A billionaire’s kiss


“Get out”


“Get out and push the car”

“Me?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes you”

I blinked rapidly, staring at him as if he had grown two heads. Seeing my frozen state, Ian raised his brows. “Now”

I stayed put and scowled.

“Please” He smiled.

“You bastard” I cursed and furiously got out from the car.

Heavy rain came pouring down on me, drenching my clothes and my hair. Puddles of water hit my skin like irked drops of silver, soaking me wet from top to bottom. I put a hand over my head and quickened my pace to the back of the car, careful enough not to slip and fall in my heels.

As I was about to remove my heels to start pushing the car, the wind whipped up into a frenzy, dragging me across the car trunk cover.

I quickly got my grip back and removed my heels, standing on barefoot.

“Push” Ian’s voice barked and that only angered me more.

“Shut up” I shouted and began pushing the car as he ignited the engine.

The clouds raced across the sky, thrumming with charged energy. The streaming shrouds of clouds coiled and writhed and then an unearthly caterwauling filled the air.

“Fuck!” I hastily put back on my heels and stormed to the front of the car, pounding on Ian’s window with my fists.

Ian rolled down the window and then flinched as the wind carried the water inside. Asshole.

“You do it” I shouted, my voice muffled by the heavy rain.

“Just do it again”

“No” I shouted angrily. “You push and I’ll start the engine”

Ian pursed his lips, contemplating on the idea for a while, then groaned and got out. As he did rain poured down on him, drenching him wet, droplets of water dripping down his long lashes. He muttered a curse under his breath and strode to the back of the car.

As he started pushing I quickly climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine.

But the car wouldn’t start.

“Again” I shouted to Ian and ignited the engine but failed again.

After the third try Ian came and opened my door. “Come”

“What now?”

“Let’s find somewhere to sleep”

My forehead creased. “What nonsense are you uttering?”

“Just get out” Ian grabbed my arm and pulled me out. Then he bent in and took his wallet and phone before closing the door.

“How are we going to find someplace to sleep in middle of nowhere?”

“I checked in Google maps. There’s a motel nearby”


“Just follow me” Ian locked the car and walked straight ahead.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.


I ran after him and we walked in the rain for a good two miles before seeing a small two story building with words Motel flashing in neon colours.

“Two miles is not nearby” I grumbled.

“We didn’t walk two miles”

“We did”

“No we didn’t. You’re just assuming because you’re exhausted”

I scowled at him and huffed angrily before racing to the motel. I heard Ian heave a sigh before following me inside.

I ran straight to the counter and leaned against it.

“We need rooms. As in plural, rooms” I said loud and clear. “Don’t say you only have one room. I know you have many” I flashed a smile.

The woman behind the counter stared at me with a frown. “Yes young lady we have rooms. As in plural, rooms. But-”

“Oh good good. Can I have the keys? This guy here will pay” I pointed to Ian, who was standing next to me, his neck craned up as he observed the mold growth on the ceiling.

“But-” The woman repeated in a more louder tone, exaggerating on the word. “It’s not good for a young lady like you to stay in a single room”

I frowned. “Why is that?”

“Look at my other customers” The woman nudged her chin towards the group of people standing at the bottom of the staircase.

They were bulky men with tattooes and piercings. Most of them were smoking and the others were heavily drunk, swaying to both sides in bleary. They were laughing loudly, showing all their missing teeth. Hands covered in leather gloves, gold chains around their necks.

“It’s safe for you to stay with the man you just came in with instead of finding those men barging into your room knowing you’re alone”

“But-” I opened my mouth to argue but Ian shot me a warning look.

“We’ll take one room” Ian said and took his wallet out to pay.

After the payment was done the woman gave us two towels and the key to our room. Then Ian held my hand and started dragging me towards the staircase, his grip tightening with every step he took. As we approached, the men spotted me and started catcalling.

“Who’s this beauty?” A drunk man licked his lips.

“Come with us” Another whistled.

Ian pulled me closer possessively and scowled at the men, his eyes blazing with fury. He strode straight up the staircase and I had to run to catch up with him.

We found our room at the end of the hall and Ian unlocked it, opening the door to a small room with just a bed and a towel rack. The cream coloured walls were cracked, drops of water dripping down in the left corner from a leakage, the windows barely had any curtains and one glass of the window was shattered, blowing the rain in.

I sauntered inside but Ian stood still at the threshold, looking at the room in disgust.

