A Game Of Temptation


Over the past few days, I had launched an operation.


Aim: To get him to open his eyes, pull his head out of his ass-or whichever idiom best suited the situation-and face the truth that he still wanted me. I was right there for the taking; all he had to do was take.

I’ll tell you how it’s been so far.

Day 1: Short sundress with nothing underneath.

Alex spent a huge part of his day in the kitchen-it wasn’t news that he ate alot-and a lot of people might find it weird that I had already showered as early as 6am-believe me, I did too-but I have never found it in me to give a quarter of a fuck about what people had to say, which was exactly why I was bold enough to walk into the kitchen in my short sundress, making it very obvious that I’d had my bath, and sat at the island to have my breakfast.

I didn’t need to have eyes at the back of my head to know that Alex did a double-take when he saw me, eyes lingering on specific areas of my body. And by specific areas, I meant my tits-I wasn’t wearing a bra which meant the outline of my nipples could be seen through the gown, oops-and my almost bare thighs.

After very obviously eye-fucking me, he’d looked away like I hadn’t caught him, poured himself coffee and walked out of there like all was right in the world. His world, at least, because mine was burning in anger that I hadn’t gotten more than that reaction out of him.

But I wasn’t bothered, nope. It wasn’t the end.

I’d made sure to pretend to reach for things that were far higher than my hand could reach in the kitchen that day, but only when I saw him around. I didn’t want to accidentally flash any of the other guys.

Now, that would be awkward.

Wait, why would that be awkward?

Hadn’t I planned to flirt with his friends when we got here simply to piss him off? So was the idea to flirt with them now suddenly wrong when I thought about it?

…And the scariest thing was that it wast just his friends. The idea to flirt with any other man apart from him didn’t seem so appealing anymore. What the fuck was that?Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Maybe it was just because I hadn’t been in the position to flirt with anyone else lately, so I decided to push it out of my mind.

Now, back to the operation.

Day 2: Short skin-tight long-sleeved gown.

The green gown ended mid-thigh and the colour complimented my newly acquired tan beautifully. I looked hot. I knew-I’d looked in the mirror.

We’d gone to the club that night and can you guess what happened? No? Okay, I’ll tell you.

I’d been innocently dancing with Balery, of course, when a guy had come from behind me and slipped his hand around my waist. At first, I’d been about three seconds away from telling him to back-off but then I remembered that I had a plan and that was just harmless dancing, right? It wouldn’t lead anywhere.

So I’d danced with him, keeping my eyes locked on Alex-who, I could tell from the distance, was very very pissed as he watched us-as I grinded on him. A muscle kept ticking in his clenched jaw as he watched the guy spin me around and dip his hand to my ass. I’d put a bit of space between me and the guy then, but Alex hadn’t know that.

Alex watched us for all of ten minutes before whatever control he’d had left had snapped and he’d stormed towards us, ripped me out of the guy’s arms and pulled me along with him to the ladies’ restroom without a single care that he was a man standing in a women’s restroom. I hadn’t cared either but then again I didn’t care about most things.

This was how our argument had gone:

“Care to tell me why the hell you’re dancing with a random guy out there?”

“Care to tell me why the hell you dragged me in here to question me about something that’s absolutely none of your business?”

“One-you have no idea how wrong you are. It is my fucking business. Two-you wouldn’t have let me ‘drag’ you in here if you didn’t really want to follow.”

I’d sputtered for a moment, conceding that he was right, damnit. If I really hadn’t want to go with him, I’d have forced my hand out of his and Alex would have let me go without a moment’s hesitation.

Taking advantage of my very obvious confusion, he’d crowded me, backing me up against the wall until he had been the only thing I could think of. His scent had been the only thing I could inhale and I had never wanted him to kiss me more in my entire life.

Then he’d dipped his head and whispered into my ear, “If you let another man touch you tonight, Laura…” he’d trailed off, leaving the threat hanging. “If I so much as see another man put his hands on you, I’ll break it. And you wouldn’t be able to sleep with a clear conscience because you would know that its your fucking fault that the man can no longer use his hands.”

