A Mafia’s Obsession

Chapter 12

Crystal ran as fast as her legs could carry her out of the vicinity of the boutique. She wanted to get as far away from Leonardo as possible.

Her breathing was unsteady as she pushed through the busy crowd that swarm around her like a tide, nervously hitting people and almost tripping in her steps as she scrambled to get away from Leonardo.

She kept on taking cursory glances of her surroundings especially at her back, anxiously checking if she would spot Leonardo amongst the crowds trying to get to her.

She knew by now he must have already figured out she was gone from the boutique. If not now then soon he would notice her disappearance but by then she hoped she would be far away from his hold.

Crystal had no idea where she was heading to as she pushed through the crowds.

“I’m so sorry”

“Sorry. Excuse me”

“I’m truly sorry” were the words she had been fumbling out as she pushed against people, shuffling her feets through the paved walkways.

Slowly, she began loosing her strength as she ran, her breathing becoming very heavy. She stopped for a while and her anxious eyes browsed her surroundings.

She had this feeling Leonardo was watching her, perfectly waiting for when to strike which got her doused in fear.

She truly had no idea where she was. She and her sister had barely stayed up to a year in NewYork. They had moved over to the bustling city with hopes of starting a new life after the death of their parents but it seemed fortune was not on their side.

Instead of getting what they wanted, they ended up finding themselves trying to clear their late father’s debt. Crystal despised her father and eagerly wanted to leave the horrid past he had put them through but instead she found herself struggling to clean up his mess.

Crystal then heard a low rumble. She looked up to the sky. The sky was overwhelmed by grey and navy blue clouds.

It wanted to rain.

“Fuck!”she exclaimed in anger.

The posters by the road side swayed to the rhythm of the wind as the sun fought to stay filtered through the clouds.

Crystal felt like shouting out. The sun shone in the unending bright sky earlier this morning so how did the clouds become dark and gloomy?Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nothing can ever go right in my life!”she thought to herself.

Shaky breaths escaped her lips and she kept on walking. She was sure that she had covered a great distance between her and Leonardo.

A satisfied smile spread across her face . Suddenly she felt something drop on her nose. It was wet. It was a rain drop.

It had already started drizzling slowly. Everybody began scrambling to find shelter before the real storm settled.

Crystal was utterly confused. She had no where to go and no money on her. She had to atleast keep on walking and look for shelter because by the looks of it, the storm was looming very fast.

She kept on taking multiple turns till she found herself in an alleyway. The area was literally deserted apart from a man who stood by a corner making a phone call.

Crystal felt lost. She was short of cash and she had lost her way. She wasn’t the type that liked talking to strangers but at this very moment she needed the help of anybody so she could be free from the clutches of Leonardo.

With rickety feet, Crystal walked over to him. “Excuse me sir”She politely called out.

“I’ll call you back later”he said to whoever was on the call with him and gave Crystal curious brows. “How can I help you?”

“Well i lost my way and I’m short of cash. Can you please help me?”Crystal pleaded.

He accessed her for a while as if trying to figure out if she was being genuine or fake. “Ofcourse I’ll help you”He finally said.

Crystal breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her stars. Probably there was still hope to get away from Leonardo.

The storm was already settling in with various flashes of lightening and rumbling of thunder in the foggy clouds.

The sun had totally gone into hiding leaving the torrentious clouds to take over.

“Sir please I just need about…”Crystal wasn’t allowed to the finish her sentence when he suddenly held on to her arm, grinning from ear to ear.

“I’ll give you all the money you want pretty thing” he sensually said flashing her a wide smile.

Crystal’s eyes widened and her nose wrinkled in disgust with her eyebrows twitching upwards slightly.

“I’m not interested in your offer again. Thank you”she abruptly replied before she yanked off her arm away from his hold.

She attempted to turn back but he grabbed on to her again. This time rough and swift. “Where are you going sweetheart? Let me help you”

“I don’t need your help pervert. Let me go!”Crystal spat at him, trying to release her hand from his rough hold.

He let out a bitter laugh and pulled her closer to himself. “Sweet little thing”he breathed against her.

