Hiding these

things seems to get a burden for me. Because if I could let this secret out, I would be able to help more

needy wolves. But I am hiding them for my selfish reasons.

I left after that fight and roamed in woods in my wolf form. I feasted a deer on my way and it was almost

dawn when I reached the pack territory. I was behind a tree and waiting for the right time to sneak in. I

was about to get from my tree but a hand stopped me. I froze and cautiously turned around.

Logan!?! WTF?

He signalled and pointed me the brown wolf hiding in midst of dry leaves. So he saved me from getting

caught. His scent was masked with the direction of the wind and that's why I couldn't smell him. It

wasn't a big deal how he found me here but what I had to know is how long he was stalking me?

"How long you are following me?"

I whispered not wanna risk mind linking and revealing myself.

"I am not following you. I was in patrol and find you sneakily walking this way. Now come with me

before anyone sees you. But you need to give me an explanation."

I rolled my eyes and followed him. I internally sighed as he didn't know anything. And I could come up

with some excuse before we could reach for the place. He took me to the spot where he was supposed

to be there to guard the territory. His eyes glazed and I knew he was mind linking someone. Soon a

boy came to our place and with a nod, Logan took off and lead me to my home.

"So, care to explain what you were doing outside the territory?"

He asked with a stern voice which I never knew he could be capable of. I smiled as I knew he could be

a great Beta.

"I was just roaming around. I would always like to do that alone. You know... like to escape the fact I

was different. It's not easy."

His eyes showed pity for a moment but soon he was angry.

"I didn't know what your old pack did to you. But this pack would never think you differently. You are

part of the family, Kavi"

His voice is full of desperation to make me believe the statement he said.

"No, Logan. Maybe that's what you think. But on the very first day, I was challenged by a pack member

just because she think me as a burden to pack and she wanted to eliminate me. And the sad truth is

she is right about it. Don't try to convince me. I used to the way I am and I don't need any kind of help

from anyone. Just leave me alone."

I knew my words would hurt him but I had to do this for his own good. I heard his dress tearing and

bone snapping sound. I ran to my home ignoring his sad howl.

The next day morning, Logan asked me to fight with him teasing that he would consider going easy on

me. I knew he was purposely telling that for yesterday night. I agreed but I didn't know it would be a big

mistake until I felt a dejavu moment when he aimed a punch for my face but while I bent to dodge it, he

used his speed to swipe my feet. I managed to not fall down. His swipe was a strong one. I raised my

right hand to punch but landed a punch on his stomach with my left hand. He yelped and took a few


He shook his head and raised his hand to pause for a moment. I knew he too had the dejavu feeling.

Thankfully, Mithun came to us and teased Logan.

"What future Beta, can't keep up with a strong she-wolf?"

Logan smirked and looked at my direction.

"Oh, head warrior! We didn't even start yet. Wait and watch."

He said and raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled, agreed to him. But our moment interrupted when a

woman came and informed that I was called by Sezhiyan. I excused myself from Mithun and Logan

and went into pack house. Logan was behind my trail. I looked at him confused but he didn't respond. I

knocked on the door and got a stern 'come in' as a reply, I let myself inside the Alpha's office.


I slightly bowed as I saw a gold circle in his pupil.


His deep voice and my full name showed that it was his wolf talking to me.

"Yes, Alpha. You wanted to meet me?"

I asked him.

"Where were you last night?"

[To be continued...]

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