“Come in” I called.

“I can’t believe I’m going to spend a night here” Ian let out frustrated sigh and walked in, closing the door behind him.

I tossed him a towel and started drying my hair with the other. “What are we gonna wear? Our clothes are wet”

“You can wear my shirt. Only my waistcoat and suit jacket are wet”

I blinked. What did he say?

“Uhh-” I hesitated, feeling awkward. “Your shirt?”

“Any problem?” Ian asked as he ruffled his wet hair.

“Yes” I exclaimed. “How can I wear your shirt?”

Ian glanced down at me. “I don’t want you to catch cold by sleeping in your wet clothes. So my shirt is the best option”

“What about you?”

“I’ll wear something”

“Like what?”

“My boxers”

“Uh-i-” I stuttered and Ian raised his brows questioningly.

“Any problem?”

“You’ll be almost naked in front of me”

“I don’t wanna catch cold either. So I’m fine with being almost naked”

I scoffed. Who asked if he’s fine? But he gotta point though. “Fine” I raised my chin and took a deep breath. “You wear boxers”

Ian nodded and began taking off his black suit jacket and waistcoat, revealing a white shirt underneath. His strong muscles strained against the fabric at his forearms and biceps, his broad shoulders and firm chest hardening his appearance making it impossible for me to wrench my gaze away.

He was the definition of handsome. My gosh. I think I’m going to pass out.

“Don’t pass out”

“What?” I glanced at him.

“You said it out loud”

My eyes widened. “I did? My gosh, I’m feeling embarrassed for myself”

“I know right. I felt the second hand embarrassment”

I shot him a glare and Ian chuckled. He unfastened the buttons of his shirt exposing his toned body. His muscles rippled as shrugged off the shirt, veins of his arms bulging at the movement. A drop of water trickled down his neck to his chest, slowly moving down to the naval and then disappearing inside his pants. Damn.

Wtf Hailey!!! Control yourself woman.

I quickly wrenched my gaze away and cleared my throat, feeling a blush creep up my face. “It’s will be cold for you on the floor. I’ll give you a sheet”

“Who’s sleeping on the floor?” Ian asked as he tossed me his shirt.

“You, obviously”

Ian scoffed in disbelief. “I’m not gonna sleep on the floor”

“Then where am I gonna sleep?” I asked incredulously.

“On the bed”

I gasped in shock. “With you?”

“Yes with me”

“No” I whined.

“Fine. Then you can sleep on the floor with the insects. See-” Ian pointed to the foot of the towel rack. “There’s a cockroach there. You can join it if you want to”

I blinked dumbfounded, staring at the cockroach. I think I like Ian better than insects.

Do I?

“Go to the bathroom and get dressed. I’m changing here” He began unbuckling his belt.

“Ahhhh stop!” I screamed and quickly closed my eyes. “Wait till I go to the bathroom. Don’t you dare drop your pants”

I sprinted towards the bathroom in a hurry, stumbling on my steps several times and I heard Ian’s soft chuckle fill the room before I closed the door behind me.

I changed out of my wet clothes into Ian’s white shirt, which surprisingly fell down to my thighs, covering my butt. I was 5’8 so didn’t think it was possible but Ian was a good six inches taller than me and it worked for the better at the moment.

After changing, I slowly walked out into the dark room that had it’s lights turned off, thunder roaring across the sky, rain drumming against the window. Streaks of lighting illuminated the sky and it assisted me in the dark as I tip toed my way to the bed.

Ian was sleeping on the other side of the bed, facing the wall, his shoulders rising and falling as he breathed. I bit my lips anxiously and slowly slid under the covers, turning away from him.

Please be morning quickly.

Then I felt a strong arm circle around my waist, pulling me against a warm chest.

I gasped.

“Stay still” Ian’s husky voice whispered in my ear, his lips grazing my ear lobe.

“W-what are you doing?” I stuttered.

Ian nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent. “It’s cold” He murmured against my skin.

“Don’t use that as an excuse-” I paused as I felt Ian trail soft kisses down my neck. He sucked on the tender skin and my eyes slowly fluttered close at the sensation he managed to build inside me. Involuntarily I angled my neck, giving him more access. I felt him smile against my skin. “I would love to but this time I’m genuinely cold”

At that, my eyes shot open realising what was going on. Before I could curse him Ian landed a soft kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight fiance” He whispered in a husky tone and nuzzled his head in my neck before closing his eyes.

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