When we’d moved back outside to meet the others, I’d stuck to my drinks, unable to help myself as I’d stolen glances at him from time to time.

Day 3: Bikini-Two-piece.

We had all decided to sit out under the sun, have a lazy day in the water and under my cover-up, my two piece had been sexy. Alex had stolen glances at me and I, too, had stolen glances at him. He’d been wearing shorts and a white T-shirt that just made him look all shades of sexy.

One time when everyone had gone into the water-well, except me and Alex-I’d struck a pose that would pushed my boobs out and made my hips pop. He’d been staring at me the entire time so he didn’t miss that little action.

Taking that as my cue to push him more over the edge, I’d grabbed the material of my top and dragged it to the slide slowly. An inch of skin bared, then another, and another, and another, until my nipple slid free and made an appearance under the afternoon sun.

Alex had been unable to hold back his groan and when I’d heard it, I’d taken that as victory and happily slid my top back in place, smiling up at the sun.

I’d decided to go back inside earlier than the others and when I’d seen Alex stand up along with me, I knew that the others would probably assume that we were going to fuck-I didn’t care.

Knowing that he was beside me, I’d put an extra sway in my hips just to make my ass jiggle faster but I’d also forgotten that I’d just stepped out of the water and that my feet were wet, and before I knew it, my foot slipped on the floor and my hand shot out to catch myself but there was nothing to hold on to. My face had frozen into a mask of terror as I proceeded to face-plant on the floor but by some miracle, before I could reach, something snagged around my waist.

Not something-an arm.

A strong arm snagged around my waist and pulled me back up and suddenly, I had not been face-planting anymore.

I’d stared at him. He’d stared at me.

We’d stared at each other as I’d replayed the whole thing in my head, and you would probably expect me to be embarrassed-I’d thought so too-but the only sound that had come out of my mouth had been laughter. A full bodied laughter that had me doubting over and gripping my stomach.

After a few seconds, Alex had joined me in laughter and that was the last day I’d tried to seduce him.

It didn’t seem to be working anyway and naturally, I hated wasting my time.

It sucked, but putting effort into something only for it to come out futile was exhausting.

Back to the present now, I was sitting cross legged on my bed, my bottom lip pulled into my mouth and my teeth digging into it as I typed back a response to an email I’d gotten of a fellow lingerie company wanting to do a collab with mine.

I knew them. They were very popular, and if they were interested in running a collab with me, then I would accept them with open arms and that was what I was relaying to them in the email right now. They had more social media following than I did which would mean more exposure for my brand.

To be honest, I was excited.

My fingers didn’t stop moving even when I heard a knock on the door. Knowing that it had to be none other than Balery, I told her to come in.

“Hey, are you busy?” Came a deep voice.

I paused and looked up, surprised to see a body that was far bigger and taller than Balery’s, and a face that was definitely not her’s. No, this body was bigger, taller, sexier-no offence to Balery-and made my heart quicken faster than Balery’s had ever made it-and also for another reason.

Covering my laptop a bit, I said, “No, what’s up?”

“I was…” Alex’s eyes darted to the side for a second before coming back to rest on mine. Was he nervous? “I was wondering if…fuck. Would you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”


“Why would you…” Now it was my turn to fidget and push my hair away from my face with slightly shaky hands. “Why dinner?”

He shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “It would be our last night in Miami. You really don’t want to spend it in the house.”

It wasn’t a question.

It was a statement because it was the truth.

Tomorrow was our last night in Miami and I would really like to experience night life in the city one last time before I left.

How thoughtful of Alex.

“Sure,” I shrugged as if it was no big deal, when in truth it was.

He nodded, already taking a step towards the door. “Okay. Be ready by eight.” Shooting a smile my way-a smile that had me sighing out because of its sexiness-he backed out of the room.

Oh, God. Oh, God. I was going out with-

Wait. It wasn’t a date, right?

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