His breath wreaked of alcohol.

Crystal felt a gag hauling up to her lungs but she pushed it back. “Let go of me you mad man!”she yelled but it got him laughing.

Crystal at once kicked him in the groins with her knee which got him wincing in pain and letting go off her. She frantically attempted to take to her heels but as clumsy as she was, she tripped and landed on the cemented ground.

“Dang!”Crystal cried out, her knee bruised slightly. The man immedately grabbed on to her one leg, shooting her a hard, death glare.

“How dare you bitch!” He grimaced as he turned red with fury.

“Let go of my leg”she scowled which earned her a painful slap on the cheek.

“Whore! I’ll deal with you I swear!”His eyes seethed with exasperation.

Crystal felt trepidation and horror course through her like powetful waves of the ocean. She was in deep trouble now and she knew nobody would come to her aid.

It was already raining and she was partly drenched under the rain.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered Leonardo. She began wishing for Leonardo to appear which she knew it was impossible noticing how far she was from the boutique.

The man immedately pulled out a silver dagger from behind his pocket, his hard glare placed on Crystal as he took a fistful of her hair.

Crystal felt the air seize around her. For a moment she couldn’t breathe and she didn’t know how to react.

Would she die this way?

“Watch what I do to you bitch!”He yelled, raising the dagger up as Crystal screamed in fear.

“Let go off her now”came the baritone voice that dared to interrupt the ordeal.

Crystal recognised that voice anywhere. She whipped her head back the same time the man glanced up.

It was Leonardo.

She couldn’t be more happier to see him right now but from the look of things he wasn’t happy to see her. Instead in his eyes, had a baleful look infused in them. She knew that look well enough. It spoke off raw, bloody, threatening anger.

His jaws were clenching and unclenching so also his fists which were balled up.

“You better leave here man!”the other man grimaced as he roughly pulled Crystal up from the ground and placed the dagger on her throat.

Crystal flinched and quaked. She wanted to run away from Leonardo but got into a more dangerous situation.

Now a knife was placed on her throat.

“Don’t you come any closer”the man threatened Leonardo. If only he knew who Leonardo was, the nature of the human standing in front of him.

“Or else what?”Leonardo replied, unfazed by his threat.

“Else you die and she dies”

Crystal gulped and shook her head in panic. “I don’t want to die please. I didn’t do anything to you” She pleaded.

“Shut the fuck up!”He growled by her ear causing her to jerk and shiver.

Leonardo gave a false chuckle and turned his back, as if walking away from both of them.

She became jaws dropped. Wouldn’t he save her?

“Leonardo!”She called out with tears streaking down her cheeks.

The man gave a breathy laugh. “You are all mine princess. Nobody can save you”

This couldn’t be happening.

Leonardo was literally walking away for her. “Didn’t he come here to save me?” Crystal thought to herself.

She cried out the more but in an instant Leonardo turned towards them, his blue cold eyes more deadlier than before.

In his hand, held a gun, swirling around his slender finger as if it was a toy.

Crystal felt her face lit up and she sniffed.

“He wouldn’t leave me”

She had never been so happy to see Leonardo.

“The Fuck!”the man exclaimed, astonished by the gun in Leonardo’s hand.

“Now again, Let her go” Leonardo ordered, cocking the gun and pointing it precisely at the man.

He gritted his teeth and tightened his hold on Crystal. He wasn’t going down without a fight.

“Come any closer and I slit her beautiful throat open with my dagger”he threatened.

Leonardo huffed. “You wouldn’t dare”

Before the man could make a reply, Leonardo pulled the trigger.

No sound was made but the man slowly let go of Crystal and fell back to the ground, blood gushing from his forehead.

It was a silencer.

Crystal stared at Leonardo in blank amazement.

The downpour had already begun and they both stood under the rain in the deserted alleyway. Her dress stuck to her body and she stood glued to the spot, terrified of what Leonardo would do to her.

“Follow me now!”His voice boomed.

She need not to be told. She hurriedly walked over to him.

He yanked her hands roughly leading her out of the alleyway.

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